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Yes, but now it is called Metlife Stadium.

Giants stadium was torn down a few years ago and Metlife Stadium was built right next to where Giants Stadium was.

Jon Bon Jovi still referred to it as Giants Stadium when he said it was good to be back there.

Thank you, Ron, we did enjoy the show. It was a great concert. Loved, loved, loved it! :rockon:

J. Geils band was the opening act.

We have a few photos that I will post soon.

What I meant is that anybody that lives around here knows it is REALLY Giants Stadium no matter what they try to call it. The Giants let the Jets co-exist there but...it's a local thing.

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Isn't that what weed is for? :P

Ha! :laughing: Despite Bluesy's best efforts, I'm apparently not a very good argument for that cause. Though it has not stopped me from trying.

The good news is, I had my pressure checked today (I feel like a tire), and the eye that was operated on has much lower pressure than the non-operative eye. Which was the whole point, and means I can schedule the other eye, and quit using drops every night (which I forget half the time anyway), and stop this stupid eye disease in it's tracks. Which would mean I can live my entire life with two working eyes. My dad, grandad, and great-grandad all lost their vision to glaucoma. I do not want to be the next generation!

I'm very happy right now. ;)

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The good news is, I had my pressure checked today (I feel like a tire), and the eye that was operated on has much lower pressure than the non-operative eye. Which was the whole point, and means I can schedule the other eye, and quit using drops every night (which I forget half the time anyway), and stop this stupid eye disease in it's tracks. Which would mean I can live my entire life with two working eyes. My dad, grandad, and great-grandad all lost their vision to glaucoma. I do not want to be the next generation!

I'm very happy right now. ;)

Congrats, Lucky!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Your story sounds so familiar to me... I am using new drops now... still no surgery, we're trying... (my pressure went really up on the eye-that-sees...)

Please, take care... glaucoma is no fun at all. Your kids should check their sight as well, but you know that already...

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Understand that Sammy has been engaged in glaucoma herbal preventative therapy for many years now.

Ron, I've been on preventive therapy almost every day since 1971... :shades: and no, it didn't work.

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This is turning out to be a banner year for me! I got to interview two of my all-time favorites (One Jesus, the other a god) and write articles about them. Got to have drinks with the god and will be having lunch with Jesus tomorrow!

Still writing the article on the god, but the Jesus article is up and ready for your enjoyment!! Hope you like reading it as much I liked writing it. :)

Jesus Christ Superstar: Ted Neeley tells the story

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