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Anyone out there a lawyer? Or know one who knows anything about collecting judgments?

Here's the story... I have a large settlement for child support arrearages. The way it's supposed to work is my ex sends a monthly check to my attorney, then every 3 payments my attorney sends me 2/3 of that and keeps the rest. He waits until 3 weeks after the 3rd check is received to send any to me, so the check has time to "clear the bank."

So, a 3rd payment received by my attorney on October 21 would mean he would send me 2/3 of the three payments on November 9.

Today I e-mailed him to confirm he will be sending the money next Monday. He wrote back saying, "I'm on my way to the airport and I will be out of the country until November 23. Nothing I can do until then." WTF? This is the 3rd time I've had to do follow up with him due to not receiving a check when I should have.

Without paying this guy any more money (I've paid soooo much money to attorneys over the years over this support stuff) how can I get him to abide by his written agreement with me and send the checks when he's supposed to? He's rich, he doesn't think about his clients who need the support money to pay the @$ing bills. It's not like I'm saving money for a spa weekend.

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Maybe you could do something, but by the time you do, you'll have recieved the payments. My daughter has had the same problems, but in the end got her money. It comes down to just what you said ... they really aren't worried about their little broke client.

I have a feeling that unfortunately you're just going to wait. :P

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It's outrageous that he hasn't at least prepared it so that his secretary or some assistant or partner can't take care of it for you while he is away . Call and harangue him/her and maybe they will do something for you- or at least forward your displeasure . 14 days (1/2 a month ! ) overdue should be taken from his cut for sure . If you have a written agreement with him then hold his feet to the fire. He wouldn't hesitate to extra bill for anything above and beyond his normal fees or inconveniences directed toward his practice by you .

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Yes, I've got a signed agreement with him. And you're right, it IS outrageous. He is a one-man team with only an assistant, so when he goes out of town/country, that's it - he's gone. I feel the same way, that his clients should be a priority, and he should leave signed checks when he goes like this. I plan on calling his office tomorrow and talking with his assistant. Maybe I've become an "inconvenience" to him. That's fine, I'll let him just front me the rest of the arrearages and then continue to collect every month and just keep the money. Either that or stick it up his... nevermind.

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That's great you have a contract or written agreement ! Check your phone book and see if there is a state ombudsman . If so , call them as I believe members of the Arizona bar association ( or maybe contact them ) are under his jurisdiction .Since this is the 3rd time this has happened , see if you have any recourse. Otherwise , just use it as a bluff when you call today ( I would call them ) , so that his office doesn't take you for a helpless fool who they will get to when it suits them . Shawna , this pisses me off, too ! I'm fighting mad in your behalf . Good luck ! Lawyers are scum and suck a*s , and should be treated as such - meaning those in private practice !

Are professionals in private practice ( which we pay a premium for ) entitled to holidays ? No . Not until their clients and current business is settled in some satisfactory form . Otherwise , join the gov't and draw a salary like the rest of us . Everytime we are headed to the airport for a brief 5 or 6 day holiday , my wife MUST drop in to the hospital and check on her current patients . It's unnecessary , but it makes them and her feel better , I guess .

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I agree with Kevin Shawna. There is almost always someone they have to answer to. If there weren't all hell would break loose.

I haven't had problems with lawyers but I have had to take action with insurance companies.

I would recommend you find yourself a new lawyer asap tho. Trying to force him to do what your paying him for will most likely PHO. They can make your life hell if you make them mad at you and keep them after.

You can bet he won't have your best interest in mind. If he ever did.

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Kevin, you're the best. :) Thanks for getting so torqued on my behalf! I just got off the phone with his paralegal, who explained that she pulls the files for him when the checks are due to be written, then gets them ready and he signs them. And she said since my check isn't due to be sent out until next Monday, my file didn't get pulled before he left. Which is not an excuse, but it does make me feel a tiny bit better about him as a human being - at least I know there's a system in place.

She said he would email him about me, tell him it was a most urgent matter, and see what they can do to make it happen. Or - worst case scenario - she will have my check ready for the day he comes back and will get it in the mail to me that same day - the 23rd.

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yeah, same result... however, I talked to her to flag my file as URGENT for every month, and get this - she said it would make a difference. :laughing: I find it hard to believe that ALL their clients are not this urgent... unless they have a lot of rich clients who don't actually use the support money to support their kids. :crazy:

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There's tons of divorces and settlements . I'm glad you got some satisfaction talking to her - but don't let this bastard of the hook . When he returns tell him that you are really unhappy with the way he he is handling this case and how he feels about leaving you in the lurch 14 days overdue - and what will he do to make it up to you . Contrary to other opinions , this will only make sure that you are treated fairly - there is no more litigation to do after all , the rotten parasite ! :D

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where is Oregon???????!!!!

Lissy Kevin is a dork. Everyone here knows that :laughing:

Oregon is in the US. I live there :D

You can only smoke pot here legally if you have a medical marijuana card. You have to get that from a doctor otherwise it is illegal. Just like any other place in the US.

California and Colorado also has medical marijuana programs. Unless you have a card from that particular state, no it's not legal ;)

Kevin :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Lissy Kevin is a dork. Everyone here knows that :laughing:

Oregon is in the US. I live there :D

You can only smoke pot here legally if you have a medical marijuana card. You have to get that from a doctor otherwise it is illegal. Just like any other place in the US.

California and Colorado also has medical marijuana programs. Unless you have a card from that particular state, no it's not legal ;)

You can smoke pot in Spain :grin: It's legal.

Not grow it or buy or sell it, though... :shades:

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I'm looking for this demotivational picture I saw a while ago... can't seem to find it on google. It's good two dogs in it, one a poodle I think, 'shouting' at the other dog... the caption says something along the lines of 'Let the b*tch talk' :P

Does anyone happen to have a link to it?

Found it. Different caption, but I was only looking for the picture.

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There's tons of divorces and settlements . I'm glad you got some satisfaction talking to her - but don't let this bastard of the hook . When he returns tell him that you are really unhappy with the way he he is handling this case and how he feels about leaving you in the lurch 14 days overdue - and what will he do to make it up to you . Contrary to other opinions , this will only make sure that you are treated fairly - there is no more litigation to do after all , the rotten parasite ! :D

I'm happy to report that in an email this morning my attorney's paralegal said she's sending me out a cashier's check TODAY. Which is the day it was due to be sent in the first place. Seems I finally figured out who is the right person to talk to there - and it's NOT the guy in charge. :crazy:

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