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What sweetens your coffee today II

Henry David

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My husband absolutely refused to try out the game...if you can't make a jacka$$ of yourself with your family, who can you do it with?


I got Guitar Hero World Tour for them as well, but they like the novelty of Rock Band, since they already have Guitar Hero II.

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I got to play with my baby Landon yesterday! I forgot how much fun it can be when they're not yet walking on their own... I was holding him under his arms, just supporting him, while he kicked his little feet and bounced like he was in a bouncy chair. And he laughed and laughed... *sigh* : :smirk:

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Just knowing my mom is ok :thumbsup:

She had an angina (sp?) attack on boxing day, so the second half of our Christmas scheduled for the 27th was cancelled. She's fine now, but was a real scare at the time. Last year was my gramma, this year my mom... I hope next Christmas has no heart problems! :laughing:

My mom is too tough to let a little heart trouble stop her!! :bow:

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It´s the Magic Kings -or whatever you call them- day today and there´s not even buses on the streets or on the Main Avenue. It´s like the most sacred day in Spain. I was up at 5 am watching the empty streets. I love that silence.

Too bad I work today... :doh: it´s not a French holiday... :P

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This experience today has me simultaneously laughing and worrying my lower lip in fear of the repercussions.

My son's dad is behind (again) in support payments. So my attorney sends him an e-mail. He responds with some not-so-nice things about me, unwarranted (since even if my imagined transgressions have been heinous it doesn't matter to my attorney). My attorney forwards the e-mail to me. I get a little miffed, and hammer out a response to my attorney, unloading on him about my son's dad.... never intending to actually send the damn thing. Then I go back and clean it up, write something very professional and to-the-point.

What I did not know was that in the meanwhile the e-mail server I was using (g-mail) auto-saved the first draft. And when I hit "send" on the second draft, it gave me a server error after which I had to exit the program entirely, and log back in. I had copied the second draft, pasted into the body of the reply window, hit "send," and *poof* off it went.

In checking back in my "sent" box, the first draft had gone. I went back, re-sent the second draft with a note to my attorney to disregard the first one, and that he had my permission to forward the second one to the rat faced b*stard.

Can you guess how this ends up?

I'm awaiting a response on pins and needles. :laughing:

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It's a shame all you have to go through ,Shawna . Do you not have a direct connection to the father and are able to make him come good ? Lawyers -whether yours or his ruin everything , don't they, and just suck the life-blood out of any relationship . They are truly vampires !

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in this particular case, Kev, I wouldn't be seeing any money period were it not for this attorney. He's my third, and the first who has been able to get any action to happen. The others got judgments, but were unable/unwilling to spend the time to collect it, this guy is.

But overall, yeah, it's ridiculous that I have to pay 1/3 to anyone of what I am legally owed to support my child. But without the enforcement, I wouldn't see a single nickel.

So the upshot is I've spent thousands of dollars (probably upwards of $10k) on attorneys to get absolutely nothing.

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There´s an amazing snow storm on Madrid and the city is on red alert. I was at my job -in a classy business neighborhood with nice views on the sierra and modern and expensive buildings- when they told us we had to come back home cause the highway and all the roads were being closed. The only way to leave was a subway station, quite far from there. We all had to walk more than a km under the snow in a most democratic way... the big bosses had to leave their BMWs and Jaguars at their offices... I never saw such a crowded subway in my life...

Well, at least I´m cool at home... :cool:

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