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Yo, y'all, chimpie is cool, but I kinda like Mr. Evil :beady: My ma actually hung the chimpie on me when I was a little odd lookin thing, then I adopted chimpevil as my persona later on when I was a goofball in high school. :: But now I'm a good-lookin knockout (if you like em dark! :afro:), so whatever you wanna call me don't phase me. :: :: ::


Well, chimpie, I think it's because you're African American, that people may be uneasy with the term "chimp", feeling it will be percieved as a derogatory term towards you, even though it's not.

Chimpie seems more like a nickname, though. Like somebody you grew up with on your block, Chubby, Skip, or something like that. I actually grew up with a guy we called Booger, cause he always had a finger up his nose. Also, there was a guy named Trig, because he was doing trigonometry by the 4th grade. He graduated when he was 12, I think.

Anyway, now I've lost my train of thought... :doh:


Your wild as hell, jr =:P And how did you know that there was a Booger on my block! (We need a gremlin with a finger up his nose for this occasion!) But Chimpie ain't my nickname in life--people most of the time call me Baby Cool (psych!!) No, what I was trying to get across was that for the purpose of this board, you don't have to sweat what you call me and I most certainly ain't gonna be offended if you call me by the name I'm callin myself. (Did someone say last call?!) Damn, now I lost my train of thought (and along about now, it's on a pretty short track ::)

Peace to all you :coolio: people



Well, chimpie, I think it's because you're African American, that people may be uneasy with the term "chimp", feeling it will be percieved as a derogatory term towards you, even though it's not.

Actually I felt funny calling him chimp because anytime I think of a primate it reminds me of "Planet of the Apes" and the whole "damned dirty ape" thing. Mr. Evil seems too cool to call a "damned dirty ape"...nothing to do with stereotypes. ::


I love chimp's name because it reminds me of a story my granddad udes to tell me with the main character being a naughty little monkey called Chimpy. Aaaah, fond memories :: He's not doing too well though, he did turn 90 this year! I miss home :(


Hello Chimp. I thought I'd introduce myself. I am married, have a daughter and my musical taste runs mostly pop/rock, though I'm open to pretty much anything. I joined the forum to learn more about music and in particular new music and I'm having a great time!

Everyone on here is fun and witty and even if you have nothing to contribute to a thread, it's fun to read what they have to say.

Just be warned, you will become addicted!


Hello, Chimpie! I'm a little late on the intro, but I've been a bit busy lately and not posting as much as usual. Anyway, I'm Crystal but you can call me Elvish. My favorite music is blues, but classic rock is a close second. I could name some of my favorites, but we'd be here a while.

Enjoy the boards - it's true, they are addictive. (Internet crack - but don't tell Miamisammy!) :jester:


Howdy all! Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Lisa, but I guess I'm known as "the K-tel Chick" by most folks who are record collectors and music geeks, like me. I have a little homage to those often-condensed compilation albums of the 60's-'80's: K-tel Classics Anyway, just wanted to say howdy and look forward to waxing poetic about songs and such!


I guess I'm known as "the K-tel Chick" by most folks who are record collectors and music geeks, like me. I have a little homage to those often-condensed compilation albums of the 60's-'80's:

My favorite was "Goofy Greats".

:afro: :afro: :afro:


Chimp you really hate the Cards? I mean during the regular season yeah I understand that, but when you guys are lookin good we appreciate it. St Louis was seriously supporting the cubs last year. I think we have a good healthy rivalry. We take the train to Chicago to watch cubs-cards games. Us midwesterners gotta stick together.


Sorry, I'm an evil, ignorant chimpie, windy! :beady: (after all, I'm from Gary! ::) Though I guess hate is a strong word, and I know that a lotta St Louie people were givin the Cubs props last year (though I could almost hear the snickering when whatshisface interfered and the Cubs tanked--c'mon, be honest, windy, didn't you like that just a little, teeny-weeny bit?) But I've worked in St. Lou and like the people (but don't try to get me up on that arch thing--chimpie is dead afraid of heights! :puppyeyes:). And, after all, windy, my man,(who was the first to greet me on this site--chimpie never forgets :thumbsup:), it is only a game! (Until the Cubbies and Cards play next season at least!) (And BTW, that Yogi quote is funny as hell. :coolio:)


Thanks for the tip, jr!, my man! (you're a guy, right? yeah, dave, cool--you never know these days. ::) Guess I should kinda maybe, you know, click on the profile before I change a person's gender, huh what do you think? :o (But, between you and me, jr, and I don't wanna, you know, offend you, but don't you think your girl is kinda frightening--she looks just like Keith Richard! :laughing:)


You must be still celebratin though, dude! (you're a guy, right? yeah, evan, cool.) I mean totally impressive--eight in a row in one postseason (includin 4 in a row to the hated steinies, whoa!) is that a record do ya know? Whatever, major props, and drink a glass of bubbly for me! :thumbsup:


Hi, HD, it's always nice to see you :: I don't like the Packers this year because they've killed me on my pools (not that I gamble on football or anything!) But didn't know Brett Favre was popular on Betelgeuse :coolio: See you soon, love.

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