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So much more than Random Thoughts


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I'm a Songfactor and proud to be... :cool: I don't play games but I check-in everyday since september 2004.

And RonJon knows a lot. :cool:

I'm glad to be 10 years older and 10 years wiser than when I originally became a Songfactor! Since then I've been interested in more than one girl and my music taste has expanded greatly, and far beyond 70's rock!

It's good to be back in the family, I feel like a prodigal son who has been welcomed back with open fins.


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"Obama May go down as Worst President in History"


"It is interesting to watch how the Democrats try to distance themselves from Obama. He may go down as the absolute worst president in history. One has to ask was this some sort of plot to make sure no black president will ever be elected again? Is Obama really in charge? Perhaps they just hand him a golf club like Hillary handed Clinton bimbos so she could run the joint."


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've reached my 1,000th post in just under 3 months! It must be some kind of Songfacts record?

Sorry bro. I had that many within my first month. People kept telling me to stop posting so much! :laughing:

Alot went into random thoughts (which was a popular "hangout" when I joined) and the games sections. I'd be hittin' on my SF chix all day (one of which I really had a crush on) and popping vids for the Tens. Was never a dull moment back then. Sweet memories & so many of my fave Fishies are still kickin' around on the boards. :thumbsup:

Enjoy your milestone :grin:

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I found out that a kid I coached in youth baseball died of a heroin overdose this past weekend. That's three kids that I had as players on youth teams that have died young. Two others were suicides. There is nothing I could have seen in these kids when I coached them as pre-teens that could have changed life's path. At least I don't think so.

Still I feel so bad when I hear of what seem like great promising kids dying. Being a city kid raised in the 60's and 70's, I knew more than my fair share of kids that had tragic ends to their lives. People that knew better told me it was even worse in the rich suburbs because kids had money so drugs were easier to get. I guess I am finding that out. Maybe that doesn't explain the suicides, but there must be some explanation.

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A girl in my daughter's class and her younger brother just lost her parents in a murder/suicide. It's enough of a tragedy when someone is in that much despair that they feel the need to kill themselves, but taking someone else with you and destroying your children's lives???? It's just horrible.

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A girl in my daughter's class and her younger brother just lost her parents in a murder/suicide. It's enough of a tragedy when someone is in that much despair that they feel the need to kill themselves, but taking someone else with you and destroying your children's lives???? It's just horrible.

wow Jenny, how bad... :(:( We cannot understand this behaviour as we are sane and grew up with loving parents and family. I'm sorry for those kids... :(

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  • 1 month later...

Whili I disagree with the decision by Sony Pictures to cancel the release of The Interview (we should not give in to terrorists of any stripe), I thank the North Korean hackers for saving the world from another Seth Rogan/James Franco cinematic atrocity. It amazes me that any studio with an ounce of integrity would ever allow the puerile and vulgar ramblings of Seth Rogan to see the light of day. Rogan has now surpassed Adam Sandler and sits atop my list of Hollywood's least funny performers. I'm embarrassed to admit that he is Canadian.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm starting a story in Creative Writing that rambled on in my head one night (kept me awake until sun-up) but I never bothered to write it down thinking it was a waste of time. The voices come back every now and again, though. It seems the people in my head don't want me to sleep. Maybe if I tell their tale they'll shut the hell up.

Anyone else have these problems with the voices in their heads?

If so, how many do you have? I count 6 yammering fools in my mind.


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That's the hardest part for me as well!

That's why I'm just writing bits at a time "off the cuff" to see what spills out. I have the dialogue in my head but everything else is missing. Trying to write the scenery or events leading up to the conversation has held back the actual writing for about half a year.

:sad: :puppyeyes:

We'll see how it works then & perhaps you could write a story, too!

You're always reading books so maybe you can write something for others to read! :grin: :wink:

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I don't mind dialogue (my current story seems to be dialogue driven) but somehow I forget what people look like. :tongue:

But yeah, Jenny. I'm the same way. Seeing a new book year after year is really mind-boggling. They must type 10,000 wpm.

Being lazy might be slowing you down a tad... :wink:

If we worked together we could write an epic!! :grin:

Edited by Guest
I wanted to add more greamlins. They're like cowbell: you always want more.
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