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no, he's only out 'til friday. then they have the funeral.

after that comes a nine day mourning period, and then they start the conclave of cardinals to choose the new pope.

my guess is they're burying him in the Vatican, under the Basilica, along with all the other pontiffs. i think it'd be nice if they buried him in Krakow, though. after all, it's his native land.

Paul, was anyone around where you live upset? because around here, it seemed like i was the only one remotely shaken. everyone else just sort of carried on as usual. maybe it's just me...

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Pope to be buried April 8

By Philip Pullella and Crispian Balmer

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope John Paul will be buried in St. Peter's Basilica on April 8, Catholic cardinals have decided as they begin to plan the Church's future after the death of the man who led it for a quarter century.

The funeral was expected to draw the greatest tide of pilgrims and heads of state to the Vatican in its history, drawn by the charisma of the Pope who took his message to more nations than any predecessor in two millennia.

John Paul's body was to be transferred to the towering basilica for public viewing later on Monday, first passing through St. Peter's Square, below the room where he died after prolonged illness.

"It scares me to see a dead body but this is our Pope and I have to say goodbye," said Roberto Comelli, who had spent all night at St. Peter's Square to be among the first to see the Polish Pontiff's remains.

The red-hatted cardinals met for the first time since John Paul's death on Saturday and began deliberations that will culminate in the choice of a new pope, signalled by white smoke out of the Sistine Chapel's chimney.

The senior churchmen decided that the elaborate funeral rites would be held on Friday, April 8 at 10 a.m. (9 a.m. British time). U.S. President George W. Bush will be among close to 200 world leaders to attend.

Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls confirmed that the Pope will be buried under the basilica, as is customary for deceased pontiffs, dismissing speculation that John Paul had expressed a wish to be interred in his native Poland.

The first of hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who are expected to file past John Paul's corpse will be able to pay their respects starting on Monday evening.

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no, he's only out 'til friday. then they have the funeral.

after that comes a nine day mourning period, and then they start the conclave of cardinals to choose the new pope.

my guess is they're burying him in the Vatican, under the Basilica, along with all the other pontiffs. i think it'd be nice if they buried him in Krakow, though. after all, it's his native land.

Paul, was anyone around where you live upset? because around here, it seemed like i was the only one remotely shaken. everyone else just sort of carried on as usual. maybe it's just me...

Non Catholics were not affected at all. Just another guy to them. But, alot of my Catholic friends including me, cried. I respected the Pope for loving the Youth the way he does. He created World Youth Day, and now, we are not sure if we are continuing it.

Im still a little shaken, scared for who the next pope will be, and what he will be like. Hopefully God will help the Cardinals make the right choice.

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I'm very touched by your Posts. I'm a practising Catholic, and try to be a practising Christian too. I'm saddened by his death, but I find it hard to mourn for him - I prefer to think like Benita, that he is with God, the Saints, and his Family and having the time of his (spiritual) life. I don't understand Eternity - it makes my head spin - but I believe. I'd sleep in Sunday mornings if I didn't.

John Paul II was a Holy man who recognised and abhorred evil practices, but didn't condemn people and forgave them. Who does that sound like? I think his Successor needs more prayers than he does. Personally I think the new Pope will come from a "Third World" country.

Strange how some people think we worship the Papacy. We respect the Pope as the Vicar Of Christ - His representative on Earth. Because a man is elected Pope he suddenly doesn't grow wings. I don't have much time for Religions who think the Pope is the Anti-Christ, or whatever.

Paul and Lisa, don't worry about the election of the new Pope. God will guide the Cardinals to making the right choice.

Peace be with you All. Darryl

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On this day in the History of the World Pope John Paul the Great has been Laid To Rest in St. Peters Basilica. He is with his Brothers now.

On this day also, a man named Karol Wojtyla has been laid to rest. John Paul 2 was human, he was not a superhero, he was not invincible, nor did he look at himself as a special man.

This has changed my life, and my faith forever. This funeral was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. I felt as if i was there. Tearing up, the bell tolls for him. He is in nothing but a pine pentagon shaped box. "Poor in the eyes of the world, but today, the richest man on earth!" Sound Familiar. Its a WONDERFUL life!

I must apologize for my random thoughts of this. I am amazed of how this all went over. I am filled with sadness and happiness at the same time. I want to jump for joy yet cry in fear at the same time.

But, i will hold back. I will do what he wanted me to do.

"Teach the Youth" "They are your future"

I must teach myself and others. Please do the same. I know alot of you arent very spiritual. I just really feel like you guys are my family. And, ive never been so serious. Im so young, and you guys seem to know so much. Thankyou for all your support and understanding. Thankyou for opening your minds and hearts through all of this.

PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

In HIS Name...

Peace in Christ and JP2.

Regards.....Paul Joseph Titus Dube


Ioannes Paulus PP. II

16.X.1978 - 2.IV.2005

Karol Józef Wojtyla

18.V.1920 - 2.IV.2005

All You Want To Know about HIM!

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