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That does change the meaning of the song, since there are now multiple devils. The power of the apostrophe!

My thought:

"Hip Hop Hooray" by Naughty By Nature is the most risqué song you can still play in a family-friendly environment like a minor league baseball game. Unless the kitten in the song really is a baby cat.

My favorite thing to do is ask people if they know what the second P in "OPP" stands for, and when they say they don't know or guess incorrectly....I love the looks on their faces when I tell them. Suddenly they don't want to act all hard and say "You down with OPP? Yeah you know me" anymore. :laughing:

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I meant the ones who actually play with only two people (like the White Stripes) cuz a bunch of the others had(have) about 3 or 4 other band members who pop in and out. Studio drummer, stage drummer etc.

I don't know enough about them but maybe even the Stripes hire a stage bassist to fill out their sound a bit on tour. I can't imagine one guitar can shake the foundations of a city arena (unless wielded by Angus Young!)

My question wasn't quite worded properly. :tongue:

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You are a genius Carl! I knew this site orbitted around you for a reason. I forgot about them, they actually do everything without outside help. I knew there had to be a band that did it or are doing it now. Thanks dude!

Nice seeing you again too! :bow: :thumbsup:

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Farin, I love these kids! Blood Red Shoes rock! :rockon:

Where do you come up with these bands? I love it!

TimLizzy, I'm gonna be sure to find what I can about those first two... I had Daft Punk in my head too, but not sure where I'm drawing the line yet :tongue:

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Thanks Rocky! I was just trying to find out if they play as just a duo... you just answered that for me! Thanks! :thumbsup:

Seems like there are more and more recently. Can't find any old ones though...

It's cool how full the sound is even though these bands only use 1 guitar. Those pedals and amps have come a long way! :grin:

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Farin, I love these kids! Blood Red Shoes rock! :rockon:

Where do you come up with these bands? I love it!

Either here (if I remember correctly Séba first posted a link that I noticed)

or via Last.fm (eg Garage Rock radio) EDIT: Sorry, I forgot you were from Canada... unfortunately the radios are a subscription-only feature there :P

Edited by Guest
I wrote a reason for my Edit in the text, curiously following a "EDIT:"... strange, I know
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