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Interesting Coincidence #392

Last year, I was talking to my partner about a time when I was a new driver and came up to a 4-way crossroads at exactly the same time as 3 cars approached the other 3 entrances to this section.

The Highway Code in the UK dictates that teh person on the right has priority but we were all there at exactly the same time so there was a noticeable pause before I made the first move.

Anyway, fast-forward a coupld of weeks and we had severe floods in various parts of the country. There was a news item on TV showing a part of britain being washed into the river and, lo and behold!, it was that very place!

This is an image from that item, the crossroads itself is annoyingly just out of shot to the right... :shocked2:

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Because it's been buzzing so much I just made myself watch it. That was some of the most magnificent career self-destruction on Miley's part that I have ever seen. Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke were already both charisma-vacuums who have somehow managed to build on their fathers' mild celebrity, but I have never seen so much self-delusion during a performance. The saddest part was Kendrick Lamar's involvement, since he's actually pretty fantastic.

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I hope she's self-destructed well enough that I never have to accidentally see something like that again. What's the deal with the tongue hanging out? That have something to do with twerking? Or something to do with things kids under 12 should never be exposed to?

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I'm gonna say this up front: I don't hate Robin Thicke, and I think that (albeit it is over played), "Blurred Lines" is a pretty sweet song.

That being said, that performance at the VMAs was nuts. It was stupid. Miley Cyrus is just going the way of Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan. Soon we'll be hearing about her sex tape online and her multiple arrests for drug possession. And anyone who thinks her music and image is still made with kids in mind is deluding themselves.

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There's something gross about rich, white girls playing dress up as black women because they think it's "edgy." It was a very "minstrel show" kind of performance, and frankly, it appalled me. Add to the fact that she has little-to-no actual talent, absolutely no ass to be "twerking" in the first place, and a face that looks like it got smacked with the ugly stick....she succeeded in only one demonstrable way; no one is talking about Lady Gaga's performance, or the 'NSYNC reunion...they're all talking about her. Her publicists must be overjoyed.

She's a clown, and when she gets bored of pretending to be "hood" and "street", she'll move on to the next misappropriated cultural trope.

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Either the bubble she has lived in since she was a kid has left her entirely delusional about what constitutes "sexiness" or she is a genius who was did all this ironically. Doesn't really matter either way, because here we are talking about it.

The only reason people watch the VMAs is because almost every year there's one moment that has the potential to destroy somebody's career. When it doesn't happen, we complain that the show was boring. A bit perverse, really.

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The only reason people watch the VMAs is because almost every year there's one moment that has the potential to destroy somebody's career. When it doesn't happen, we complain that the show was boring. A bit perverse, really.

I mean, I was watching it for two reasons:

1. JT (which was awesome)

2. I thought Daft Punk would do something other than showing up and staring listlessly at the the camera while presenting an award.

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The only reason people watch the VMAs is because almost every year there's one moment that has the potential to destroy somebody's career. When it doesn't happen, we complain that the show was boring. A bit perverse, really.

The only reason I tuned in was to see Justin Timberlake/'NSYNC, and the latter was because the teenager in me remembered being a massive fan of theirs when I was in high school. Ordinarily though, I never watch. I'm 31 -- MTV passed me by a long, long time ago.

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Heard about it. Didn't see it or 'Tube it. Don't care to see it. Not really surprised nor shocked it is on display on a big TV program. This kind of "dancing" has been a sixty-year progression from actual dancing to Beyonce's spasmodic humping.

What I don't understand is how girls who feel that grinding like a 50's burlesque queen on the dance floor is somehow self-expression can then voice the complaint that all their date thinks about is sex. Duh.

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If you're referring to me, Tim, everyone is welcome on my lawn. Just need to expect open discussion based upon factual evidence and no condescension or dogmatic preconceptions are allowed. If those are your weapons of choice, you may have to leave.

It was a joke.

But if you want an open discussion about what I really think about what you said, here goes. I think it's one small step from "how can you expect guys not to think about sex when you dance like that" to "she was asking for it". I think you should consider the consequences of your slut-shaming. I think that if you consider a beautiful, self-empowered woman like Beyonce to be slutty, then you clearly have an even lower opinion of the average young woman. I think that young women have enough self-esteem issues to deal with without having to hear older men like you grumble about the good old days before girls were whores.

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