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Rate the Last Movie You've Seen


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I already watched these over christmas, but didn't think to write about them here yet...

Happy Feet

first I didn't know it was supposed to be a musical when it started, so I was quite surprised with all the singing there (not pleasantly, I'm not really a musical fan). The parts between the songs were nice enough, quite funny, and to give environmental problems such a big role in the plot is a really nice move.

But... what I didn't care for at all [spoiler alert] the solution to these problems, the overfishing of the antarctic ocean and the garbage disposal into the sea is supposed to be... tap-dancing? :P is that the definition of naivete or am I just being cynical?


Kung Fu Panda

that one was funny... not too deep, but also not pretending to be, nice entertainment :)


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Tangled - Disney's newest princess, Rapunzel, is kept in a tower by an evil witch. One day, Flynn Rider finds his way up into the tower and she finds the guts to escape, a guide to the outside world and a new love. Kiddo loved it, I thought it was cute. 7/10.

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Black Swan: A+

I'm no film buff but this has to be one of the best new movies I've seen in the past few years.

I saw it and would give it a similar rating.

However I never want to see it again, which I know sounds strange.

It disturbed me so much, I just don't want to see it again. It emotionally affected me. But the fact that it affected me and disturbed me so much, meant to me that it was really good. Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis were both very good in it. It was just...very disturbing...

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Believe it or not, I actually saw a GOOD movie starring Tom Cruise. It was called "Knight And Day", and co-starred Cameron Diaz. It was funny AND violent...all the stuff I like in a movie. Granted, it wasn't as good as "Top Gun" or "Born on the Fourth of July"....or even "Days of Thunder", for that matter...but it was definitely a step up from "The Last Samurai"....and a friggin' giant leap from "Vanilla Sky"...that pile of crap (which, unfortunately, also co-starred Cameron Diaz).

6.5 stars out of 10.

:afro: :afro: :afro: :jester: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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I saw Little Fockers with my 13 year old son. It had some genuinely funny moments, but it wasn't quite as good as the first two in the series. IMO, there wasn't enough Streisand and Hoffman and there was a little too much DeNiro. And there was definitely too much Owen Wilson. This guy plays virtually the same character in every film. However, when it comes to Owen Wilson, I'm a bit biased. I just don't find him funny.


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Mulholland Drive

I can see why people accuse it of being over-the-top, or pretentious, or ridiculous, or gratuitously difficult to understand, but I loved it. I thought trying to solve the "mystery" of the plot and message was a ton of fun. I have no other defense for myself. A+

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Mulholland Drive

I can see why people accuse it of being over-the-top, or pretentious, or ridiculous, or gratuitously difficult to understand, but I loved it. I thought trying to solve the "mystery" of the plot and message was a ton of fun. I have no other defense for myself. A+

Who cares about solving the damn thing? It looked f*****g great! :rockon:

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beautifully shot, I agree. Hey BA, all I've seen from Lynch is Mulholland Drive and Eraserhead, both of which (wonderfully) caused me to lose sleep for days afterwards. Are you a Lynch fan? If so, what would you reccomend next? Right now the plan is to check out Blue Velvet.

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Oh. my. GOD! You mean you have not seen Blue Velvet?! Dude, it's like an Edward Hopper painting come to life... AND it can double as a drinking game for every time Dennis Hopper drops the f-bomb. Don't expect things to make sense right off the bat, nor for the acting to be perfect. Remember, I'm talking about how the movie looked and sounded, regardless of whether it made it sense or the acting/dialogue was brilliant (I don't care for the latter). I'd start there if you can stand weird and bizarre ideas. Otherwise, move on to his more traditional-looking films: The Elephant Man and The Straight Story. These will have better acting, better script, and very direct way of recording :beatnik:

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"World's Greatest Dad"

Perhaps the most depressing comedy I've ever seen. Written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait, it stars Robin Williams as a writer/english teacher whose son dies in a freak accident. He then writes a fake suicide note to spare the family embarrassment but when the suicide note gains a lot of notoriety, things start to get out of control.

Pretty funny but also incredibly depressing movie. I liked it though, 4/5.

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I've been watching all the episodes of "Weeds" on my Netflix queue. They've been good up till now, but I'm on Season 4 and they've gotten rid of one of my favorite characters, so I'm quite miffed. I might not make it to season 5.

In between, I watched "The Man From Snowy River." I remembered that movie getting such great reviews when it first came out a billion or so years ago. I don't know why. It was okay, but not THAT good. Formulaic, knew how it would end, girl-in-distress, boy saves her, etc. etc.


"The Madness of King George" was pretty good. The guy who played King George deserved an award, and Helen Mirren, as always, was fantastic. Understated and perfect. Strange movie, though. True story, evidently, about the Windsor's ancestor who goes stark raving mad in the middle of his reign, gets a private psychiatrist, and gets better to go back and reign again, with the country none the wiser.


Much Ado About Nothing had Keanu Reeves desperately clawing his way around an English accent. That alone should have been worth the watch. But I love Emma Thompson, and this was filmed when she was still with Kenneth Branagh, and they were very amusing. It was a pretty entertaining movie, but definitely not something for someone who likes the serious historical stuff.


And my favorite for the last month: Julie and Julia. As everybody says, Meryl Streep was excellent. But they all diss Amy Adams, and I thought Amy was really fun! In fact, when Meryl was on, I was looking forward to the next Amy segment. Meryl's role had me wondering just how tall was Julia Childs, anyway? She appeared to tower over everyone she did a scene with, and they must have sawed off the table legs when she was shown working in the kitchen, because she had to bend over so far to chop food or anything. This movie inspired me. I already thought I'd cook my way through my recipe books, but this movie gave me the kick in the pants I needed to get moving on it, and so far with excellent results!


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"The Madness of King George" was pretty good. The guy who played King George deserved an award, and Helen Mirren, as always, was fantastic. Understated and perfect. Strange movie, though. True story, evidently, about the Windsor's ancestor who goes stark raving mad in the middle of his reign, gets a private psychiatrist, and gets better to go back and reign again, with the country none the wiser.


It's a guy called Nigel Hawthorne and I liked it too :)

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