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Blue Fish

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About Blue Fish

  • Birthday 06/04/1989

Blue Fish's Achievements


dolphin (14/19)



  1. I might be moving place agin soon!! For the third time in two months....
  2. I would have laced the beer with laxatives....
  3. My friend just drew my RPC!! I love her soooo much for it!! It cost, but it was only online money so thats okay....and it good!
  4. Eeeeeuugh peppermint tea to sooth the ol' tummy...
  5. Rowntree's fruit pastilles....eugh I think I've eaten to many but it's a matter of pride now, I WILL finish this packet even if it kills me...
  6. I know its about three weeks old.... A cup of soup. Not sure if I'm drinking or eating....
  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your pet Lea....I know what I was like when my first pony had to be put down. It's not like they could just give him an injection eatiher it was a shot in the head. I couldn't stay with him while they did it, the hurt was to bad but I could still hear the gun shot. I was only about nine or ten.....maybe thats partly why I hate guns? The DWP (department for work and pensions) kept me on hold for 15 minutes before I got through. It's okay though, I wanted someone else to chat for me to them and said I needed to go get them so please wait, sat down had my lunch and half an hour later put to guy on the phone who was sitting opposite me. That'll teach 'em to put me on hold....then they said I had to ring various people to get them to send them letters when on my form (which I swear they didn't read) I explained my fear of talking on the phone...
  8. I can't listen to Tim's show because of my new daliy rota. Only allowed online from 10-12..........Opps. Gotta go....12:20. I think I suppost to be having God time now. I CAN'T FIND ME NEW ROTA! I'll adlib it and see if I get it right....
  9. I LOLed then the image came to my mind......*____*
  10. Ever let one lose on the high-way? HEAVEN for Whippits...running here there and everywhere, spoilt for choice!
  11. Sin with Sebastian- F*** you I am in love.....All 32 secounds of it....*feels ripped off* And now.... Madness-Driveing in my Car
  12. Ah Car chases...the marathon for whippits....
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