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Films that "choke you up" every time you see them!


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For me it would have to be:

Fried Green Tomatoes & Steel Magnolias (especially when Sally Field breaks down at Shelby's funeral)

There are many more but I refuse to come off as a SAP! :P

I'm not knockin' you Opiate, but I can't can't suppress the gag reflex long enough for either of those movies to make me cry!!

For me it's "Brian's Song" - the football movie about Gayle Sayers and Brian Piccolo - everytime. :puppyeyes:

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its got 2 be the champ where the little blonde boy is sobbing at the end crying champ champ please dont die champ closley probly followed by rocky 2 where adrian says win rocky and in the end where hes fighting apollo creed and he gets up 2 win in the dying seconds followed by that closing theme tune

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I don't know why I'm admitting this..."Field Of Dreams"....when Costner says "Dad, you wanna have a catch?"

There's not a man out there who's not felt something. It chokes me up, simply because that's one thing I never had. A catch with my father. My kids get plenty, though. :)

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I'm not knockin' you Opiate, but I can't can't suppress the gag reflex long enough for either of those movies to make me cry!!

:laughing: :laughing: No offense taken, I didn't make the movies. I failed to mention earlier that I have to be in the mood to watch these movies or they have no effect on me. But just for fun.... :neener:

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Beaches is my all time favourite movie!!! I have seen it literally more than 100 times and I cry every single time. The book made me to, not like the movie though. I can practically recite that movie!!! The Little Mermaid makes me cry too, when Eric goes off on the boat and Ariel is left crying, I am a total mess. Most movies make me cry though, I am a giant sap.

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Oh, there's sooo many...must be hormonal. But, I dare anyone to get into the movie "Hope Floats." The movie itself is not so heartbreaking...but there is a scene in which the little girl (I' don't know her name, but she deserves and oscar, an emmy and any other award) is at her grandmother's funeral. Her father shows up (her parents are seperated) and she wants to go with him, but he wants to start a new life with his new chica. She stands in the driveway and cries, just like you would see any other seven year old kid do when their heart is broken. And it's not just crying, but crying so hard...oh, I'm getting teary just picturing the scene. If you can get through that with out tears...turn your prozac/paxil (insert drug of choice) down! :( :puppyeyes: :(

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Man, the scene in Boyz in the Hood where Ricky's mom comes out and sees her son on the couch covered with blood and lifeless, and then the baby screaming in all the commotion..real heartbreaker for me, every time.Also, at the end of Ghost, when Patrick Swayze has to finally say goodbye, and the "good guys" are waiting on him. :(

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Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

It was so sad, because Santa almost didn't conquer them, and then Christmas would've been ruined for everyone.

I'm crying just thinking about it :(

I choke up everytime I see the movie "Airplane" because I laugh so hard I choke on my popcorn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Jean de Florette": A former tax collector and his family fall heir to a farm that depends on stored water to prosper. Unknown to anyone, "Papet Soubeyran" and his nephew scheme to cheat Jean de Florette out of this legacy by finding and plugging up a spring on the property. The gentleman farmer tries all sorts of crops and schemes to work the property, but the Summer dry season exhausts his well. Forced to transport water by donkey from a distant source, things look very dark. In desperation, explosives are gathered to blow up rocks at the bottom of the now-dry well. Jean runs out into the open too soon after the explosion to deepen the well and his hit by large rocks. He is paralyzed and will soon die. His wife is forced by circumstance to sell the farm to the Soubeyrans and leave. But Manon sees the two unplug the spring and cries like a dying rabbit in anguish. (Try and get past that, and you're made of stone.) This sets up "Manon of the Spring," where Revenge against the whole town during a drought leads to a family secret that makes the scheming, avaricious "Papet Soubeyran" actually a touch sympathetic. (You'll have to see the movie!) :thumbsup:

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  • 4 months later...

If I had to be on a desert island with only one movie - it would be "The 10th Kingdom". I cried when her mother died and when she relieved her childhood. I send it to all family and friends for presents. The first movie I cried at was "Bambi". Steel Magnolias, Fried Green Tomatoes, Schindlers List, Terms of Endearments, An Affair to Remember, East of Eden - The list goes on..... :bow:

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  • 5 years later...

The final stages of "Requiem for a Dream" certainly affected me with such gritty reality of what terrible addictions can do to seemingly perfect individuals.

I can't think of other movies that inspired such sorrow.

Not only was it dreadful, the soundtrack made it even more so. I'm not sure who did the soundtrack but it sounded like impending doom.

If a person wants to feel bad or "choked up" then this is the movie to see/experience.

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