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What sweetens your coffee today II

Henry David

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The other night Diana and I had dinner with friends at a restaurant converted from a big, beautiful 150 year old house. As the after dinner conversations became more rapid fire and I lost most of them through my slow translation process, I left our dining area to walk through the other rooms. We were, by that time, the only guests still in this multi-roomed complex and the staff let me explore this historical building. In one room was a full-range Bose speaker, out of which poured The Beatles Here Comes The Sun. I just stood right beneath the speaker and hoped to gather all the nuances of that song. I thought, how wonderful that there was a George Martin for the Beatles. The production did not overshadow, but perfectly complimented the work of these guys. In listening closely, I realized how I had previously missed Ringo's fine work on this song and how his drums were matched to Paul's bass lines, which in turn united with the lead guitar riffs.


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a couple of months ago I was wondering when I would ever meet any of Andy's friends/family. Then just before Christmas he invited me to a party where I met a bunch of his friends. Very soon afterwards I met his sister-in-law who was in town on holiday. Since then it's been like a dam has busted. I've met everyone he's always talked about and now I can put faces to the names and stories. Tomorrow I get to have dinner with his oldest son who still lives in Seattle. He's here visiting. And rather than asking me to join them for dinner, Andy pretty well handed out the order, "So you're coming to dinner with us, right?"

I guess this means I made the cut. :laughing: Men are such weird and sometimes wonderful creatures. :grin:

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sweetening my tomatoes today: my new fireplace mantlepiece that Andy made for me yesterday. My fireplace is round - or beehive shaped, so it was quite a tricky feat. It's natural pine, beautifully stained golden brown, with three decorative wood support, and it looks better than a professional job. It's sooooo gorgeous! I woke up this morning, looked at it and just grinned like a maniac for the rest of the day. Then I came home after school and started putting pictures and stuff on it, and I'm still grinning like a lunatic. :grin: :grin: :grin:

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sweetening my tomatoes today: my new fireplace mantlepiece that Andy made for me yesterday. My fireplace is round - or beehive shaped, so it was quite a tricky feat. It's natural pine, beautifully stained golden brown, with three decorative wood support, and it looks better than a professional job. It's sooooo gorgeous! I woke up this morning, looked at it and just grinned like a maniac for the rest of the day. Then I came home after school and started putting pictures and stuff on it, and I'm still grinning like a lunatic. :grin: :grin: :grin:

Do you ever actually use it for burning wood?

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Or, if worse comes to worse, when there is no firewood, then the mantle shall find a nice place in the fireplace.

I say that because when I was a child, I remember a particularly cold winter when my gran-pa pulled the mantle off the wall and placed it in the fire!

When spring came around, he built another mantle, even better than the one he fed to the fire which indeed kept us warm.

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