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Wheres my FROG????


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The Old Man and the Sea caught a marlin... If there is a prince that I can kiss send him my way!!! :rockon:

No problem, baby! I´ll check among my many friends, I have ten or twelve princes... I´ll try to send you a couple of them!!!! If it don´t work, ask Sara or Carl! :coolio:

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I'm not sure I get the "barracudas are violent" thing. Dont all animals that eat flesh have to kill it first?

No. Nature has no rules when it comes to hunger.

Watch the housecat toy with a mouse, or the oscar swallow a minnow whole. Nature channels show kicking ewe as they are being devoured by lions. As long as the prey is incapacitated, there's little concern whether or not it's actually dead.

Insects live surprisingly long in cocoons or hives built by spiders or wasps. They drink the fluids while still warm and surprisingly, I've observed many sluggish spiders when breaking apart mud hives built by wasps. No telling how long they live before the wasps decide it's suppertime.

I think the only animals that start eating once the prey is dead are scavengers, like hyenas, buzzards or humans. Snakes "feel" for the heartbeat to stop before swallowing their prey. I guess they don't want a kicking paw to choke them.

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No. Nature has no rules when it comes to hunger.

Watch the housecat toy with a mouse, or the oscar swallow a minnow whole. Nature channels show kicking ewe as they are being devoured by lions. As long as the prey is incapacitated, there's little concern whether or not it's actually dead.

Insects live surprisingly long in cocoons or hives built by spiders or wasps. They drink the fluids while still warm and surprisingly, I've observed many sluggish spiders when breaking apart mud hives built by wasps. No telling how long they live before the wasps decide it's suppertime.

I think the only animals that start eating once the prey is dead are scavengers, like hyenas, buzzards or humans. Snakes "feel" for the heartbeat to stop before swallowing their prey. I guess they don't want a kicking paw to choke them.

Oops, ther goes breakfast. Rallphhhh!

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Interesting that you mentioned zebras. Even to this day, there is still no logical answer as to why they are black and white in a surrounding that makes them stand out like sore thumbs.

I saw it once in a documentary on TV, I can´t remember very well but it has something to do with survival... no kidding, seems that being like that, depredators get confused when they run after a group of zebras, not knowing where one begins or the other lasts... I laughed a lot when I heard that theory, I still believe it´s childish, but that´s what I heard.

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Yes, Edna, I've heard the black and white so they will look like one big creature theory before and think about all the other herd animals that have proper camouflage and laugh to myself.

The only logical explanation as far as I'm concerned is that zebras are that colour because they are the chosen prey.

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:laughing:. Yes, that was one mean roaming pack of zebras that went after that poor little lion. That is the harsh reality in Africa, though.

I think I need a nap. :googly:

Gasp! Do you think that was a Freudian slip? Perhaps deep in the recesses of my brain I am resentful toward the lion for slaughtering so many innocent animals and I actually DO want to see him consumed alive by a pack of various types of "prey"?! Hmmmmmmmm. I might need counseling to resolve this issue.

Yes Amy, admitting that you need help is the first step toward recovery. I applaud you. :laughing:

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No. Nature has no rules when it comes to hunger.

Watch the housecat toy with a mouse, or the oscar swallow a minnow whole. Nature channels show kicking ewe as they are being devoured by lions. As long as the prey is incapacitated, there's little concern whether or not it's actually dead.

Insects live surprisingly long in cocoons or hives built by spiders or wasps. They drink the fluids while still warm and surprisingly, I've observed many sluggish spiders when breaking apart mud hives built by wasps. No telling how long they live before the wasps decide it's suppertime.

I think the only animals that start eating once the prey is dead are scavengers, like hyenas, buzzards or humans. Snakes "feel" for the heartbeat to stop before swallowing their prey. I guess they don't want a kicking paw to choke them.

Granted. I may have misrepresented my thought. Baracuda's are not known for killing for anything other than eating. They are not violent in the human sense of the word, ie: killing for fun/sport/anger, etc.

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I didn't think this post would get this out of hand. I wanted to know one question and I still dont know the answer.. I guess I will be a goldfish forever :beady:

I would complain if I were you...OK, let´s make another try: where´s michellenw´s frog, please??? :help:

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