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.....but the communing with nature; the camping, wilderness orienteering, tracking, return to vestigial solitude, etc......

This is what I like about driving off road. There is also the camaraderie of hanging out with like minded people. I also agree about the part where Ron said those who are out in nature are often the ones who fight the hardest to preserve nature. As soon as my pinched nerve is sorted out, I am planning on joining a group of off roaders that spend a good portion of time doing trail maintenance and repair. I am really looking forward to getting involved with that.

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Unless it is for legitimate reasons such as for food or other necessary resources, I just don't see the point of hunting (or fishing for that matter). You can experience and enjoy nature without putting a bullet or arrow through a part of it. I understand people might find the hunt exciting and challenging, but is the kill really justified and necessary? Perhaps the reasons are rooted in tradition or culture or its just another way people attempt to dominate and control something.

Sometimes, yeah, the kill is really justified and necessary. Where I'm from the deer breed and overpopulate. Something has to be done to keep them in control .... have you ever hit a deer when driving? At least 8 people in my family have(including myself). My ex-mother in law almost lost her vision from the flying glass when she hit a deer broadside against the windsheild. A brother in law ended up with a broken leg, and I've known two individuals that were killed trying to avoid deer in the road. I realize there aren't too many people here from rural areas, so this is probably a foreign idea to many, but deer aren't just pretty critters. They can be really problematic. Also, most states also have a "Share the Harvest" program (my home state of Missouri does). With that program the hunters donate their kill to the program, and the meat is then distributed via local foodbanks to the hungry. It's unfortunate, but it is a fact that deer need to be controlled and there really is no other way of doing it.

As far as fishing goes .... some of my best memories are of days spent on the lake. It has never once occured to me that anyone would be against fishing. Really? :confused:

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That's why when you are fishing for sport you practice "catch & release" (bass etc). Otherwise, you are fishing for food. No one fishes to just let them die. :P

You never eat fresh fish? I mean if you aren't a vegetarian, someone has to kill the things (be it fish, fowl, or beast), in some way. :confused:

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yeah, I know... (I said something about it in my question post). Regardless, I hate seeing anything suffer. Catch and release to me is just putting a painful hook through their mouths and then turning them loose with a gaping wound. It can't NOT hurt.

But no, actually, I don't eat fish, fresh or otherwise! Not a seafood fan here. :crazy:

I have no problem with hunting, so long as it's not just for sport/trophies. And if I had it my way, no animal in the world would ever have to suffer. So if someone's going to hunt, I want them to hit the target and take that animal out on the first round. Drop it before it knows what happened. That's how I want to go, too... just take me out. Done. No suffering. Just complete obliteration.

Gracious, I need some sleep. G'nite.

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That's why when you are fishing for sport you practice "catch & release" (bass etc). Otherwise, you are fishing for food. No one fishes to just let them die. :P

You never eat fresh fish? I mean if you aren't a vegetarian, someone has to kill the things (be it fish, fowl, or beast), in some way. :confused:

I only eat the fish that die of old age...oh, that also goes for cows, pigs, chicken, string beans and bread. Good now I can feel good about my meals again.

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I only eat the fish that die of old age...oh, that also goes for cows, pigs, chicken, string beans and bread. Good now I can feel good about my meals again.

:laughing: :laughing:

I can't understand why people -my husband likes fishing- would hurt a fish before bringing it back to the water. And I hate to think that an animal is killed by a hunter when it was a wild and happy living being enjoying his peaceful life and minding its own business :puppyeyes:

Yet yes, I do eat meat... but I think I will become a vegetarian very soon.

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From "My Cousin Vinny":

Mona Lisa Vito: You're goin hunting?

Vinny Gambini: That's right.

Mona Lisa Vito: Why are you going hunting? Shouldn't you be out preparing for court?

Vinny Gambini: I was thinking last night. If only I knew what he knows, you know? If he'd let me look at his files; oh boy.

Mona Lisa Vito: I don't get it. What does getting to Trotter's files have anything to do with hunting?

Vinny Gambini: Well, you know, two guys, out in the woods, guns, on the hunt. It's a bonding thing, you know; show him I'm one of the boys. he's not gonna let me look at his files, but maybe he'll relax enough to drop his guard so I can finnesse a little infomation out of him.

[searches through his clothes]

Vinny Gambini: What am I gonna wear?

Mona Lisa Vito: What are ya gonna hunt?

Vinny Gambini: I don't know, he's got a lot of stuffed heads in his office.

Mona Lisa Vito: Heads?

[Vinny looks up at Lisa]

Mona Lisa Vito: What kinda heads?

Vinny Gambini: I don't know, he's got a boar, a bear, a couple of deer.

Mona Lisa Vito: Whoa. You're gonna shoot a deer?

Vinny Gambini: I don't know. I suppose. I mean, I'm a man's man, I could go deer hunting.

Mona Lisa Vito: A sweet, innocent, harmless, leaf-eating, doe-eyed little deer.

Vinny Gambini: Hey Lisa, I'm not gonna go out there just to wimp out, you know. I mean, the guy will lose respect for me, would you rather have that?

Vinny Gambini: [Lisa gets up, walks over to the bathroom and shuts the door] What about these pants I got on, you think they're O.K.?

[Looks down]

Vinny Gambini: Oh!

Mona Lisa Vito: [comes out of the bathroom] Imagine you're a deer. You're prancing along, you get thirsty, you spot a little brook, you put your little deer lips down to the cool clear water... BAM! A f***in bullet rips off part of your head! Your brains are laying on the ground in little bloody pieces! Now I ask ya. Would you give a f**k what kind of pants the son of a b***h who shot you was wearing?

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Is anyone here authorised to dispense advice as to what to do with a very swollen foot, the result of a traumatic sprain that happened two or three weeks ago that I refused to rest and still refuse to rest? Even if you're not authorised, actually, I'm willing to try anything that's not 'rest'.

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I was on Ibuprofen/Advil for a week. Thought things were better and went off it the next week. Things aren't better so I'm back on it this week.

I try to do hot/cold/hot compresses when I can (not very often). Haven't done much ice-therapy though - it is COLD! But ok I'll try. I just want to be able to walk long distances normally againnnnnnnn :(

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The positive effect of ice therapy is for the reduction of swelling after initial injury. If it has been more than a day, ice has a negative effect in that it constricts blood vessels and blood is what your tissues need for healing. Heat, on the other hand, opens the blood vessels and speeds natural healing.

Think of athletes. On the field a twisted ankle is wrapped in ice as an immediate response treatment to slow circulation and decrease the possibility of expanding inflamation. After that initial treatment, trainers subject their patients to hydro-therapy - hot, jet-swirling water in a sauna-like tub, until able to recieve light massage therapy. Ice long after the fact, might cause more damage to tender tissue.

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Levis buck up and go to the doctor.

Ya know there is 26 bone in one little foot. You may have broken one of them :shades:

The injury should be improving by now. I agree with Joe. Suck it up and see a doc.

You don't want to have problems with your foot for the rest or your life do you. I've seen it happen to people that don't get proper treatment ;)

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Sometimes, yeah, the kill is really justified and necessary. Where I'm from the deer breed and overpopulate. Something has to be done to keep them in control .... have you ever hit a deer when driving? At least 8 people in my family have(including myself). My ex-mother in law almost lost her vision from the flying glass when she hit a deer broadside against the windsheild. A brother in law ended up with a broken leg, and I've known two individuals that were killed trying to avoid deer in the road. I realize there aren't too many people here from rural areas, so this is probably a foreign idea to many, but deer aren't just pretty critters. They can be really problematic. Also, most states also have a "Share the Harvest" program (my home state of Missouri does). With that program the hunters donate their kill to the program, and the meat is then distributed via local foodbanks to the hungry. It's unfortunate, but it is a fact that deer need to be controlled and there really is no other way of doing it.

I understand the reasoning if the animal is overpopulating a certain area and posing a risk to people and/or property. I just meant is the killing warranted if people are hunting solely for a thrill or as a pastime.

Doctors are skeery... Also I thought it would sort itself out, as most of my injuries tend to do

I'm like that too but going by what you've described I would have to agree with seeing a doctor, which isn't quite as bad as the stress, pain and potential for a long-term problem.

Or, as miamisammy said, tequila, always good to have a plan B. :D

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I'm not really authorized, but I know some stuff .... Ron's (Steel's) right about the ice in the first 24/ heat after that (moist heat, btw) ... but Ron's (Surfer's) right in that it seems that you may have continued to injure the foot, by not resting it, and staying off of it young lady. :shades:

Joe, and Lea, and BlueAngel are right in that enough time has passed that you need to see a doctor. And since you know that the not staying off of it is not good .... listen to yourself. :P

Take advil, elevate the foot, stay off of it, use moist heat, until you can see the doc. Moist heat = wet a towel and pop it in the microwave ...

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