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CanAm last won the day on September 5 2015

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About CanAm

  • Birthday 03/17/1958

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  1. Kudos to you Jenny. In today's world we are bombarded with negative news. It's so easy to become jaded and cynical. But you are making lemonade out of lemons. Good for you. I was laid off work 3 months ago ( atemporary situation, I hope), but after about a month of feeling sorry for myself, I've started exercising more and doingsome volunteer work for local charities. I certainly feel better now.
  2. Concussion. 8/10 Based on a true story, the movie stars Will Smith as Dr. Bennet Omalu, a Pittsburgh pathologist who performs an autopsy on former Pittsburgh Steelers player Mike Webster. Omalu discovers that Webster was suffering from severe neurological deterioration caused by repeated blows to the head suffered as a result of his football career. He calls the condition Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) and publishes his findings in a medical journal. From there, the movie becomes a true David vs. Goliath story. The NFL tries to discredit Omalu by impugning his expertise, conclusions and even his motives. They even involve the FBI by having two agents threaten him with deportation to his native Nigeria. However, as a result of Omalu's persistence and dedication, the NFL is eventually forced to adopt more rigorous concussion protocols. The movie is very well acted. David Morse's brief performance as Mike Webster is excellent and heartbreaking. The movie is simultaneously uplifting and depressing. If you see it, you'll understand why. I thoroughly recommend it.
  3. A slap in the face, however, for all the loyal fans in St. Louis.
  4. I happened to be listening to a Rick Wakeman performance on you tube about 2 days before Bowie's untimely death. During the performance, Wakeman told a story about being invited to Bowie's house to listen to some songs Bowie had written for his soon to be released album Hunky Dory. Wakeman said Bowie performed each song on his acoustic guitar and Wakeman still claims they are the best collection of songs he has ever heard in one sitting. He ended up performing the piano parts for Life On Mars and a few other songs on the album. He says Bowie was a gentleman and a treat to work with. I was never a huge Bowie fan, but I do love some of his better known songs and I do have 2 of his albums. He was undeniably a gifted songwriter, actor and performer and the music world has lost a true giant. The band in Heaven just got a whole lot better. R.I P. David.
  5. I'm reasonably satisfied with my team, as well. I like my wide receivers and I think I got the third best TE in Greg Olsen. My big weakness is the defense. I only got one unit and it's the Jets. I have a few players who are out due to injury or suspension, but I think I have enough depth to compensate.
  6. If it is just autodraft, that's ok too. I've already edited my pre draft player rankings.
  7. The time is ok for me, too. I plan to live draft, but I can sleep in on Monday, so the late hour doesn't really matter.
  8. An excellent call, Kevin. I have always hated the "no cut" rule. How often do stars get injured in football? It does not make any sense to be stuck with them if they can't contribute to your team.
  9. The Bun Warmers are in. Let's see how many starters go down before the season begins.
  10. I'll register this evening. Thanks , Kevin.
  11. Hi, Kevin. I'm just off to work and I've forgotten my yahoo email account name. I'll send it to you after work this evening. I'm devastated. My beloved Packers have probably lost Jordy Nelson for the season. Grrrr!!
  12. I'm definitely interested. Check out espn's fantasy leagues, Kevin. I belong to several leagues in both Yahoo and ESPN, and I find ESPN's leagues more user friendly. Just a thought.
  13. Still Alice 8/10 Julianne Moore is excellent as a linguistics professor whose world is turned upside down when she is diagnosed with a rare form of early onset Alzheimers disease. As the disease slowly robs her of her memories and her faculties, she struggles to maintain some semblance of normalcy in her family life. She is determined that she will not be defined by her disease. The supporting cast is quite good, particularly Alec Baldwin as Alice's husband. Even Kristin Stewart is tolerable as one of Alice's daughters. All in all , a thoroughly entertaining, albeit terribly sad, movie.9
  14. On another, subject, thanks to Philadelphia the self-proclaimed city of brotherly love for destroying a lttle a little, robotic ray of sunshine. I'm referring of course to Hitchbot, the little robot hitchiker. Somehow, hitchbot travelled across Canada (twice), safely visited several cities in Germany and the Netherlands and was treated with respect and affection in New York City, Salem and several other American cities. However, Hitchbot's odyssey came to an abrupt end when some yobbos in Philly decided to smash it and steal its computer components. Uncle Joe, I hope you are hanging your head in shame.
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