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This Is Totaling Amazing


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I wasn't sure what forum to make this post so I thought I would stick it right here.

In all my life I would have never thought that one day I would be discussing with people from all over the world the topic of music or for that matter conversing about any topic with folks from every location on Mother Earth all by the touch of a button.

I am 56 from a small town in the small state of West Virginia. Some people here in the states think we are still a part of Virginia. I am discussing rock music with people from Ireland, Australia and the four conners of the earth.

Damn this just amazes me to this day even though I have been at this computer stuff for a number of years now.

Sorry if this post was inapropriate for this forum. I just wanted folks to know how astounding all this is to me.


Marshall University 1971

Huntington, West Virginia.

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My grandfather died at the age of 100 in 2003. in the year 2000 he made a tape for his children and grandchildren, for us to pass on. It details the changes he'd seen in his life, beginning with electricity and the automobile among other things, and ending with the computer. He never wanted to stop learning, and the computer amazed him. He never atempted the computer, but loved to watch others, loved email, and the endless possibilities the computer presented. I intend to do the same thing for my children and grandchildren, the technology of my age will be well, unthinkable at this point. When I'm old that is!! ;)

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While the baby boom generation were the first to enjoy the assets of the computer, their children shortly followed.

I think back to my own childhood in the 1960's and the camraderie I shared with my friends. Growing up in the Bronx we would start the day at 9 in the morning and go upstairs at 6 for dinner before coming back down for a few more hours. We were rarely found in the house, save for those rainy days.

What if we had video games and PC's back then? How much less time would we have had socially with our friends? That is one of the things I find wrong with the PC today. Too many kids are staying indoors when they should be out. While I am not saying all the kids, there are quite a few.

On the other hand, with the advent of the internet communication is quicker than ever. Breaking news stories can be had in a matter of minutes and sending a letter across the country takes seconds. One of the latest phenonemon on the internet in the last couple of years is online poker. Wake up and be in a game in a matter of moments.

The ease of communication has sure made our lives easier but is there a cost? The reason why I ask is because of all of the reports lately about America becoming an obese nation. How much of it can be attributed to Americans sitting behind computers all day?

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I was born in 1986...good year. But, its pretty cool that even though im still young in this technological age...ive noticed so many changes and remember how things used to be.

I sure to miss the 5 button NES Systems...with bad 2d graphics! Super Mario Bros.

Now...you pay more for an NES than a Xbox.

As for Computers...i never really used one until about 1995 and just got the internet about 3 or 4 years ago. I still find elevators amazing, so i guess i will always be amazed at technology that is around us.

And if you research online...in the next couple decades...we will be living Jetsons style!

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Internet is just... too much! :laughing:

I love it as it allows not only to comunicate with other people (I only post in this forum but I use the e-mail constantly) but also learn tons of things. I don´t have encyclopaedias in my house (no room here, all that is in the family house) and we´re the kind of people who´s always asking questions: "Who was the king in France during Descartes?" or "Where exactly is the city of Verona?". I just have to go to the computer... et voilà!

My mother, who is 77, is a writer and was the first member of my family to have a computer...

I guess this wasn´t the good thread, we should have posted in "Random Thoughts"... :angel:

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I don´t have encyclopaedias in my house

Edna....neither do I. Your point is well taken. I have not purchased a newspaper, magazine or reference book in almost 15 years. The internet has provided any information I may have needed. Of course the internet would have come in handy in the sixties and seventies when I had to do my term papers!

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Wow, can you imagine having internet when we were 15 or 20?? :P:) Lyrics, chords, information for the exams, for work, for knowledge... and the kids use it to download games or chat or so... :doh:

But I still buy the newspaper everyday... and I still read books, of course... :)

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I'm an active member on 4 different message boards. This one (for my music discussion), Pearl Drummer's Forum (for drum discussion), New York Sports Day Forums (for NY sports discussion), and GameFAQS message boards (for video game and sports dicussions).

It's really amazing. I can't imagine how much more life would suck if I had only my peers to talk to about music. Most of the kids in my school think that Led Zeppelin was a single person that was alive in the 40s and wrote some song about a staircase.

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Hey Jimmy 1104 I am a high school teacher and when I ask kids what they are going to do over the summer I either get "play on my computer" or "go to the mall". A few kids, but it seems like that number is getting smaller, actually are involved in activities that take them outside.

Heck when I was growing up in the late 50's and 60's the only time we were at home in the summer was to eat our meals. We were out from daylight to sundown involved in some sort of outdoor activity. I lived near a wooded area so us kids were always playing in the woods. One thing though our parents,in my case my mom, because my dad worked a night shift always knew where we were.

Yes computers are neat, but I think many kids are missing out on many activities and socialization opportunities.


Marshall University, 1971

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We had dial-up internet at 1p per minute after 6pm, but before then it was 5p per minute...

During the first quarter (for the phone bill), my brother and I ran up an astonishing £250 phone bill. After being banned for a few months, we eventually came to an understanding with my mum that we would only stay on the internet for as long as our pocket money could fund it. Great maths lesson!

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I wasn´t home all the time when I was was a kid, I was in school... or in the school bus... we used to see friends or go to the country during the weekends, but living in a big city wouldn´t let us play on the streets or parks. My parents were very modern and I loved the parties they gave at home.

I used to hang around with my friends since I was 15 or so... then we wouldn´t precisly do things like sports or breathing fresh air... :laughing: we used to go out to watch movies like Woodstock or Monterrey Pop (twice per week!!! free tickets...) and paint, rehearse with the band, thinks like that...

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Hey RTSTUFF....High School teacher, huh?? I didn't have much respect for mine....but they passed me anyway!!

Anyway, I am glad to see you understood where I am coming from. I really believe children today are losing social skills because they sit home more with video games and computers. I also believe it contributes to obesity in the young.

You being a teacher, I am sure you have had your share of child psychology classes. Is there a concern today of the issues I have posted and if so is there anything in the works about getting kids to become social and active? How does your school respond to it if your school does?

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I feel the same way. It strikes me so often. Not only computers but also the telephone. From my room I can talk to a friend in the other end of the city. Sometimes I look at it from an ignorant perspective and the advancement is astounding! The magic of the internet is even harder to fathom!

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Yeah, i sometimes miss the days of playing around my neighborhood with all my friends, when internet and computers and people started getting older...that childhood kinda dies away, i just hope i can see it when i have kids. I dont want them to be sucked into this computer stuff like i am...i want them out playing and being active like kids are supposed to.

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my parents only let me get internet when I was 15, and even then, it was limited because my mom was worried because she kept reading these stories about people being addicted to the internet and having epileptic fits and the like. my sister, who is 15 now, is constantly online and never gets told off! i guess i paved the way for her

to be honest, i spend a very large amount of my time online, but if i have something else to do, i will never pick internet over it. which is why over xmas i only went online every couple of days to check my mail

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