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Kurt Cobain - Murder or suicide discussion


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I agree. Yes, Courtney is manipulative, conniving, loud, white trash, a trouble maker, psychologically defunct, morally bankrupt, obnoxious, crass, crude, dirty, unlady-like, her own worst enemy, and appears to be a horrible mother, but no, I do not see her as a killer.

Kurt obviously had issues that may have stemmed as far back as childhood, and worsened in his adult life through self medicating to escape the pain he felt within. He was depressed and desperate, and full of self loathing. Kurt had some psychological illness - definitely; perhaps schizophrenia or bipolar. He could no longer bear the pain, and as much as he may have felt selfish for taking his own life and orphaning his daughter, he may have felt it more selfish to have her grow up with a father that couldn't cope and be the father she deserved.

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now that i think about it, shes 2 stupid 2 go on unsuspected this long well she is suspected but not caught. she couldnt handle it.

cobain probly did comit suicide he tryd 2 wen he was younger by lying on some train trax but was un successful. he was depressed and his suicide note was quite convincing.

Hes a great musician and should just b respected as apossed 2 b the source of arguments. he obviously didnt like his ife. he was mentaly depressed (listen 2 his lyrics) any way he rocked thats all that matters :guitar: :headphones: :bow: :coolio: :thumbsup:

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But he had 3 times the legal amount of heroin in his body which would make it even harder to work a shotgun. Explain the broken chair, bruises on his neck,the forged handwriting,The gun being completely clean, and set neatly on the other side of the room.

Courtney may have not killed him but somebody did.

Either that or he is really good at committing suicide. ::

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A comprehensive review of 99 forensic, criminological, and other scientific references was undertaken with regards to analyzing the postmortem blood morphine level of Kurt Cobain. The following essay reports on this review, which includes 19 studies of 1526 deaths specifically involving blood morphine levels of intravenous heroin related overdoses, as shown in Appendix A. Other studies which were reviewed include thousands of heroin-related deaths in general, over 3226 heroin related overdoses, over 3586 suicides, 760 violent suicides, several significant staged deaths, autopsy procedures & discrepancies, postmortem pharmacokinetics of drugs, and, with respect to the traces of a "diazepam-like" substance found in Cobain's blood, several references were reviewed regarding benzodiazepines. Table 1, below, shows a seven point summary of the material reviewed, which provides a clear picture of Cobain's true cause of death, homicide. Thus, in contrast with the "official" verdict of suicide by shotgun, the scientific facts point to a series of events which probably included a massive, lethal "hot shot" dose of heroin and a benzodiazepine administered to Cobain, which would have either immediately rendered him incapacitated in a comatose state or killed him instantly. No suicide or overdose case exists, in any of the many references reviewed, which parallels the Cobain case, most likely because the chain of events which occurred cannot be duplicated. This chain of events specifically resembles homicide patterns, not suicide, and should be re-opened to allow an independent re-investigation of the serious discrepancies in the verdict, which should be changed

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nirvana!?!?! OVERRATED!?!! NO. You are WRONG. Very very very wrong. okay? They were GREAT. So...hah. :)

Anywho. I think Kurt Cobain killed himself. ( *cough cough* Ashley is retarded... *cough.* ) I agree with the people who said Courtney Love is trash, but not a killer. AND I doubt that she hired someone to kill him. Kurt Cobain was in Rome before he killed himself... He escaped from Rehab then a few days later... He was at his house, in the room above his garage and shot up some heroin before sticking the freaking gun in his mouth. ( Lol, I'm doing a biography on him for English class. ) But still... I highly doubt he was murdered. Gah. I just HATE the people who say that Courtney Love killed him. People like this girl I know, ASHLEY, freaking argue with me on the subject. SHE'S WRONG. God. She thinks she knows everything... :beady: She makes me mad with her ignorance.

LOL. Off subject there. :) Lol. Okay, well..still. I think he killed himself.


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As simple as possible, for i have a severe case of writers block.

Kurt has inspired my life in a way that i cant even begin to type. Kurt will remain in my heart and mind for many decades to come. He was very talented and we all miss him. He was in a very great band Nirvana and he left a big indent on my life.


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I just read the book "Who Killed Kurt Cobain?" Obviously, the authors made the argument that he was murdered, but no one will ever know all the sides of the story, so how can anyone be so certain? The most compelling fact is the amount of heroin in his system. It does seem impossible for him to have ingested that much and then go through the steps of suicide. We will never know for sure, but either way, I hope he has the peace in death that he didn't in life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love em, but we talk WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much about Nirvana here.

I think that Kurt is living with Elvis, Tupac, and Jimi Hendrix in an underground cave with Princess Di. Their top secret mailman is Jim Morrison

Also (this part is serious) I think that Courtney Love isn't really the way she acts on TV, she seems like shes faking it (her craziness).

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Ok, here is a somewhat objective opinion here on Nirvana, from someone who grew up through highschool with it.

As a guitarist he is severely lacking. As a songwriter he has a great gift for melody and song structure which should be applauded. The lyrics are often terrible and I site "Sell The Kids for Food" and "It's ok to eat fish because they don't have any feelings" as examples - pure trash.

The whole Nirvana/Grunge thing changed rock music in 1991/1992 and I am eternally greatful for it. It legitimised the underground and many a great band was discovered in their wake. Also rock was getting stale up until that point and Nirvana spearheaded the changing of the guard. WE NEED THAT TO HAPPEN AGAIN AND QUICKLY IN THE 21ST CENTURY!!!!!!

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Even the name ELVIS makes me cringe, i would rather listen to the NEW Michael Jackson than Elvis. Honestly, the girls say he was cute, he was a bad actor, and an OK country singer. YUCK!

Oh, and about Kurt, the man had some problems, but was awesome! I have his Journals that they sell at bookstores. Barnes and Noble or Books A Million should have them. :shades:

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You, don't like Elvis? What a surprise!

Ok, Does Elvis count, cause when i hear that man, i wanna have a seizure and die!

They wrote "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" to honor Elvis, I dont know why anybody would want to write a song like Elvis, but they did.

Oh, and sorry for all you elvis lovers out there, but when i hear Elvis my head hurts, my face twinges and i wanna pull my hair out. YUCK!

AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE dont put Elvis...first of all, i dont like him

Even the name ELVIS makes me cringe, i would rather listen to the NEW Michael Jackson than Elvis. Honestly, the girls say he was cute, he was a bad actor, and an OK country singer. YUCK!

You're like a broken record. For the love of God. We get the message!

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Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. Courntey did it. And thats all i got to say about that. :beady:

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