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Neil Armstrong dies aged 82


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Our beloved Crystal shared this on FB:

"It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small." Neil Armstrong

Classy words for an event that my better half says he remembers vividly, and I don't remember at all.

What's interesting to me is that I never gave Neil Amrstrong a thought until this (his death). And now I sense that there has been a nearly imperceptible shift with the dynamic of our existence that is going to have repercussions felt throughout centuries.

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If you are ever near Wapakoneta, Ohio, you should do yourself a favor and visit the tiny Neil Armstrong Museum. He was the quintessential hometown hero, modest and brave, and the people of that tiny community loved him dearly. The museum there shows that love, in an intimate setting.

I heard him speak once in Dayton at a Wright-Patterson Air and Space Museum event. He spoke for 10 minutes never using the word "I," lauding only those who support the space effort, the workers on the ground. I came away thinking, "Heck of a man!"

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One of the truly great American heroes of our time. I was 12 the year of the moon landing, and it made a huge impact on me, and on all of us. As Ron mentions though, he was more than just that guy that walked on the moon - the man was truly great in every sense of the word, and you'll never hear that disputed by anyone. RIP Mr Armstrong.

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Neil Armstrong dies, and aside from Farin, I'm the only other person to comment?

That utterly depresses me.

We commented it on facebook, pinkstones. This isn't Twitter. Give us time...

And sometimes people have also a real life and don't have time to check... :shades:

And by the way, what a life he had!! A hero and a lucky man, he had the chance to be the man who walked on the moon for the first time.

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