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Above, Middle and Below-The Sequel


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Hey, I have 27002 with this one... ;) Thanks for your bows, Ry, but I don´t deserve them at all.

I posted a lot in the first two years. I was a happy hyperactive housewife working at home and throwing mini-parties with my close friends. Now I work at an office so I have less time. And more complications in real life too... :cool:

Life is amazing, even with its ups and downs.


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^ yes, back in the day.

> These days I'm too old to do stuff like that and survive. Although I admit Saturday did come very close to it. If we hadn't had a hotel room for the 45 minutes of sleep we did get, I'd have been wearing the same clothes for 2 days.

V Do you tend to gain the requisite 9-13 pounds average during the holiday season?

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^ There are no true resolutions. :jester:

< Kites fly very beautifully in air.

I happen to enjoy the nice crisp breeze,

Gentle swaying and changes of movement

Up there in that artificial airplane.

Up ‘til a bleedin' storm suddenly shows,

Surprising all and burning that poor kite

To death with its quick servant, the lightning.

‘Tis indeed bitterness I have felten.

However, this unpractical b****in’

Has nothing to do with our discussion.

v Do you own a nutcracker?

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^ We usually all chip in and get her a gift basket, so we're doing the same thing this year.

> It's a little harder this year, because we lost a couple of people (they got promoted, one within the department and one to another department), so there's less money going into the gift pool.

V What are you most looking forward to in the new year?

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^Yeah I tend to get stressed there is so much to do and I don't understand for the life of me why I get myself so worked up, the holidays roll around same time every year...bad time management skills I guess :googly:

v Is this the time of year where you more think of others than you do yourself?

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^ Sadly, that is how I am pretty much all year.

> I am learning, however, to be more selfish... and I'm finding I'm a very good student. :grin:

V Do financial stresses get you down at Christmastime? Or are you rich enough to buy something for everybody you want to without worrying?

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  • 5 weeks later...

^ yes.

> When I was about 6, me and all the neighborhood kids would get together and "write" and "act" plays that we'd invite all our parents to see (which they, of course, always did) and we had the audacity to charge 25 cents apiece.

V Do you sometimes wish you still had the innocence of youth, or are you happy you're an adult with all the inherent responsibilities, yet all the liberties, that allows?

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Sometimes I feel like childhood living is easy to do, I miss my dad, school, gandparents, home, etc... other times I admit real life is very exciting for me with its challenges and efforts and so... I love it, adult life has many tricks to be happy... :cool:

What do yout think?


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^I have to agree and say both as well.

YET on the flip side of that being a grown up does allow you certain liberties and perks if you will. :shades: Geeze I wish there could be a more happy medium.

v What age if any do you wish you could go back to and why OR are you just fine exactly where you're at??

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^ At 61 I realize that I'm on the downside of my life. Physically I cannot do the things I once did with ease. The ravages of time and illness are catching up with me. Yet I've accumulated so many wonderful memories and accomplishmensts with which I'd never want to part. While I've lost so many friends and family members (and the list grows daily) I have to tell you I wouldn't trade knowing my two grandaughters for all the time in the world. I want to be here as long as Joann is with me.

< Yes, enjoy and treasure your youth but look forward to the rewards of a full, long life as well. "To every thing there is a season." I'd gladly repeat the whole thing over and over again.

v Still, you'd like to do some things differently if the opportunity presented itself.

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Maybe one or two things would slightly change... or maybe I won´t give this guy my number this time... :cool:

UncleJoe, you´re a good man (plus wise and funny and other vertues you already know)... the kind of man most of us would want to be friends with. You´re blessed with a lovely little family but also with a brain that lets you look at life calmly, from a wise point of view and you know where real happiness is. If all men were like you there would hardly be wars in the world. :bow: :bow:

You´d love to be like UncleJoe when you´re his age.


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