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Study finds men look at women's **** first... her face is last.

Ombre Vivante

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I'm glad my cans are so fabulous. :grin:


I don't mind if someone looks at 'em, unless we're having a conversation. When we're having a conversation and I can see his eyes wandering, then it torks me off just because it's rude. I usually very blatantly duck my head into their line of vision again and then they get all embarrassed. It's hysterical.

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Some men are pigs, what can I say. I've been on dates where the guy is more content to stare at my rack than my face when talking to me, and I make a mental note never to go out with the guy again. It just shows disrespect and I won't date a man that doesn't respect me. If we're in a situation where staring at my boobs is appropriate, that's one thing. You know, if we're fooling around or something. If you need to stare at some chick's tatas that bad, go to a strip club.

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I don't mind if someone looks at 'em, unless we're having a conversation. When we're having a conversation and I can see his eyes wandering, then it torks me off just because it's rude. I usually very blatantly duck my head into their line of vision again and then they get all embarrassed. It's hysterical.

That wouldn't embarrass me at all, but all seriousness aside, I've found that if you stare, deeply, into a woman's eyes, for a long time, you will often get the opportunity to stare at anything you desire at some point.

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Some men are pigs.

Cuts both ways. If I called "bitch" and "ho" for every time I've tried to have an intelligent conversation with a woman, only to find her busy clocking my lunch-box, I'd be a gangsta rapper.

If we're in a situation where staring at my boobs is appropriate, that's one thing. You know, if we're fooling around or something.
Interesting difference between Amer-english and the real thing. I guess "fooling around" must be a euphemism for libidinous friskiness, whereas over here it might mean putting a whoopee cushion on someone's chair, doing impromptu chicken impressions, writing "TWAT" on a sleeping drunkard's forehead; none of which would be regarded as licence to gawp at a woman's breasts.

If you need to stare at some chick's tatas that bad, go to a strip club.

But those places aren't open all day, and in any case, a fella's got to go to work.

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Well , big deal . Why do you think I live in Asia ? These gals know it and use it to no end - with no offense to anyone . This may only be 'news' to you Western chicks... though I doubt it is . :D

Same in Brazil, Kevin. Women are very much aware of the fact that men appreciate their appearance on a multi-dimensional level.

Shortly after first arriving here, I was changing some money in a bank. Standing across from a teller wearing a low slung blouse (cleavage is acceptable in a business environment here,) while she counted bills, my eyes drifted downward. After a couple seconds, I raised them to see she was looking directly at me. As an American jaded into the premise that any stray gaze from a woman's face is naughty, perverse or both, I was pleasantly surprised by her immediate demure smile of satisfied appreciation as if to say, "Thank you for noticing what I hoped you would notice when I chose this attire to wear this morning."

There is a certain fresh breeze of honesty between both participants in an exchange such as this.

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As well , if your gaze is unappreciated or unwanted , there is the blank stare , far-away eyes or distant look away that is silently but clearly understood by the gawker and they will compose themselves as necessary. Women are very rarely subjected to 'wolfish' behavior, in public at least, nor are admirers chastised verbally , and life goes pleasantly on in the vast majority of cases. As you mentioned , Steele , a lot of ladies put a fair amount of time and effort into looking as lovely as they can , and it would be unreasonable to expect not to catch a few eyes ... and may even be disappointed later if no one paid them any mind after all that work . :)

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