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When I did this I think there were 3 questions...

How old are you? 49

zodiac sign? Libra

left or right handed? Right

Flavor of ice cream? chocolate marshmallow

Been on an airplane? yes

Like Neil Diamond? yes

Black or blue ink? blue

right or left side of the bed? left

How tall are you? 5'7"

like cheese? yes, but not alone

Why songfacts name? It's my first initial. I have always signed my name on notes...C

worst subject? math

Favorite book? The Grapes of Wrath or Of Mice and Men

What's your favorite vacation? Good question.

What do you do when you're sad? obsess about it.

Are you a good dancer? yes

What's your favorite drug? Legal? Synthroid keeps me "normal"

What do you drive? 89 Corsica

Coke or Pepsi? pepsi, but I gave up soda months ago.

Are you more like your mother or father? Mother

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? No

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? unfortunately just 1 on my face.

Ever modelled? yes, as a 5 year old

Can you sing? Good Lord no

Favorite Pink Floyd song? Wish You Were Here

Favourite Beatle? George

Favourite song of all time? Can't do that.

Do you have any pets? not any longer

Least Favourite band? Most any band from 2000 on.

Favorite band of all time? Stones

Do you speak another language? Not other than 1,2,3's

Ever have a serious injury? no

Vegetarian? no

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day? Lately too much. Normally 3-4 hours

Do looks matter? no

How old were you when you had your first real kiss? Real? 14

What's your house #? 1025

Happiest moment? recovery of my daughter

First celebrity crush and how old? Bobby Sherman

Cats or dogs? dogs

What makes you smile? smartass comments and slightly risque comments

Biggest superstition? none

Favourite number? 4

What do you want to major in/what are you majoring in/what did you major in? Life

what songs make you wanna get up and dance? Too many.

What is your best quality? Compassion

Bad habits? smoking

Are you in love? No

Stairway? great song unfortunately overexposed

What instruments, if any, do you play? none now. piano as a child

Favorite Album? Something Stones

VH1 or MTV? too old for either, but VH1 has some interesting specials

Electric or Acoustic? both

favorite sport? baseball

Sunday driver, or Future F1 Superstar? in the middle

Do you have any deep dark secrets that nobody knows? of course

Who's your favorite friend here on Songfacts? No favorite, that would be mean.

Do you have more “real†friends or more net friends? Net.

Do you have children?

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How old are you? 21

zodiac sign? Widder (what's that in Latin/English?)

left or right handed? Right

Flavor of ice cream? I always mix

Been on an airplane? no

Like Neil Diamond? not particularly

Black or blue ink? blue

right or left side of the bed? right

How tall are you? ca. 1,78

like cheese? yes, but nothing that smells

Why songfacts name? I really suck at thinking up screen names, and I like his music...

worst subject? history (I love history, but I had a god awfull teacher)

Favorite book? The Swarm - Frank Schätzing

What's your favorite vacation? Sweden in the summer

What do you do when you're sad? I distract myself

Are you a good dancer? god no

What's your favorite drug? Caffeine

What do you drive? Opel Corsa

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Are you more like your mother or father? Mother

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? No

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? no, just usual and uninteresting stuff

Ever modelled? nope

Can you sing? in the shower or after a few beer

Favorite Pink Floyd song? Wish You Were Here or another Brick In The wall

Favourite Beatle? John

Favourite song of all time? Can't say - too many

Do you have any pets? no

Least Favourite band? quite a few, but I hate Modern Talking with a passion

Favorite band of all time? very hard to say, there are/were so many good ones around...

Do you speak another language? German (duh!) a little bit of English and even less French

Ever have a serious injury? no

Vegetarian? no

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day? Too much

Do looks matter? no

How old were you when you had your first real kiss? Real? 12

What's your house #? 15

Happiest moment? Last school day and getting my licence (within a week of each other)

First celebrity crush and how old? can't remember (wow what an influence in my life)

Cats or dogs? why not both?

What makes you smile?

Biggest superstition? Friday 13th

Favourite number? 42

What do you want to major in/what are you majoring in/what did you major in? computers

what songs make you wanna get up and dance? see above, I don't dance if I can avoid it...

What is your best quality? resourceful

Bad habits? sometimes I'm too forgiving

Are you in love? Yes

Stairway? great to keep fit

What instruments, if any, do you play? Sadly none, but i can press "play" on a recorder ... does that make me a DJ?

Favorite Album? changes frequently, currently "Geräusch" ~ Die Ärzte

VH1 or MTV? I can't stand MTV (nowadays) and I don't have VH1

Electric or Acoustic? both

favorite sport? football (not the American kind)

Sunday driver, or Future F1 Superstar? depends on the mood

Do you have any deep dark secrets that nobody knows? Yes

Who's your favorite friend here on Songfacts? I Love You All

Do you have more “real†friends or more net friends? i think it's equally spread

Do you have children? no (I think :P)

Your favourite beverage?

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How old are you? 41

Zodiac sign? Capricorn, though I think it's bunkum, myself

Left or right handed? Right

Flavour of ice cream? Caramel Chew-Chew

Been on an aeroplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? I'm absolutely nothing like Neil Diamond

Black or blue ink? black

Right or left side of the bed? left

How tall are you? 6ft

Like cheese? Love cheese...if it's cheese, I love it.

Why songfacts name? It's a long story, but I used to be in a band called "Blind Fitters"

Worst subject? Woodwork

Favourite book? Oh, I dunno..."Slaughterhouse 5" by Kurt Vonnegut

What's your favorite vacation? My best ever would be a toss-up between Iceland and New Zealand

What do you do when you're sad? Normally: keep it bottled up. Just lately: cry alot

Are you a good dancer? I have my unique style. It's not for me to judge...

What's your favorite drug? Psylocibin or amsterdam's finest skunk.

What do you drive? Nissan Micra

Coke or Pepsi? I don't do either.

Are you more like your mother or father? Tricky one...mother, hopefully.

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? No

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? A distinctive mole I'm none too keen on.

Ever modelled? Never had either the face or the figure...

Can you sing? Well, I did when I was in my band(s), but that was kinda punk-rock stylee. By most people's standards: no.

Favourite Pink Floyd song? Don't have one

Favourite Beatle? I liked Ringo's voice-overs on Thomas The Tank Engine

Favourite song of all time? "Police & Thieves" by Junior Murvin, if I'm pushed to name one.

Do you have any pets? some tropical fish

Least Favourite band? Torn between Spandau Ballet and...no, I'll settle for that.

Favourite band of all time? Ummmmmm....say, Killing Joke

Do you speak another language? French, a bit of German, some British Sign Language...

Ever have a serious injury? Not an injury, tho' my appendix exploded once.

Vegetarian? Used to be...after a fashion

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day? Too much...a couple of hours?

Do looks matter? Yes and no.

How old were you when you had your first real kiss? 12 / 13. I nearly pappered me kecks.

What's your house #? 47

Happiest moment? Probably the birth of my daughter...or Leeds United winning the championship.

First celebrity crush and how old? I reckon it must have been Debbie Harry, when I was about 13.

Cats or dogs? I like both

What makes you smile? The unbearable lightness of being

Biggest superstition? For some reason, I've taken to saying "Good morning to you, sire" to lone magpies. Otherwise none.

Favourite number? 7

What do you want to major in/what are you majoring in/what did you major in? Earlier on in life, at Uni? I majored in European Languages. Fat lot of use that turned out to be...

What songs make you wanna get up and dance? "Babylon's Burning" by The Ruts, "You're Ready Now" by Slaughter & The Dogs, "Follow The Leader" by Killing Joke. Otherwise: none

What is your best quality? A heightened awareness of my own absurdity

Bad habits? Loudly interrupting, apparently

Are you in love? Yes

Stairway? I don't know how I'd get upstairs without it.

What instruments, if any, do you play? Guitar

Favorite Album? "Entertainment!" - Gang Of Four

VH1 or MTV? Don't watch either

Electric or Acoustic? I'm more of an electric fan myself

Favourite sport? Football (or "soccer" as it's known to the just plain wrong.

Sunday driver, or Future F1 Superstar? I've been done for speeding several times over the years.

Do you have any deep dark secrets that nobody knows? I'm an open book.

Who's your favourite friend here on Songfacts? To reveal that would put me in an awkward spot.

Do you have more “real†friends or more net friends? "Real", I'd like to think...

Do you have children? Three: boy (nearly 9), girl (7) and boyII (nearly 4) As you can see, I've kept their names simple: easy to remember.

Ever had an out-of-body or "ghostly" experience?

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How old are you? 26

Zodiac sign? Leo

Left or right handed? Right

Flavour of ice cream? Strawberry

Been on an aeroplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? No

Black or blue ink? blue

Right or left side of the bed? left

How tall are you? 5'6

Like cheese? love it

Why songfacts name? It's the name of my favorite movie (Steel Magnolias)

Worst subject? English

Favourite book? To Kill A Mockingbird

What's your favorite vacation? Bahamas

What do you do when you're sad? cry alot

Are you a good dancer? not really

What's your favorite drug? insulin, my life depends on it

What do you drive? Mercury Mariner

Coke or Pepsi? neither, Diet Dr. Pepper

Are you more like your mother or father? mother

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? No

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? no

Ever modelled? no

Can you sing? yes

Favourite Pink Floyd song? Wish You Were Here

Favourite Beatle? don't have one

Favourite song of all time? too many to choose one

Do you have any pets? a dog and a cat

Least Favourite band? don't have one

Favourite band of all time? The Allman Brothers Band

Do you speak another language? no

Ever have a serious injury? no

Vegetarian? hell no

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day? too much

Do looks matter? Yes and no.

How old were you when you had your first real kiss? 16

What's your house #? 995

Happiest moment? my wedding day

First celebrity crush and how old? Fred Savage when I was 10

Cats or dogs? I like both

What makes you smile? being with friends

Biggest superstition? black cats

Favourite number? 21

What do you want to major in/what are you majoring in/what did you major in? I have a Bachelors degree in accounting

What songs make you wanna get up and dance? I'll dance to anything as long as I have a drink in my hand.

What is your best quality? my ability to get along with anyone

Bad habits? smacking gum

Are you in love? Yes

Stairway? it's ok

What instruments, if any, do you play? I can play the piano but I'm not that good

VH1 or MTV? I admit, I watch both

Electric or Acoustic? acoustic

Favourite sport? College Football

Sunday driver, or Future F1 Superstar? somewhere in between

Do you have any deep dark secrets that nobody knows? I'll never tell

Who's your favourite friend here on Songfacts? I love everyone

Do you have more “real†friends or more net friends? real

Do you have children? no

Ever had an out-of-body or "ghostly" experience? no

new question:

What's your favorite movie?

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How old are you? 15

Zodiac sign? Capricorn

Left or right handed? Right

Flavour of ice cream? Triple chocolate

Been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? NEIL!!!! I WANT TO PARTY WITH YOU!!!

Black or blue ink? Black

Right or left side of the bed? Right

How tall are you? 6' 9"( Hence my name)

Like cheese? Only in certain cituations

Why songfacts name? Because I'm incredibly tall, and most people only know me as that

Worst subject? Science

Favourite book? Too many

What's your favorite vacation? Ireland

What do you do when you're sad? Listen to music, any kind

Are you a good dancer? Haha. Next question.

What's your favorite drug? Umm, I'm not at liberty to discuss that

What do you drive? A Cobra XD (get it, it's a golf cl.. nevermind)

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

Are you more like your mother or father? FatherDo The cops have your mug shot on file? Not that I know of

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? No

Ever modelled? No

Can you sing? Only certain bands

Favourite Pink Floyd song? Wish You Were Here

Favourite Beatle? Not a huge fan

Favourite song of all time? That's hard. Probably Wish You Were Here

Do you have any pets? A dog

Least Favourite band? Green Day.

Favourite band of all time? The Grateful Dead, and Pink Floyd. Hard to pick.

Do you speak another language? Some Spanish

Ever have a serious injury? No

Vegetarian? No

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day? 1 hour

Do looks matter? Yes and no

How old were you when you had your first real kiss? Not yet.

What's your house #? 52

Happiest moment? Red Sox winning the World Series

First celebrity crush and how old? None

Cats or dogs? Dogs

What makes you smile? Funny stuff

Biggest superstition? I'm not superstitious

Favourite number? 96

What do you want to major in/what are you majoring in/what did you major in? I have no idea what to do with my life

What songs make you wanna get up and dance? I don't dance.

What is your best quality? My personality, good looks, charm, and modesty

Bad habits? No idea

Are you in love? Yes

Stairway? Good, but not the greatest song ever,and not the best solo ever

What instruments, if any, do you play? Saxophone

VH1 or MTV? VH1. They still have music

Electric or Acoustic? Depends on the situation

Favourite sport? Basketball

Sunday driver, or Future F1 Superstar? Not available

Do you have any deep dark secrets that nobody knows? Don't we all

Who's your favourite friend here on Songfacts? Everyone

Do you have more “real†friends or more net friends? Real

Do you have children? No

Ever had an out-of-body or "ghostly" experience? No

What's your favorite movie? The Fugitive

New Question:

Most overrated song ever?

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How old are you? 19

Zodiac sign? Pisces

Left or right handed? Right

Flavour of ice cream? chocolate

Been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? I’m not too familiar with his music

Black or blue ink? Black...actually I don't care

Right or left side of the bed? Right

How tall are you? 5’9’’

Like cheese? eww

Why songfacts name? because I like the song. To be honest, I didn’t put much thought in it.

Worst subject? Maths

Favourite book? 1984

What's your favorite vacation? Somewhere on a beach

What do you do when you're sad? Distract myself

Are you a good dancer? No

What's your favorite drug? coffee

What do you drive? A very old Peugeot..I still maintain that it’s the very first one they ever built :P

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Are you more like your mother or father? Mother

Do The cops have your mug shot on file? No

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? No

Ever modelled? No

Can you sing? No

Favourite Pink Floyd song? High Hopes

Favourite Beatle? John

Favourite song of all time? How Many Friends – The Who

Do you have any pets? A cat

Least Favourite band? Limp Bizkit

Favourite band of all time? The Who

Do you speak another language? German, some French

Ever have a serious injury? No

Vegetarian? No

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day? Depends on how much spare time I have

Do looks matter? Sometimes….

How old were you when you had your first real kiss? 15 or 16.

What's your house #? 43

Happiest moment? dunno...probably something crappy like the day my mother didn't cook porridge for breakfast

First celebrity crush and how old? Can’t remember

Cats or dogs? cats

What makes you smile? Jokes and the like

Biggest superstition? If you tell a secret wish to someone it won't come true

Favourite number? 23

What do you want to major in/what are you majoring in/what did you major in? Linguistics

What songs make you wanna get up and dance? I’d have to be very drunk for that to happen

What is your best quality? Can't someone else answer this….?

Bad habits? I’m the laziest person you’re ever likely to meet

Are you in love? Yes

Stairway? Overplayed but still great

What instruments, if any, do you play? Drums, guitar

VH1 or MTV? VH1.

Favorite Album? Tommy – The Who

Electric or Acoustic? both

Favourite sport? Football (the British kind)

Sunday driver, or Future F1 Superstar? More of a Sunday driver, I’m afraid

Do you have any deep dark secrets that nobody knows? See the “forgotten music†thread

Who's your favourite friend here on Songfacts? couldn't say

Do you have more “real†friends or more net friends? real

Do you have children? No

Ever had an out-of-body or "ghostly" experience? Yes

What's your favorite movie? Rain Man

Most overrated song ever? Yesterday

First album you bought?

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How old are you? 49 1/2

Zodiac sign? Sagitarius

Left or right handed? Right

Flavour of ice cream? Coffee

Been on an airplane? Yes

Like Neil Diamond? Absolutely

Black or blue ink? Black

Right or left side of the bed? Right

How tall are you? 5’9’’

Like cheese? yes. especially sharp provolone

Why songfacts name? To honor Phil Rizzuto

Worst subject? Math

Favourite book? Sometimes A Great Notion

What's your favorite vacation? The mountains

What do you do when you're sad? Not sad often. Just deal with it.

Are you a good dancer? No. I dance like a suburban White guy

What's your favorite drug? coffee

What do you drive? A gas efficient Elantra

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

Are you more like your mother or father? Father

Do The cops have your mug shot on file? No

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? No

Ever modelled? No

Can you sing? Yes, in the shower

Favourite Pink Floyd song? Pigs

Favourite Beatle? John

Favourite song of all time? Peaches En Regalia - Zappa

Do you have any pets? 2 cats, 1 crazy dog

Least Favourite band? Motley Crue

Favourite band of all time? Stones

Do you speak another language? some Italian

Ever have a serious injury? Yes. Knee surgery

Vegetarian? No

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day? depends how busy I am

Do looks matter? No

How old were you when you had your first real kiss? 13

What's your house #? 35

Happiest moment? My children being born

First celebrity crush and how old? Goldie Hawn on Laugh-In. 12 I think.

Cats or dogs? dogs

What makes you smile? My kids being happy

Biggest superstition? none

Favourite number? 7 ( Mickey Mantle's #)

What do you want to major in/what are you majoring in/what did you major in? I majored in business, but I wanted to be a journalist.

What songs make you wanna get up and dance? The Tarantella. Every time I go to an Italian wedding

What is your best quality? I am not judgemental.

Bad habits? Procrastination

Are you in love? Yes

Stairway? Still like it, but better when heard sporadically

What instruments - none

VH1 or MTV? VH1.

Favorite Album? Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits - Volume 2

Electric or Acoustic? both

Favourite sport? baseball

Sunday driver, or Future F1 Superstar? - Sunday

Do you have any deep dark secrets that nobody knows? Yes. But I'm not telling.

Who's your favourite friend here on Songfacts? Everyone's great

Do you have more “real†friends or more net friends? real

Do you have children? Yes

Ever had an out-of-body or "ghostly" experience? No

What's your favorite movie? Young Frankenstein

Most overrated song ever? Free Bird

First album you bought? Grand Funk 2-record Live album

Favorite female singer?

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hmmm...i know i did this not long ago at all...but im extremely bored and a few questions have been added...so i might as well do it again!

How old are you? 15

zodiac sign? pisces...but those things are rubbish

left or right handed? Right

Flavor of ice cream? caramello. or goody goody gumdrops

Been on an airplane? yes

Like Neil Diamond? no

Black or blue ink? blue

right or left side of the bed? hmmm...left. or the one furthest away from the door.

How tall are you? don't know...tall. like 1.80m

like cheese? yes! i pile extra cheese on everything!

Why songfacts name? because i like that line..

worst subject? science

Favorite book? i dont read

What's your favorite vacation? dont know...new caledonia was cool.

What do you do when you're sad? listen to music

Are you a good dancer? sometimes...if im not drunk then yes

What's your favorite drug? heroin..never done it...but its my favourite

What do you drive? nothing

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Are you more like your mother or father? father

Do the cops have your mug shot on file? no

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? 1

Ever modelled? yes

Can you sing? not really well..but not terribly!

Favorite Pink Floyd song? shine on you carzy diamond

Favourite Beatle? john lennon

Favourite song of all time? waaay too hard to pick

Do you have any pets? a stupid kitten which tries to kill me

Least Favourite band? oh theres lots

Favorite band of all time? too hard!

Do you speak another language? english..quite a bit of french..a tiny bit of spanish

Ever have a serious injury? nope..i broke my toe once..

Vegetarian? no

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day? not that much

Do looks matter? no

How old were you when you had your first real kiss? hmm..14

What's your house #? 4

Happiest moment? at the rolling stones concert i think.

First celebrity crush and how old? johnny depp..like 12

Cats or dogs? dogs

What makes you smile? music, peace, love. swings. i like swings

Biggest superstition? superstition is stupid

Favourite number? 4

What do you want to major in/what are you majoring in/what did you major in? nothing

what songs make you wanna get up and dance? most songs actually

What is your best quality? dont know

Bad habits? hmm...spending other peoples money on new cd's and record and then never paying them back.

Are you in love? yes!

Stairway? its beautiful..i love it

What instruments, if any, do you play? guitar...can also play recorder

Favorite Album? waay too hard to pick

VH1 or MTV? dont know

Electric or Acoustic? both!

favorite sport? underwater hockey!

Sunday driver, or Future F1 Superstar? i dont drive but sunday driver

Do you have any deep dark secrets that nobody knows? no i actually dont. i pretty much tell everything haha

Who's your favourite friend here on Songfacts? dont have one haha

Do you have more “real†friends or more net friends? real

Do you have children? no

Ever had an out-of-body or "ghostly" experience? ahh..no..

What's your favorite movie? Tommy or Almost Famous. They are equal

Most overrated song ever? i don't know. there are probably lots. i dont think stairway to heaven is overrated though, as alot of people do

First album you bought? highway 61 revisited

Favorite female singer? the one that sings in gimme shelter or the one that sings on the great gig in the sky. janis joplin is good too.

new question: when was the last time you fell over?

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How old are you? 18

Zodiac sign? Scorpio

Left or right handed? Right

Flavour of ice cream? Caramello

Been on an airplane? Yes, about 50 times already

Like Neil Diamond? To be honest I don't know. They don't play him on the radio station I listen to, so I haven't heard much.

Black or blue ink? Black

Right or left side of the bed? Right

How tall are you? 6'3" (190cm)

Like cheese? Yes

Why songfacts name? My initials and year of birth. I am so boring.

Worst subject? English.

Favourite book? The Lord Of The Rings

What's your favorite vacation? Don't know

What do you do when you're sad? Listen to music

Are you a good dancer? Definitely no

What's your favorite drug? Beer

What do you drive? A $400 1982 Mitsubishi Colt. I wish I could afford something better.

Coke or Pepsi? Coke

Are you more like your mother or father? Father

Do The cops have your mug shot on file? I hope not. I must have been really drunk if so.

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? When I was about 5 years old I hit my nose on my bedside cabinet, so I have a permanent scar on my nose. Also, my many scars from bicycle accidents look pretty permanent.

Ever modelled? No

Can you sing? Not really, but haven't tried much

Favourite Pink Floyd song? Shine On You Crazy Diamond

Favourite Beatle? Paul MacCarteney

Favourite song of all time? Kashmir - Led Zeppelin

Do you have any pets? 1 Cat, 1 Dog, Many fish

Least Favourite band? The Black Eyed Peas

Favourite band of all time? Led Zeppelin

Do you speak another language? Not fluently, but some of French, Italian and Latin

Ever have a serious injury? No

Vegetarian? No

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day? About half an hour

Do looks matter? No

How old were you when you had your first real kiss? Haven't had one and not too embarrased to admit it.

What's your house #? 4

Happiest moment? I really don't know

First celebrity crush and how old? A real serious crush you mean? Haven't really had one.

Cats or dogs? Dogs

What makes you smile? Lots of things

Biggest superstition? Don't have any

Favourite number? 37

What do you want to major in/what are you majoring in/what did you major in? Currently majoring in Mathematical Statistics at the University of Western Australia

What songs make you wanna get up and dance? I just don't like dancing at all

What is your best quality? Don't really have any good qualities :P

Bad habits? Being antisocial (I just can't help it sometimes)

Are you in love? No

Stairway? If I was to write my own list of the greatest songs of all time, it would be number one without a doubt.

What instruments? Guitar, Keyboard instruments.

VH1 or MTV? VH1.

Favorite Album? Led Zeppelin Remasters

Electric or Acoustic? Electric

Favourite sport? Cricket

Sunday driver, or Future F1 Superstar? F1 dropout

Do you have any deep dark secrets that nobody knows? No

Who's your favourite friend here on Songfacts? Too many great people to choose.

Do you have more “real†friends or more net friends? real

Do you have children? No

Ever had an out-of-body or "ghostly" experience? No

What's your favorite movie? Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope

Most overrated song ever? Tainted Love by Soft Cell

First album you bought? Hybrid Theory by Linkin Park

Favorite female singer? Chrissie Hynde

Last time you fell over? At my friends 19th birthday party. I had no reason for falling over except that I was drunk.

New question: Name something you really dislike (it can be anything)

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  • 3 months later...

How old are you? 19

Zodiac sign? Capricorn or Aquarius depending on which one has a nicer horoscope

Left or right handed? Right

Flavour of ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip in a cone

Been on an airplane? 3 times... 4 if you count a layover

Like Neil Diamond? Sure, why not.

Black or blue ink? Black, because I'm so used to blue ink from school

Right or left side of the bed? Right, but I don't mind variety

How tall are you? I lost count at 6 feet (184 cm)... I think I got another inch since then.

Like cheese? yegh... I'd rather not. There are a couple that are tolerable

Why songfacts name? My favourite and oldest pair of jeans

Worst subject? Chemistry in tenth grade. I have the utmost respect for those who manage to do it.

Favourite book? Every Night Josephine

What's your favorite vacation? Anywhere... sometimes the best destinations aren't very far off.

What do you do when you're sad? brood and sulk for a while. Some Chili Peppers soon set that right

Are you a good dancer? I suck at choreography. On my own, I'm not THAT bad.

What's your favorite drug? tea in assorted forms

What do you drive? a car

Coke or Pepsi? neither if they're fizzy. Either if they're flat

Are you more like your mother or father? Mum

Do The cops have your mug shot on file? nope... they missed me... every time.

Any unusual scars or interesting birthmarks? nope... a small birthmark near my shoulder but it's nothing.

Ever modelled? nope. *trip* splat!

Can you sing? Well when I do I'm not told to shut up, so I suppose I'm tolerable

Favourite Pink Floyd song? High Hopes

Favourite Beatle? George

Favourite song of all time? I could narrow it down to a few hundred songs from the 90s

Do you have any pets? Not anymore :(

Least Favourite band? Limp Bizkit (they're a 'band'?)

Favourite band of all time? I love them all

Do you speak another language? Hindi

Ever have a serious injury? No (knock, knock)

Vegetarian? Not even close

On average, how much time do you spend on Songfacts per day? Hours and hours.

Do looks matter? Yes... don't deny it! I have psychological proof!

How old were you when you had your first real kiss? REAL kiss? never... there may have been some pecks here and there.

What's your house #? 56

Happiest moment? There must be quite a few, but none stand out

First celebrity crush and how old? I can't really remember... Maybe Gene Kelly when I saw him as a child in Singing in the Rain.

Cats or dogs? Dogs!

What makes you smile? Easiest thing in the world to make me smile.

Biggest superstition? knocking on wood... nothing else

Favourite number? 2, 17, 20

What do you want to major in/what are you majoring in/what did you major in? Psychology at the moment.

What songs make you wanna get up and dance? Your Woman by White Town never fails.

What is your best quality? I'm eternally positive

Bad habits? Vanity

Are you in love? no...it sucks being cynical

Stairway? Okay, but others have grabbed me more

What instruments? Vocal and a few guitar chords

VH1 or MTV? VH1

Favorite Album? It's not as easy as that!

Electric or Acoustic? Acoustic

Favourite sport? handball

Sunday driver, or Future F1 Superstar? Sunday driver

Do you have any deep dark secrets that nobody knows? I'll spill if they come up in conversation

Who's your favourite friend here on Songfacts? I'm not falling for that one!

Do you have more “real†friends or more net friends? about the same

Do you have children? Never!

Ever had an out-of-body or "ghostly" experience? I zone out sometimes and have trouble zoning back in. Some classes do that

What's your favorite movie? I like Wayne's World... the Alice Cooper scene, the sponsorship scene etc... :laughing:

Most overrated song ever? Most bands' biggest hit

First album you bought? ABBA Gold

Favorite female singer? Alanis Morrissette, Tori Amos, Suzanne Vega, Debbie Harry

Last time you fell over? It's been a while...

Name something you really dislike (it can be anything) waiting or making people wait or people who make people wait

Do you procrastinate?

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