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About Ange

  • Birthday January 22

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    Reading; writing; music with deep intense lyrics that make your mind work ; His knowledge of the English and how to pronounce. This man is my idol

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  1. That could be really serious. You need to get that checked out.  A S.A P

  2. I felt that I really needed to post on this as my mum recently told me she wanted to have 'I did it my way " when she passed; it is a beautiful song and it does really reflect well on mu mum as she can be known to be... shall we say " Quiet Stubborn " lol. We lost my dad quite suddenly in July 2018 after a four month battle with cancer 😪 We were and still are shattered, my dad chose to have Macho Man by the Village people as he was taken from the church, the whole place was laughing hysterically; that was my dad though; always wanted to make the best of a bad situation, and as it was my mum and his second marriage, it was a fairly casual occasion and they had Macho Man as their wedding song lol, very romantic. LOL I miss you Daddy
  3. Thank you for the compliment OL55 ; and thank you for sharing your Christmas photo. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and your New Year is full of love , health and great things. 😊🎉. Cheers; Ange
  4. WOW , I was only in primary school way back then. But I do remember hearing various stories of being a horrible man that beat his wife. ... BUT .. I wasn't there, I cant say for sure. What we COULD do was document everytime she had a bruisenon her . My m.i.l was today. That's a good sign.. Goodnight. I love you xxx
  5. I thought it was Rod Stewart as well That sounds about right, I vaguely remember him talking about an older woman that he slept with she was his first she was older and she broke his heart
  6. Has anyone seen Nick Cave's Conversations tour? I was just wondering and I can't seem to find out too much. It's an intimate gig, and therefore it's been advertised as a solo so he can interact with the audience, but I know he will perform a couple of numbers, what I'm dying to know is if he'll have Warren Ellis with him, those two are practically joined at the hip, they seem to almost have some sort of mental telepathy happening, It would be AMAZING if he came out to Australia with Nick and of course I'm hoping the gorgeous Susie Bick attends.
  7. https://www.songfacts.com 1546562509236_1546562483004_1546562453482_1546562449615_2_Music Discussion - Songfacts Forums(1) Music Discussion - Songfacts Forums (1)
  8. http://Nickfeedback@songfacts.com Cave
  9. It's not a suicide song but if I was to pass away, I would love Nick Cave to read my Eulogy lol. My best friend wants Morgan Freeman and my other friend wants James Earl Jones. I could listen to Nick forever, there's nothing more sexy than a well spoken person.!!!!! SORRY I had to get that out lol
  10. I had been listening to" The Hillbilly moon explosion " listened to the ENTIRE album, BRILLIANT!!!!! definitely hooked. Now I have just had on " Your Name Tattooed on me in a rose tattoo " "Drop Kick Murphy's " Back on to Hillbilly moon explosion, This Woman is so talented; she sings in quiet a few different languages and sounds AMAZING in every song, I would definitely say she's my girl crush lol, it's ok my hubby knows, he just laughs, the way I go on about Nick Cave and Warren Ellis I'm surprised he talks to me. Lol. It's not as though I'm going anywhere. Music Discussion - Songfacts Forums
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