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So much more than Random Thoughts


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  • 2 weeks later...

one of the guys who split the biggest lottery in history a couple of days ago ($288 million will be his take - before taxes) lives here in my area. He's rather young (maybe 20's?) and I'm wondering how screwed up he's going to get with that huge windfall. Seems like people who win the lotteries always wind up alcoholics or in bankruptcy or even in jail, because they can't deal with the sharks and the demons.

Edit: on the other hand, maybe it's just a rumor, since i just did a search for the Arizona winner and as of 3 hours ago CNN says the person still hasn't come forward... maybe that guy on Facebook photoshopped or something. :crazy:

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:grin: yeah, I read that, too. I never noticed before that they were in numerical order, but indeed, the 6 Quickpiks I bought Wednesday night are, as well.

And I have to say that out of all 36 numbers on those 6 Quickpiks, there were exactly 3 that were right. :badcomp:

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I've been missing my SF time because of new medication I'm taking. Makes me really drowsy, confused, unbalanced, nauseated & a host of other junk. It sucks but doctor is easing me onto the meds & supposedly my body will adapt. I've been easing but no adaptation yet. :thumbsdown:

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  • 2 weeks later...

hehe my nephew just made the drive from San Diego to his new home in Alaska, taking pictures along the route. About the time he hit Canada, the snow was so deep and vast there was nothing visible except... white... snow. It just looks flat cold to me. And cold is not my friend. :shocked2:

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