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Otokichi last won the day on October 26 2018

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  1. I saw "Predator: The Musical" by "Dutch Schaefer" and thought about Gene Belcher's "Die Hard" question. So I searched "Legolamb's" videos and came across "Die Hard" by "Hans Gruber." Press PLAY if you want to head "that gruff German killer" rasp out songs as his crew searches the Nakatomi building for "Cowboy Roy.";)
  2. And now for something completely different. I clicked on this out of curiosity and stumbled into a highlight video of a funny, chaotic, somewhat silly ensemble Podcast. Press PLAY if you want to hear some bad acting, giggling, and missed cues from "Gravity Falls" fans dubbing episodes just for fun. (I swear that I do not go looking for this stuff!;) They're back again in 2024!
  3. Kate Micucci popped up when I dropped into YouTube, but it was a Winter/Holiday-themed song speeded up. So, instead of that "Chipmunk song," here's a kid-friendly song about starting the day without "essential things." Press PLAY for a "senior moment" in song.;) "You Got A Bike" speeded up
  4. Submitted for your approval, a spoken word comedic classic, "The Driving Instructor." Press PLAY if you're having a bad/blue day and your spirit needs a lift. Warning! DO NOT listen to this while driving or attempting to teach a tyro how to drive!;) Dick Loudon of "Newhart" hasn't read the book!
  5. OTOY, a video production software company, takes a behind-the scenes look a "2001: A Space Odyssey." Press PLAY to find out how Science Fiction in movies was forever changed by Stanley Kubrick.
  6. It's still Monday out here, so submitted for your approval, a short Anime about a prospecting ship that finds a scary stowaway on board. Press PLAY for not-quite-20 minutes of Horror...
  7. Our favorite, witty gamer, Gab Smolders, is charmed by "The Pedestrian." Press PLAY to join her on an interesting puzzle game...
  8. Agent .177 has a mystery case to reveal. Matt has a "language lab in a box," complete with tapes to learn, say, French. Press PLAY to experience the immersion that "Tina Belcher" felt in the "Bob's Burger's" episode, "Y Tu Tina Tambien.";)
  9. This series of comics on YouTube reminds me of an X-rated poster showing Walt Disney characters "doing 1960's stuff." (You might find it on the internet.) Press PLAY to find out what The Mystery Twins are doing in later (teen years) visits to Gravity Falls. I was...stunned when I came across one of these comics and was drawn in to my mental doom. Alex Hirsch, please make at least one "Grvity Falls" movie, before this kind of "free expression" ruins your works! ("The Book of Bill" is just a book, and many don't read books, anymore.) Something less raw on The Best Comics...
  10. It's Friday, so there's nothing good to see on TV or the Interweb, right? Press PLAY to find out how wrong that assumption is...
  11. Kermit the Frogg sings Snoop Dogg. Press PLAY for another "There I Ruined It Masterpiece.";) 1994 Original "Gin & Juice"
  12. In the "how about that" department of useless information, Matt reveals that binoculars aren't his thing. Press PLAY to find out what "Techmoan" does with a Monocular.
  13. It's a Friday evening and YouTube is burning the witches of "The Acolyte" at the stake. And now for something completely different, an Angel Studios movie about Foster Children. Press PLAY to find out what The Critical Drinker thinks of this christian movie.
  14. Is the so-so "Star Trek" production drama getting you down? Press PLAY to see what an Indie production can do to inject a Mel Brooks vibe! More from Mark L. Largent
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