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What grinds your gears then?

Henry David

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I think you guys are being mean :puppyeyes:

One of the young people here was upset about something and felt comfortable enough to talk about it here and you guys are being mean to him :puppyeyes:

Stop it :beady:

Try to remember what it was like when you were young and felt you needed to vent or seek advise.

And I also agree with Shawna.

Men!!! I tell ya. I don't see any of the ladies here making mean comments. Ya big bully's :/

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Yea , you're right , Lea . Sorry Floyd !

However I still think your expectations got way beyond what was being shown to you as a reasonable possibility , so you did at least get a lesson in some people's characters for a birthday present . :D

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Lea, we've known Floyd for years now and well, we weren't being mean so much as we were indicating that yeah, we've heard all of this before from him. Oh, maybe not this particular story but he's got a million of 'em.

I'm sorry if my comments seemed mean. Really, I am.

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Wow, Floyd, that was quite a story. From what I can gather, this is a guy you've known for a few years and were his friend even though no one else liked him. He plied you with money even though he had none, probably to keep your friendship. He promised you gifts that he couldn't follow through on because he had no money, and you got mad because you began to feel you deserved those gifts.

He may have huge problems in his home life. People who are prone to lying to make themselves look better are a lot of times from a bad home environment and feel they must "buy" their friends.

It's my experience - and now yours it appears - that it takes two: one to walk all over someone, and one to allow that person to walk all over them. You allowed yourself to be drawn in and expect things from this person, when in fact the first time he couldn't follow through on something should have been enough for you to learn not to expect anything.

Chalk it up to life experience. If you really care about him as a friend, you might find you can forgive these things about him and just be more aware in the future. If you don't, then don't let him have another moment of your time by allowing him to live rent-free in your head.

Thanks for the comment, all the mature ones are not going un-noticed.

I've been to his home, and everything seems al right there. I don't get where the bad temper and randomly hitting me fits into him wanting to buy my friendship. I had never thought of it like that way, thanks for telling me about that, because I'll know that for future reference, I was just so ignorant.

I'd think I'd be more sensitive to him if he wasn't so violent! But I'm just pissed off about it, bit I'm not letting take up any headspace (I hope) apart from here.

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I always knew you were nice guys and just teasing your all just kinda sweet actually :D

well...I mean most of the time anyway :laughing:

And Floyd. Are you sure your friend isn't maybe a little Bipolar or something. It sounds like something is a little off center.

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I kinda feel that I should have listened to my other friend when he said to stay away from him. I probably won't see him him until September at the Debs. I gave him a chance, but now he's just really pissed me off because I was so ignorant to that sort of thing. Am I bad for feeling that way?

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You gave the guy a chance and it did not work out. Sounds like he has not learned to control his mood swings and is not ready to hang with people that are more advanced socially. You dont have to be mean to him or ignore him, but you sure dont have to hang with him.

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Watching a CNN report :

If you really find Obama an offensive and unsuitable candidate solely and simply because he didn't wear a lapel pin of the flag at times or omitted to cross his heart during the national anthem , then you ( and we'll all get ) deserve 4 more years of hell . :D

If you have deeper issues with the man ,then make them known and vote away ! :) I really fear the decline of the new Roman empire- redux ... ; )

" Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel ." - Samuel Johnson

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There's never been a candidate for President that's had to endure more online personal attacks than Obama. Such garbage. It's absolutely shameful. I guess it's simply because he's black and perhaps because he's liberal and sadly even because he's intelligent.

The idiots that send that crap never bother to check its veracity at a site like Snopes. They just gleefully click forward and off it goes.

Sometimes it even includes hateful racial rhetoric which at least identifies the sender as an ignorant bigot.

I've gotten so much of this crap, much of it from people I had previously identified as friends. Now they're off my e-mail list. Good riddance.

Regardless of whether you're for Obama or McCain please decide based on the issues. For once we have a real choice. Let's make the best use of it and enjoy our freedom to choose.

Be glad you're not in Zimbabwe.

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Regardless of whether you're for Obama or McCain please decide based on the issues. For once we have a real choice. Let's make the best use of it and enjoy our freedom to choose.

Be glad you're not in Zimbabwe.

Hear, Hear :thumbsup:

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I'm with you, Joe. I don't care if you don't like the guy or not, but don't like him for a specific political issue, not just because of who he is. I can't even begin to tell you some of the terrible things I've heard people say about him here in EBF, Georgia. It would curl your hair, if you have any. I love dispel the myths that the rednecks like to throw out without any knowledge of whether or not they are true. My favorite is, "I ain't votin' for no Muslim." First of all, he's not a Muslim. His father was but left the family when Barack was 3 and had nothing to do with how he was raised. He's a Christian. Second of all, what difference would it make if he was Muslim? This country was founded on freedom of religion, for chrissakes. Not all Muslims are terrorists, people. I don't see Kareem Abdul-Jabar blowing up any buildings.

I don't know where that rant came from, but I feel better now. Carry on.

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Hear , hear , dear . If the next guy " loves " your country as much as the last 'patriot' - I'd personally prefer a traitor . What a thrill it could be to see Macdonnell-Douglas , Colt , Remington and the like etc. having to ' downsize ' for a change .

BTW , If you guys don't want Obama , send him north - we could certainly use the guy ! :laughing:

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Demonizing out of hand goes for both camps and is fostered by any little chink in the armor of each candidate. The biggest gripe I have with political party structures are their ability to polarize at a time when all nations need coalescence, direction and leadership. The agenda of a political party, by nature of their existence, is not to serve the populace, but to serve the party, which is usually accomplished by wedge building. Think about it.

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That's quite true .

I've always found it interesting , though , that ' the most free country on earth - the one with unlimited potential - Don't tread on Me , etc. ' only offers the populace merely a choice of 2 potential parties - that seen from the rest of the world are nearly equally centrist ( and we're not all fools ) ?!

I do grab your point about parties , though . :(

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Peaches, I have heard the "I won't vote for him because he's Muslim" either. At that time I didn't know he was a Christian, so I didn't know it was a false comment, but I did know it was a very closed-minded, ignorant comment. It's really sad how some people think.

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