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Song/Video of the day


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I absolutely promise you that if I've had enough to drink while out dancing with my girls (or gays), I do the African Anteater Dance. It's a big hit every time. Extra gnarly points for the Gerardo appearance. Rico Suave indeed.

Also a very quotable movie. I told Mr. Peaches the other day that he was draped all over me like a cheap &*^%-ing suit. The classics never die.

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At Rocky,

Thanks for that video. I live in south Florida so music from other parts of the country take a little longer get down here. Plus local radio here bites the big one and I don't have sirus. So when I see a new band on youtube or listening to streaming radio is when I first hear them.

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Here is my choice for today's vid/song of the day. This one comes from living blues legend here in Florida his name is Willie Green and if you ever have the chance stop by the town of Cross Creek and get bite to eat at the Yearling and listen to Willie!

(I believe the song he is singing is "I love you Baby") Willie learned how to mimic a harmonica with his voice since he wasn't able to afford one when he was young.Enjoy!

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