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How old are you? 30

Left or right handed? Right

Zodiac sign? Cusp - Gemini/Taurus

Flavor of ice cream? Anything with chocolate chips.

Been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? Yes

Black or blue ink? Black

Right or left side of the bed? Right

How tall are you? 4' 11.75"

Like cheese? Yes

Why songfacts name? It's just me.

Worst subject? History

Favorite book? The Moonbeam

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? Seeing someplace new, especially by hiking around.

What do you do when you're sad? Get quiet/sleep.

Whom do you aspire to be like? I always thought a comination of Mother Teresa and Ghandi!

Are you ticklish? Yes, on the sides of my stomach.

Are you a good dancer? Terrible! Too self conscious.

What´s your favorite drug? Laughter

What do you drive? 1998 Chevy Prizm.

If you had to move, where would you go? Vermont, Greece or Saba

Coke or Pepsi? Coke, I think. I'm not much of a soda drinker.

Are you more like your mother or your father? Fairly equal parts of both personalities, but I definitely look like my dad.

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? Not that I know of.

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? I have a pock mark from chicken pocks right in the middle of my forehead!

Do you like growing plants?

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how old are you? fifteen

left or right handed? both

zodiac sign? leo rawr

Flavor of ice cream? full vermonty

been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? not really

Black or blue ink? Blue

right or left side of the bed? wherever

How tall are you? 5'4?

like cheese? hate it!

Why songfacts name? its my name lol

worst subject? math

Favorite book? atm a series of unfortunate events

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? beach!

What do you do when you're sad? dance

Whom do you aspire to be like? Monica Loughman (famous ballerina)

Are you ticklish? very

Are you a good dancer? yes, its what I do

What´s your favorite drug? uh love baby

What do you drive? people up the walls

If you had to move, where would you go? uh...Austrailia

Coke or Pepsi? Neither, but diet coke if i had to

Are you more like your mother or your father? My ma

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? probably

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? Yes, being a dancer I get them almost every week

Ever modelled?

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how old are you? 14

left or right handed? lefty

zodiac sign? libra

Flavor of ice cream? chocolate with little chocolate chips

been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? dunno

Black or blue ink? black

right or left side of the bed? single bed

How tall are you? very, for my age and i hate it!

like cheese? tis a funny word but i dont like it

Why songfacts name? surprisingly, its my name

worst subject? chemistry ::

Favorite book? Junk-Melvin Burgess

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? DISNEY!

What do you do when you're sad? listen to music and write.

Whom do you aspire to be like? Kurt Cobain, my sister, everyone who doesnt suck at everything

Are you ticklish? sometimes, tickling is annoying

Are you a good dancer? no, my friends say i dance weirdly but they cant see my (very well)hidden talents

What´s your favorite drug? bleurgh, i'd rather live thankyou

What do you drive? a cheesemobile!

If you had to move, where would you go? dunno, to my friends house

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

Are you more like your mother or your father? neither, im like my sis

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? yes, for stealing chickens....

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? scar from w i broke my elbow

Ever modelled?nope, im no one of the beautiful people! :P

Ever eaten something weird?


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how old are you? 14

left or right handed? I lost my hands in a boating accident

zodiac sign? Aquarius

Flavor of ice cream? Cookies and cream

been on an airplane? No

Like Neil Diamond? Haven't checked him out yet

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? Right

How tall are you? About 5'10 or 5'11

like cheese? I could take it or leave it.

Why songfacts name? Roger Waters and Yes both rock

worst subject? math

Favorite book? Animal Farm

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? The city

What do you do when you're sad? The Wall

Whom do you aspire to be like? Roger Waters and Keith Moon

Are you ticklish? Yes, unfortunately

Are you a good dancer? No, I'm horrible.

What´s your favorite drug? Nothing yet

What do you drive? A scooter

If you had to move, where would you go? Chicago

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Are you more like your mother or your father? Neither, thanks God.

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? They will someday.

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? I have a scar next to my eye from when I was 2. Got in a knife fight with some Italians down the street.

Ever modelled? No.

Can you sing?

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how old are you? 14

left or right handed? right

zodiac sign? Aquarius

Flavor of ice cream? cookie dough

been on an airplane? yes

Like Neil Diamond? not really

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? left

How tall are you? 5'11

like cheese? at times

Why songfacts name? awesome physcedelic beatles song on revolver

worst subject? science

Favorite book? the stand- steven king

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? sleep and music

What do you do when you're sad? listen to queen

Whom do you aspire to be like? will ferrell

Are you ticklish? no

Are you a good dancer? Not at all

What´s your favorite drug? NyQuil

What do you drive? a bike, you can ride it if you like...

If you had to move, where would you go? boston

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Are you more like your mother or your father? Neither, really

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? not yet.

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? nope

Ever modelled? No.

Can you sing? I've tried

Favorite Pink Floyd song? (mine's wish you were here)

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how old are you? 20

left or right handed? Right

zodiac sign? Virgo

Flavor of ice cream? Mint Choc-Chip

been on an airplane? Yeah, but only once

Like Neil Diamond? Surprisingly, I do!

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? Left

How tall are you? 5'1

like cheese? Yes I love cheese

Why songfacts name? Because I am married to Aladdin

worst subject? Maths!

Favorite book? Circle Of Friends - Maeve Binchy

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? Stay in my hometown

What do you do when you're sad? Listen to the Beatles

Whom do you aspire to be like? Someone who has ambition

Are you ticklish? Yes

Are you a good dancer? I am when I've had a few drinks to boost my confidence!

What´s your favorite drug? Panadol

What do you drive? white Nissan Pulsar

If you had to move, where would you go? If I was ever forced to leave god's own country (Australia) then I would relocate to Ireland.

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Are you more like your mother or your father? Probably more like my mum.

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? Nah

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? I have 30cm scars on both my hips.

Ever modelled? huh, as if!

Can you sing? Nope

Favorite Pink Floyd song? Wish You Were Here

***Favourite Beatle? (mine is John)

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how old are you? 14

left or right handed? left

zodiac sign? Taurus

Flavor of ice cream? Lemon

been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? who is he?

Black or blue ink? Blue

right or left side of the bed? Left

How tall are you? 5'5

like cheese? Yes

Why songfacts name? Because its my nickname in school

worst subject? French

Favorite book? Harry Potter 5

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? Camping

What do you do when you're sad? Tell my friends

Whom do you aspire to be like? Mark Callaway

Are you ticklish? YES!!!!!

Are you a good dancer? I've never danced!!!!

What´s your favorite drug? Petrol smell

What do you drive? My imaginary girlfriend!!! lol

If you had to move, where would you go? America, Texas!!!!.

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Are you more like your mother or your father? Mom

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? No

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? I have a dent on my forehead

Ever modelled? em, no....

Can you sing? Yes

Favorite Pink Floyd song? Wish You Were Here

Favourite Beatle? John Lennon

***Favourite song of all time?(mine is Stairway to Heaven)

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how old are you? 39

left or right handed? left

zodiac sign? Cancer

Flavor of ice cream? Rocky Road or Pistachio

been on an airplane? too many times

Like Neil Diamond? yes due to parental (MOM) influence - "Song Sung Blue"

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? right

How tall are you? 6'2"

like cheese? love it

Why songfacts name? best I could come up with at the time

worst subject? math

Favorite book? lately - Demons and Angels

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? travel - specifically cruises

What do you do when you're sad? sleep

Whom do you aspire to be like? myself

Are you ticklish? YES!!!!!

Are you a good dancer? after about 10 beers :happybanana:

What´s your favorite drug? herb

What do you drive? Infiniti G35 & Ford Explorer Sport Trac

If you had to move, where would you go? North Carolina

Coke or Pepsi? diet Coke

Are you more like your mother or your father? Mom

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? yes - DUI 1990

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? no

Ever modelled? no

Can you sing? only in the car

Favorite Pink Floyd song? I have to pick just one? nope - sorry

Favourite Beatle? George

Favourite song of all time? Remption Song - Bob Marley

new question - Do you have any pets? I have two dogs, a pekingese named "Gizmo, and a Shih Tzu named "Dinero".

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this is a really fun game, Roger/Chris/Dave/whatever your name is.

how old are you? 14

left or right handed? left

zodiac sign? libra

Flavor of ice cream?chocolate

been on an airplane? yes

Like Neil Diamond? meh

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? single

How tall are you? i *think* 5ft 5

like cheese? ahahahaha

Why songfacts name? MY NAME!

worst subject? i have so many but probably P.E or Chemistry

Favorite book? lately -Junk

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? disney

What do you do when you're sad? eat, listen to music and write

Whom do you aspire to be like? Mr Blobby

Are you ticklish? meh, sometimes

Are you a good dancer? i would say yes, others would say no

What´s your favorite drug? music, man

What do you drive? im 14, dude

Coke or Pepsi? pepsi

Are you more like your mother or your father? sister

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? probably....

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? scar from arm breakage

Ever modelled? ahaaahahaha

Can you sing? my friends say yeh, i sing in a band so i kinda can

Favorite Pink Floyd song? the marmalade one my dad always sings

Favourite Beatle? John

Favourite song of all time? Sweet Child O' Mine

Do you have any pets? Ziggy the goldfish

Least Favourite band?


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how old are you? 18

left or right handed? right

zodiac sign? Cancer

Flavor of ice cream? Rolo

been on an airplane? no

Like Neil Diamond? NO

Black or blue ink? Blue

right or left side of the bed? sprawled in the middle

How tall are you? 6'1

like cheese? sure

Why songfacts name? my nickname (Marko) and my favorite number (90)

worst subject? math

Favorite book? Dreamcatcher - Stephen King

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? Camping

What do you do when you're sad? listen to music and write

Whom do you aspire to be like? Preist Holmes (a pro American football player)

Are you ticklish? nope

Are you a good dancer? how bout no

What´s your favorite drug? love

What do you drive? 1988 Capice Classic

Coke or Pepsi? PEPSI!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you more like your mother or your father? Little of both

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? nope

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks?scar from my surgery

Ever modelled? NNNOOOOOOO

Can you sing?I try

Favorite Pink Floyd song? dont really like pinmk Floyd

Favourite Beatle? dont like the beatles

Favourite song of all time? rest in Peices - Saliva

Do you have any pets? Rocket my puppy

Least Favourite band? Jet!

Favorite band of all time?

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I need to stop being such a survey hog.

how old are you? 14

left or right handed? Left. All you ambidextrous people need to quit showing off.

zodiac sign? This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

Flavor of ice cream? Butter pecan

been on an airplane? no

Like Neil Diamond? That's yet to be determined

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? sprawled in the middle

How tall are you? 5'11

like cheese? Cheese is occaisonally desirable.

Why songfacts name? We all know Roger Waters is the best songwriter ever.

worst subject? math

Favorite book? The ones with matches

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? The Basement

What do you do when you're sad? listen to music and write

Whom do you aspire to be like? Lee Harvey Oswald

Are you ticklish? Yes.

Are you a good dancer? Not in the least

What´s your favorite drug? LSD

What do you drive? Black 1981 Lincoln Continental (I wish)

Coke or Pepsi? Coke. Pepsi lovers suck.

Are you more like your mother or your father? Neither

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? No

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks?

Ever modelled? I used to be a makeup model.

Can you sing? Yes. I do a mean Tom Jones impression.

Favorite Pink Floyd song? One of My Turns

Favourite Beatle? Personality-wise, Ringo. But then again, drummers are always the coolest in bands. As far as songwriting goes, I choose John over Paul. I love the song Mother.

Favourite song of all time? One of My Turns

Do you have any pets? A stupid dog.

Least Favourite band? Aerosmith

Favorite band of all time? Kiss

Do you speak another language? If so, what?

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Do you speak another language? If so, what?

Waddaya mean, "so what"? I think it's pretty cool for someone to speak more than one language. I speak Italian and I'm pretty good at English. A wee bit of German and some Spanish. "So what" indeed! Harrummphh!

Oops, just noticed where you placed the comma. Nevermind.

Hey, I heard that. Who said "fongool"????

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This is a great game RogerWaters!!!. I love it!!!!. Let us all celebrate your creativness!!!!!. YAH!!!!!!!!!.

how old are you? 14

left or right handed? Left.

zodiac sign? tauras

Flavor of ice cream? lemons

been on an airplane? yes

Like Neil Diamond? Don't know him

Black or blue ink? Blue

right or left side of the bed? Left

How tall are you? 5'5

like cheese? Yes

Why songfacts name? My nickname in school

worst subject? French

Favorite book? Harry Potter 5

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc...? Vacation

What do you do when you're sad? Tell friends

Whom do you aspire to be like? Mark Callaway

Are you ticklish? Yes.

Are you a good dancer? no

What´s your favorite drug? Petrol Fumes!

What do you drive? Nothing really ::

Coke or Pepsi? Coke.

Are you more like your mother or your father? mother

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? No

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? Yeah

Ever modelled? no, but I like to watch the legs go by......

Can you sing? Yes. I can sing a bit like Robert Plant

Favorite Pink Floyd song? I have never listened to them :(

Favourite Beatle? John Lennon

Favourite song of all time? Stairway to Heaven

Do you have any pets? A cat

Least Favourite band? Every rap band

Favorite band of all time? Led Zeppelin

Do you speak another language? French and Irish, but I suck at them both. Its kind of wierd, Irish is my native language, but everyone speaks English!!. lol. I suppose its better, because all of you can enjoy my company!!!. YAH!!!!.

New Question: Every have a serious injury?. I broke my leg in a very bad skateboard accident. I was going down an 8 foot ramp, and I think at the end I fell of. My right ankle broke 90 degrees to the right and the fibula and tibula both snapped in half. So my foot was dangling off the end of my leg, extrememly sore. Now my right foot is one shoe size smaller. lol. =:P

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The avatar is Steve Gaines. Guitar player for Lynyrd Skynyrd, replacement for Ed King. He also wrote a few songs, which can be found on "Street Survivors". But if you've ever seen how he is in concert, he just looks like he has a lot of fun on stage. Pretty much like the entire band did back in their days. Unfortunately, Steve Gaines was killed in the plane crash in 1977. He started playing for Skynyrd in 1975. He could have been great had he only lived through that whole thing.

So what happened to our survey (as this was a team effort between Chris and me)?

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how old are you? 49

left or right handed? right

zodiac sign? Sagitarius

Flavor of ice cream? Lemon

been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? Yesss!!!!.

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? Right.

How tall are you? 1, 57 mtrs

like cheese? Yes.

Why songfacts name? Type error...

worst subject? death

Favorite book? "Belle du seigneur", Albert Cohen

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc. Suntanning o the beach. Or home, alone...

What do you do when you're sad? Try to remember the good times and look at myslf in the mirror.

Whom do you aspire to be like? Like myself in a happiest version...

Are you ticklish? Yes

Are you a good dancer? depends of the mood... I can do it really well, or not at all.

What´s your favorite drug? The best one...

What do you drive? Nothing.

Coke or Pepsi? Coke.

Are you more like your mother or your father? both

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? Hope not...

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? Plenty.

Ever modelled? yes...

Can you sing? Yes.

Favorite Pink Floyd song? Time?

Favourite Beatle? John Lennon

Favourite song of all time? Please Mr. postman

Do you have any pets? a kitty

Least Favourite band? I don´t like rap, truly...

Favorite band of all time? Rolling Stones

Do you speak another language? Spanish and english and french and russian and a little italian, but my german is very very bad...

Every have a serious injury? Car crash, only a couple of months without going to school...


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how old are you? 26

left or right handed? right

zodiac sign? Cancer

Flavor of ice cream? Cookies 'n Cream

been on an airplane? many times

Like Neil Diamond? not sure

Black or blue ink? Black

right or left side of the bed? left, right now

How tall are you? 5' 8 1/2"

like cheese? Yes

Why songfacts name? classic rock is an addiction of mine

worst subject? English

Favorite book? "Bourne Supremacy" by Robert Ludlum

What's you favorite vacation, camping, travel, beach, sit around the house etc? a lake up North

What do you do when you're sad? Listen to my music in my car very loudly

Whom do you aspire to be like? A better version of me

Are you ticklish? oh yes

Are you a good dancer? at the dance club, yes

What´s your favorite drug? classic rock

What do you drive? 1998 Chrysler Sebring JXi

Coke or Pepsi? Mt. Dew (which would be a Pepsi product)

Are you more like your mother or your father? father, in many many many ways

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? no

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? stitches scar on my right hand from when I was 8

Ever modelled? no, but do you think I should?

Can you sing? Yes, but my range of sounding good is limited

Favorite Pink Floyd song? Wish You Were Here

Favourite Beatle? John Lennon

Favourite song of all time? "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd

Do you have any pets? nope

Least Favourite band? anything related to pop music

Favorite band of all time? Lynyrd Skynyrd

Do you speak another language? American :P

Every have a serious injury? nope, knock on wood

Vegetarian? nope, I really like meat

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day?

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