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Wheres my FROG????


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Well I can only speak for myself but ..."YES"!, I like michelle better than the rest of you!


Well, that´s allright, besides michelle has been asking for her frog for many days now. She deserves a special title... but please, where do you get those funny moving emoticons or whatever they call it? MC___ already showed me a site, but I have trouble in posting them anywhere, here, mails, etc...Thank you!

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oooh i'm a frog now! i love frogs, think they're dead cute! (but only in cartoon or celluloid form!)

btw i clearly have no life but tv in germany is crap so thi is much more entertaining!

It might just be me, but you're in Ireland, and your tv is in Germany, chances are pretty much anything is going to be more entertaining.

By the way..I see you got your frog status on post #50. ::

P.P.S. How do you pronounce your name? I've been pondering this since you first arrived.

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Watch out for those yellow fin tuna. I hear they're cowards. The bumble bee tuna packs quite a sting I hear, also.

Charlie, the lonesome tuna, has very good taste. Or was that cougar?

*sings jingle*

Ask any mermaid you happen to see: "What's the best tuna?" Chicken of the Sea.

I think I'd feel kinda funny with chicken of the sea under my screen name.

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It might just be me, but you're in Ireland, and your tv is in Germany, chances are pretty much anything is going to be more entertaining.

well i am an irish girlie but i've recently moved to germany for a year with college. couldn't bring myself to put in germany as my location though

P.P.S. How do you pronounce your name? I've been pondering this since you first arrived.

hmm this will be hard to explain! most people don't get it! so the most most imporant thing is the pronounciation of the 'g' is hard like 'great' 'girl' 'gorgeous' (all of which describe me of course! :P )

so from there it goes geez - ill - ah with most emphasis on the first and last syllables. do you get me?!?

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Gee-zel-er, but I was only little.

BTW, given the German name and the Irish nationality, were you by chance the result of a union between a German sailor and an Irish lady? I only ask because I have a friend from the West coast who is a quarter German. Apparently his Gran was given the pink torpedo by a visitor to those shores during WWII. The gentleman used to alternate between torpedoing the convoys and the Irish ladies by all accounts.


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diggs! - :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i'm far too young for that. my parents weren't even born til after the war! your friend's gran was a bit of a slut was she? she probably got sent to a laundry run by catholic nuns to punish her for having sex out of wedlock! j/k!

actually my dad is german tho, he was a bit of a hippy in the early 70s, cycled around europe and while in ireland randomly met my mum and "they ,uh, hit it off right away". a few years later history was made with the birth of, well my three brothers, and me of course! nowadays my dad's just a bit of an [bleep] really!

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diggs! - :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i'm far too young for that. my parents weren't even born til after the war! your friend's gran was a bit of a slut was she? she probably got sent to a laundry run by catholic nuns to punish her for having sex out of wedlock! j/k!

actually my dad is german tho, he was a bit of a hippy in the early 70s, cycled around europe and while in ireland randomly met my mum and "they ,uh, hit it off right away". a few years later history was made with the birth of, well my three brothers, and me of course! nowadays my dad's just a bit of an [bleep] really...

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