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The Top Ten Game


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Ten Worst Bad Habits

10. Smoking

9. Single-fingered pneumatic nasal content expulsion

8. Biting your nails

7. Interrupting conversations already in progress

6. Say "What"? to everything you are told when you actually heard what they told you.

5. Not flushing the toilet : I think this should carry jail-time ! }:(





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Top Posters In This Topic

10. Smoking

9. Single-fingered pneumatic nasal content expulsion

8. Biting your nails

7. Interrupting conversations already in progress

6. Say "What"? to everything you are told when you actually heard what they told you.

5. Not flushing the toilet : I think this should carry jail-time !

4.Not shutting cabinet doors after one opens them-esp. if more than one has been opened




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Somebody had a little problem at home today ... }:(

It happens all the time, everywhere and with a lot of people. I guess that is why it is such a pet peeve and why I am cracking down on my daughter now. No better time than when they are young to learn MANNERS!!!

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Top Ten Worst Bad Habits

10. Smoking

9. Single-fingered pneumatic nasal content expulsion

8. Biting your nails

7. Interrupting conversations already in progress

6. Say "What"? to everything you are told when you actually heard what they told you.

5. Not flushing the toilet : I think this should carry jail-time !

4.Not shutting cabinet doors after one opens them-esp. if more than one has been opened

3. Yelling "Fart" in a crowded theater



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Top Ten Worst Bad Habits

10. Smoking

9. Single-fingered pneumatic nasal content expulsion

8. Biting your nails

7. Interrupting conversations already in progress

6. Say "What"? to everything you are told when you actually heard what they told you.

5. Not flushing the toilet : I think this should carry jail-time !

4.Not shutting cabinet doors after one opens them-esp. if more than one has been opened

3. Yelling "Fart" in a crowded theater

2. Forgetting to use "Turn Signals".


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Top Ten Worst Bad Habits

10. Smoking

9. Single-fingered pneumatic nasal content expulsion

8. Biting your nails

7. Interrupting conversations already in progress

6. Say "What"? to everything you are told when you actually heard what they told you.

5. Not flushing the toilet : I think this should carry jail-time !

4.Not shutting cabinet doors after one opens them-esp. if more than one has been opened

3. Yelling "Fart" in a crowded theater

2. Forgetting to use "Turn Signals".

1. Using the word "like" in place of silence to gather a thought.

Top Ten Causes of "Road Rage"

10. Bad road! Bad, bad road!










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Top Ten Causes of "Road Rage"

10. Bad road! Bad, bad road!

9. Long stops at the red light.

8. People from other countries are driving and don't know the rules of the road.

7. People who pass you and then zip right in front of you because they're afraid of getting pulled over by the cops for driving in the left lane for more than 10 f***ing seconds!







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Top Ten Causes of "Road Rage"

10. Bad road! Bad, bad road!

9. Long stops at the red light.

8. People from other countries are driving and don't know the rules of the road.

7. People who pass you and then zip right in front of you because they're afraid of getting pulled over by the cops for driving in the left lane for more than 10 f***ing seconds!

6. People driving slow, slow, slow... on the highway... :doh:






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Top Ten Causes of "Road Rage"

10. Bad road! Bad, bad road!

9. Long stops at the red light.

8. People from other countries are driving and don't know the rules of the road.

7. People who pass you and then zip right in front of you because they're afraid of getting pulled over by the cops for driving in the left lane for more than 10 f***ing seconds!

6. People driving slow, slow, slow... on the highway...

5. People who don't look over their shoulder to make sure the blind spot is clear before changing lanes.





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Top Ten Causes of "Road Rage"

10. Bad road! Bad, bad road!

9. Long stops at the red light.

8. People from other countries are driving and don't know the rules of the road.

7. People who pass you and then zip right in front of you because they're afraid of getting pulled over by the cops for driving in the left lane for more than 10 f***ing seconds!

6. People driving slow, slow, slow... on the highway...

5. People who don't look over their shoulder to make sure the blind spot is clear before changing lanes.

4. Wayward marsupials




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Top Ten Causes of "Road Rage"

10. Bad road! Bad, bad road!

9. Long stops at the red light.

8. People from other countries are driving and don't know the rules of the road.

7. People who pass you and then zip right in front of you because they're afraid of getting pulled over by the cops for driving in the left lane for more than 10 f***ing seconds!

6. People driving slow, slow, slow... on the highway...

5. People who don't look over their shoulder to make sure the blind spot is clear before changing lanes.

4. Wayward marsupials

3. Anybody talking on the GDF phone while tryin' to drive!



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Top Ten Causes of "Road Rage"

10. Bad road! Bad, bad road!

9. Long stops at the red light.

8. People from other countries are driving and don't know the rules of the road.

7. People who pass you and then zip right in front of you because they're afraid of getting pulled over by the cops for driving in the left lane for more than 10 f***ing seconds!

6. People driving slow, slow, slow... on the highway...

5. People who don't look over their shoulder to make sure the blind spot is clear before changing lanes.

4. Wayward marsupials

3. Anybody talking on the GDF phone while tryin' to drive!

2. The "I am the only one on the road that matters" attitude.


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Top Ten Causes of "Road Rage"

10. Bad road! Bad, bad road!

9. Long stops at the red light.

8. People from other countries are driving and don't know the rules of the road.

7. People who pass you and then zip right in front of you because they're afraid of getting pulled over by the cops for driving in the left lane for more than 10 f***ing seconds!

6. People driving slow, slow, slow... on the highway...

5. People who don't look over their shoulder to make sure the blind spot is clear before changing lanes.

4. Wayward marsupials

3. Anybody talking on the GDF phone while tryin' to drive!

2. The "I am the only one on the road that matters" attitude.

1. "Rush Hour" on the Freeway


Top Ten Games

10. Monopoly










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