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A Survey


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Well, I noticed there weren't any surveys on here, and I figured everyone was just dying to take one, so here you go:

How old are you?

Are you left or right handed?

What's your zodiac sign?

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Well there. Aren't you glad you were able to share this important information with everyone?

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How old are you? 27

Are you left or right handed? right

What's your zodiac sign? Taurus

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? cookie dough

Have you ever been on an airplane? No

Do you like Neil Diamond? uh - not really

Would you rather use black or blue ink?

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How old are you? 24

Are you left or right handed? right

What's your zodiac sign? Capricorn

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Dulce Fudge choc chip

Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes

Do you like Neil Diamond? Nope

Would you rather use black or blue ink? Black

Do you sleep on the right or left side of the bed?

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How old are you? 15

Are you left or right handed? right

What's your zodiac sign? Scorpio

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes

Do you like Neil Diamond? No

Would you rather use black or blue ink? Black

Do you sleep on the right or left side of the bed? Right

How tall are you?

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How old are you? 14

Are you left or right handed? left

What's your zodiac sign? Libra

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? chocolate yummy

Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes

Do you like Neil Diamond? i dont mean to sound ignorant, but who the heck is he?

Would you rather use black or blue ink? Black

Do you sleep on the right or left side of the bed? dunno, i sleep in a single

do you like cheese?

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How old are you? 14

Are you left or right handed? right

What's your zodiac sign? cancer

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? dulce de leche

Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes

why is that your songfacts screename?

Do you like Neil Diamond? iven never really listened to him- i only know who he is because of the movie saving silverman

Would you rather use black or blue ink? Black

Do you sleep on the right or left side of the bed? both

do you like cheese? yes

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How old are you? 15

Are you left or right handed? right

What's your zodiac sign? scorpio

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? chocolate chip cookie dough

Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes

Do you like Neil Diamond? No

Would you rather use black or blue ink? Black

Do you sleep on the right or left side of the bed? right

do you like cheese? yes

you didn't answer my question!

how tall are you? 5'7.5"

why is that your songfacts screen name? it's the name of Jason Mraz's album...i dont know i just liked it

Are your ears pierced?

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How old are you? 40

Are you left or right handed? left

What's your zodiac sign? um...March 3rd

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Is there a bad flavor?

Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes

Do you like Neil Diamond? yes

Would you rather use black or blue ink? Black

Do you sleep on the right or left side of the bed? left

do you like cheese? yes

how tall are you? 6'

why is that your songfacts screen name? Dale Earnhardt Jr. owns the Talladega Superspeedway

Are your ears pierced? no

Worst subject in school?

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How old are you? OLD!!!! 40 freaking 6!!!

Are you left or right handed? ambidextrous (really!)

What's your zodiac sign? Capricorn (Latin for old goat)

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Rocky road (favorite song--Rocky Raccoon)

Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes, too many times!

Do you like Neil Diamond? Hell yes great singer-songwriter, especially his stuff in the late 60's-early 70's

Would you rather use black or blue ink? I have an affinity for Black

Do you sleep on the right or left side of the bed? left

Do you like cheese? uh, yeah

Why is that your songfacts screename? Rico's my real name (short for Enrico)

Are your ears pierced? yes

Worst subject in school? Latin (it was still a living language at the time!)

Okay, what is your full name and address, birthdate and social security number?

OR-What's your favorite book?

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How old are you? 15

Are you left or right handed? right

What's your zodiac sign? scorpio

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? chocolate chip cookie dough

Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes

Do you like Neil Diamond? no

Would you rather use black or blue ink? Black

Do you sleep on the right or left side of the bed? right

Do you like cheese? yeah

Why is that your songfacts screename? jason mraz's album

worst subject in school? CHEMISTRY

are your ears pierced? yes

What's your favorite book? Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

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How old are you? ...

Are you left or right handed? right

What's your zodiac sign? leo

What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? chocolate chip cookie dough

Have you ever been on an airplane? Yes

Do you like Neil Diamond? whos that?

Would you rather use black or blue ink? Blue

Do you sleep on the right or left side of the bed? right

Do you like cheese? yeah

Why is that your songfacts screename? i dont have a reason

worst subject in school? i dont have one..

What's your favorite book? Touching the Void!!! (for anyone who hasnt read it yet.. READ IT!!!!!) :)

beer or wine?

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how old are you? 48

left or right handed? right

zodiac sign? Libra

Flavor of ice cream? chocolate

been on an airplane? many times

Like Neil Diamond? Yes!

Black or blue ink? Prefer blue but half to use black at work

right or left side of the bed?left

like cheese? yes

Why songfacts name? That's the name on the boat on top of my store, the windy one

worst subject? any kind of science

Favorite book? Anything by Stepen King

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc.

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how old are you? 14

left or right handed? left

zodiac sign? Aquarius

Flavor of ice cream? Cookies and Cream

been on an airplane? No

Like Neil Diamond? Never heard a single song by him

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? Currently, the right side. But I go in phases. And everynow and then I find myself sprawled out over the whole mattress.

like cheese? It's alright. It's overrated.

Why songfacts name? Because Roger Waters is the best songwriter of all time, and I like the band Yes. 90125 isn't really my favorite album, but I needed something with numbers, and 90125 worked perfectly.

worst subject? any kind of science

Favorite book? I don't read much, but I guess I'd say Animal Farm.

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc. Going to a large city. Not that I enjoy it, it's just my favorite.

What do you do when you're sad? Listen to The Wall.

Who do you aspire to be?

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how old are you? 58

left or right handed? ambidextrous

zodiac sign? Libra

Flavor of ice cream? Peach

been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? Yes, he's written some great songs.

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? Left.

How tall are you? 6'

like cheese? Yes.

Why songfacts name? Because I'm your favorite Uncle, dammit. That's why!

worst subject? Algebra

Favorite book? The Short Stories Of Edgar Allan Poe.

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc. Love the sun, sand and surf.

What do you do when you're sad? I listen to music that makes me even sadder before turning to something that makes me get over it. Weird, huh?.

Whom do you aspire to be? Me. I'll get there someday.

Are you ticklish? I am. It's something you never grow out of, I guess.

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how old are you? 37

left or right handed? right

zodiac sign? Libra

Flavor of ice cream? coffee

been on an airplane? Yes, but a helicopter more often

Like Neil Diamond? No.

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? Right.

How tall are you? 6'

like cheese? Yes.

Why songfacts name? Thats my name.

worst subject? any type of math

Favorite book? Any first hand account of WW2 combat in Europe.

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc. I like all of that, as long as I am not rushed.

What do you do when you're sad? I play with my daughter

Whom do you aspire to be like? I would be happy to be 1/2 the man my dad was.

Are you ticklish? Only if I am not expecting it or I am cold.

Are you a good dancer? No, I really suck at it.

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how old are you? 49

left or right handed? right

zodiac sign? Sagitarius

Flavor of ice cream? Lemon

been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? Yesss!!!!.

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? Right.

How tall are you? 1, 57 mtrs

like cheese? Yes.

Why songfacts name? Type error...

worst subject? death

Favorite book? "Belle du seigneur", Albert Cohen

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc. Suntanning o the beach. Or home, alone...

What do you do when you're sad? Try to remember the good times and look at myslf in the mirror.

Whom do you aspire to be like? Like myself in a happiest version...

Are you ticklish? Yes

Are you a good dancer? depends of the mood... I can do it really well, or not at all.

What´s your favorite drug?

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how old are you? 26

left or right handed? right

zodiac sign? Cancer

Flavor of ice cream? cookies and cream

been on an airplane? Yes, many times

Like Neil Diamond? uh, not really

Black or blue ink? Black, but blue would look cool

right or left side of the bed? left (or whatever side the alarm is on)

How tall are you? 5' 8 1/2"

like cheese? cheese is cool

Why songfacts name? I'm addicted to classic rock, plain as day

worst subject? English

Favorite book? Bourne Ultimatum, Robert Ludlum

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? up north at one of the lakes

What do you do when you're sad? Go driving in my car and turn the music up loud

Whom do you aspire to be like? A better version of myself

Are you ticklish? oh yeah

Are you a good dancer? I'm a great dancer, I can rock out with the best of them

What´s your favorite drug? Sudafed 12 hour

What do you drive? 1998 Chrysler Sebring JXi

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how old are you? 17

left or right handed? right

zodiac sign? pisces

Flavor of ice cream? banana

been on an airplane?yes

Like Neil Diamond? not that much

Black or blue ink? blue

right or left side of the bed? right

How tall are you? 5'9"

like cheese? noooo

Why songfacts name? because I like that song

worst subject? Maths, and anything to do with science

Favorite book? The King Of Torts by John Grisham

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? somewhere warm

What do you do when you're sad? listen to music, but I do that all the time anyway

Whom do you aspire to be like? someone who never really grows up....

Are you ticklish? yes

Are you a good dancer? Fred astaire is a lousy dancer compared to me

What´s your favorite drug? cappuchino (does this count as a drug?)

What do you drive? my bike

If you had to move, where would you go?

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how old are you? 35

left or right handed? right

zodiac sign? aries

Flavor of ice cream? Baskin Robbins Rocky Road

been on an airplane? yes

Like Neil Diamond? Have you seen Saving Silverman? yes

Black or blue ink? black

right or left side of the bed? left

How tall are you? 5'8"

like cheese? yes...Muenster is my favorite

Why songfacts name? I love Tenacious D and Peaches is an old nickname

worst subject? History

Favorite book? The Stand by Stephen King

What's your favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? Somewhere metropolitan, since I live in the sticks.

What do you do when you're sad? hug my husband and kiss my daughter

Whom do you aspire to be like? me

Are you ticklish? in areas we won't mention

Are you a good dancer? I'm a great chair dancer, but I'm a bit clumsy...my feet tend to get tangled up

What´s your favorite drug? I'm high on life...but crack is pretty good.

What do you drive? the Mom-mobile

If you had to move, where would you go? London.

Coke or Pepsi? Definitely Pepsi.

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how old are you? 38

left or right handed? Right

zodiac sign? Libra

Flavor of ice cream? Pistachio

been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? Ehhh...he's pretty good

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? Right

How tall are you? 6'1"

like cheese? Some of them

Why songfacts name? Favorite football team and player

worst subject? Chemistry

Favorite book? "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? Atlantic City or a trip to Fenway

What do you do when you're sad? Sleep or drink heavily

Whom do you aspire to be like? Tommy Chong :laughing:

Are you ticklish? Not really

Are you a good dancer? Nahhh!! I have three left feet.

What´s your favorite drug? Weed, man, lots of weed.

What do you drive? 2003 Chevy Monte Carlo

If you had to move, where would you go? Boston, Mass.

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Are you more like your mother or your father?

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how old are you? forty freaking seven!

left or right handed? Right.

zodiac sign? Sagitarius.

Flavor of ice cream? mint choc chip.

been on an airplane? Yes.

Like Neil Diamond? sometimes.

Black or blue ink? Black.

right or left side of the bed? Right.

How tall are you? 6'2"

beer or wine? Beer, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

like cheese? yes.

Why songfacts name? At the time I registered I was listening to a lot of my Physical Graffiti CD.

worst subject? Algebra.

Favorite book? "To Kill A Mockingbird"

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? sailing on the ocean.

What do you do when you're sad? Listen to Pink Floyd.

Whom do you aspire to be like? My Mom.

Are you ticklish? yes, in that certain spot.

Are you a good dancer? I've been told I'm not bad.

What´s your favorite drug? Nyquil

What do you drive? 1999 Chevy Tahoe.

If you had to move, where would you go? I kinda like Seattle.

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Are you more like your mother or your father? Both, but more Dad, I guess.

Do the cops have your mug shot on file?

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how old are you? almost twenty freaking five!! ::

left or right handed? Right

zodiac sign? Cappy

Flavor of ice cream? Dulce fudge choc chip

been on an airplane? Yes, going on one tomorrow again!

Like Neil Diamond? nope

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? All over ;)

How tall are you? 5'10

like cheese? adore it!

Why songfacts name? a nickname my mum calls me

worst subject? anything mathematical

Favorite book? Lord of the flies or Charlottes web

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? travelling to an awesome beach and camping under the stars or 4x4ing it all over the place!

What do you do when you're sad? Drown in my own misery, then get my a$$ back into gear!

Whom do you aspire to be like? my mama bear

Are you ticklish? I can be!

Are you a good dancer? Oh yeah!

What´s your favorite drug? My prescription one I have to take every day, forever because hey, it keeps me alive! :thumbsup:

What do you drive? 1989 Ford Escort 1.6 called Harrison ::

If you had to move, where would you go? No more moving! But I'd move to Iceland

Coke or Pepsi? Neither

Are you more like your mother or your father? My mum, don't want to be anything like my father

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? Heck no! :angel:

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks?

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