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Things and people you miss...

Uncle Joe

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  • 1 month later...

i miss my daughter... she did the suicide thing 13 years ago... they say time heals all wounds..NOT TRUE!!! it just keeps getting worse. i miss her laugh, her silly self, her hugs and kisses. i can never hold her again, like when she was an innocent little thing. why do some people have to live with so many sorrows??? love and peace

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Time heals nothing ... only you can .

We all miss what went before ; family , friends , good times that seem like they'll never come again . It's just the way life is . Take it well or poorly , but there really is no alternative . I can see that peace of heart is a choice you've considered ; please try it as best you can .

... and a happy birthday to Elvish's dad .

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  • 2 months later...

Excellent first post, Miss Blue! I miss those things, too.

I am now singing "Jackie Blue" in my head. Thanks, sister. :laughing:

And welcome to Songfacts!

Edited by Guest
In my excitement over such a great post, I forgot the obligatory welcome to Jackie Blue. Forgive my zeal...'twas an honest mistake. Stop harassing me about every little thing I change in posts. Can't a sister breathe easy around this piece? Sheesh.
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That was a nice list, Jackie.

Even in the UK, The Banana Splits was staple viewing for kids in the early 70s. I bought a scruffy old Splits video for my kids, which they enjoy too.

"The Little Rascals": was that a black & white show about a gang of kids, one of whom had a very distinctive something-or-other about his hair (a sticky-up bit)? My memories of that are fond, if a little vague. I'd be delighted to be reminded of a little more detail.

Minnie Riperton. "Loving You" is a beautiful song, an all-time favourite of mine. Coincidentally, I listened to it only the day before yesterday. My brother and I were listening to a compilation tape he made for his partner Eloisa who died last week. So that song, coupled with the fact that both Eloisa and Minnie Riperton were taken away so young, is particularly poignant right now. :(

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Steady on with the gags, Kevin. The guy just lost his wife to cancer. He's boarding a plane as we speak to return her ashes to the country of her birth and to her grieving family. I attended her cremation yesterday morning. :(

But since you ask, I have two brothers, both older than me. The brother in question is a man of temperate character, not given to outbursts of impotent rage, frustration or excessive emotion of any sort. He is a qualified fitter, strangely enough, and has been employed as such in his time. But not as a fitter of blinds. He is neither visually-impaired nor prone to convulsions. Enough detail for you? :shades:

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"The Little Rascals": was that a black & white show about a gang of kids, one of whom had a very distinctive something-or-other about his hair (a stick-up bit)? My memories of that are fond, if a little vague. I'd be delighted to be reminded of a little more detail.

Alfalfa and Buckwheat had the crazy hair. Alfalfa had a gigantic cow lick on the back of his head, and Buckwheat had a giant wild afro-type do. The main gang was Spanky, Alfalfa, Darla and Petey the dog. Other characters were the aforementioned Buckwheat, who either replaced or was replaced by Stymie. Froggie was another key member of the gang. I can't remember them all, though. There was a Jackie, I believe. They started the He-Man Woman Hater's Club. I loved the show.

And sorry for your loss, B-F. My condolences to your family, and especially your brother.

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