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Controversy Over Afghanistan Remarks


Basically he made a mention that (seemed to) justify the military actions in Afghanistan with the need to protect economic interests. Later he claimed that he didn't mean Afghanistan, but the eg the piracy protection at the horn of Africa.

Nevertheless he felt the criticism "Lacks the Necessary Respect for his Office"

(note that the President in Germany mainly has ceremonial duties, no real political power like the Chancellor)

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Oh ok, when you said President resigning I was thinking something as important in Germany as it would be if Obama stepped down here. So the chancellor is the executive head of state and the president is something like the monarchy in the UK? Systems of government in other countries always interest me.

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So the chancellor is the executive head of state and the president is something like the monarchy in the UK? Systems of government in other countries always interest me.

exactly, the chancellor (currently Angela Merkel) is the head of the government, like a "prime minister"... they get elected by the Bundestag (parliament), which in turn is elected by the general populace, so that's quite different from the US system.

The president is really like a modern monarch, eg in the UK. They actually appoint the chancellor and the ministers (like the secretaries in the USA), and sign all the bills and laws, but mostly all ceremonial. eg it's rare that they actually make comments about the day-to-day politics or specific decisions by the government, but more about the general course the country should go and stuff like that

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The poor sweet Peachlette has a stomach virus. I've never seen so much barf in my life.

You don't have to worry until she speaks in Latin and turns her head all the way around. If that happens, have her take a young priest and an old priest, and call me in the morning.

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I should have been a painter as I was supposed to be. I would be living in a 33th floor with cats and turpentine surrounding me. And I would smoke and do other stuff.

But I'm a housewife working 7 hours a day instead...

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