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Songfactors' Choice: Suggestion Box


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We have reached a decision! Good lord, it took long enough. I'll post the opening shortly, check it out, and see what you think .... ;)

All the previous suggestions are still in play for upcoming rounds, and please add any suggestions as you think of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with Nick. Leaving out "Made in Japan" makes me question the author's musical knowledge. If The Who's "Live at Leeds" hadn't been included here, I would've dismissed this article as nonsense.


And maybe you could link to this forum again with the next 'article'? Just mention it again... some people don't seem to read the yellow box...

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Those comments were ticking me off too. I noticed just a couple 2 weeks ago. I've already mentioned to Carl that people don't seem to be getting the yellow box (heck I didn't read it clearly myself) ... that it needs to be made clearer that "there is no author" per se, and that the choices are made by selection of the members. Hence, join, suggest, vote, make the list, etc...

I think we'll talk about making it more clear than just they little yellow box, maybe from the main page if possible (that's up to Carl), and we've already talked about a new "sticky" in the forum explaining what SF Choice is all about. Sorry, we have kind of gotten sidelined with me being away, and Martin being the only team member around. Suggestions are good, so you tell us what would make it more clear to people how this is done? :P

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wow... that was the first time I even went there to read the comments :crazy:

My initial reaction is that people don't take time to read the orange box. They read the headline and that's all. They see "Top 7 Live Albums of All Time" and scroll down to see what they are.

Hence, if we want people to notice that it's strictly based on members nomiating and voting, then it needs to be included in the headline. i.e. "Songfacts Members Choice for Top 7 Live Albums of All Time." Lengthy, perhaps... but it'll be noticed and, hopefully, noted.

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I'd thought of making some comments there, maybe an official one, or like Radhi suggested. Seems several thought Made in Japan should have made it. Wasn't it nominated by Sammy? And disn't make the list, due to lack of votes? Had those people been voting, maybe it would have. They don't realize that, I think.

I agree with Shawna, it just needs to made more clear right off the bat, because they aren't reading the yellow box.

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Great idea Viaene!...I never knew about the comments until today!!!...I've just been too busy with other things to even check it out...seems like there weren't any positive comments on the top 7 that were picked....so Viaene's suggestion of showing all that were nominated is a great idea....Maybe we would get more positive comments that way????....maybe that is.... :P

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That's true. All that info is available here in the forum anyway. People just need to be directed here, to the forum. That is the real problem, they aren't getting that far.

What we need is better direction/info on the forum itself, whether from the main page or the blog, I don't know. I've asked Carl what he thinks we can do.

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Good call on clarifying where the list came from. We put a note at the bottom (just before the comments) explaining that they originated in Songfactor's Choice.

I think it's very cool that at least 26 comments have shown up. Granted, most of them are complaining about the choices, but that's to be expected. How many blog posts out there get that kind of heat?

As stated, most people don't read the fine print and go right to the selections. This can be frustrating, but at least they're reading our picks and have a reaction to them. Remember, the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference.


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