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JP 2 We Love You!


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Shirts, banners, pins, they all have this saying on it. John Paul two, maybe the most popular pope to date. From dealing with youth, to dealing with people in worse condition than him. He has stayed faithful through all of his illnesses. He now has a Feeding Tube. I can guarantee that they wont take it out of him. Just like they shouldnt have taken it out of Terry. Pray, Hope, and have Faith.

I know most of you arent christian, and so far as i can tell, im the only practicing Catholic.

What do you guys think of my faithful leader?

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I hope he recovers, but it's not going to happen. This man is dying, and as he is pretty much the highest authority on this Earth for the Catholic faith (and many others), he shouldn't have any fear of death and hopefully will go peacefully when his time is here.

I don't agree with alot of the things he says...contraception, abortion, etc. At the end of the day he's just a human being like everyone else...

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While I am not a Catholic nor particularly religious (I believe in God I just don't have much time for organized religion), I admire the Pope. Although I don't agree with his position on some issues, he is a kind, decent man and I hope he recovers from this latest illness . If he doesn't, I hope he goes peacefully.

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Yes, he is stubborn though, ill tell you that. He can look death in the face. He probably looks forward to going to heaven. You know hes goin lol. But, as i watch the TV in these last hours of his life. I wonder whats goin through his head. He refused to go to the hospital. Everything is getting worse. I feel bad, and yes, ill cry if he passes.

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Hmm...that may be tradition, but that is just awful.

I don't mean to sound vulgar, but do they chill the room? Bodies don't take long to start the decomposing process...

Sorry if that offended anyone Just very curious...

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Lol, they dont hit him with a hammer.

Today they had the procession to St. Peters Basilica for his Body to be put on display there.

I think they embalmed him a little bit. I know he is left out for 9 days though.

Now, what they wont release, is where he is gonna be buried. Krakow or The Vatican.

God Bless.

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Ah sorry, I misunderstood what you meant.

He's lying in State at St. Peter's Basilica until Friday morning, where he will then be buried in the Crypt at the Basilica with the prevoius Popes.

He didn't leave a will, or any wishes for how/where he wanted to be buried.

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