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For gridlocked commuters: $5/hour, 10 cents/mile to rent the very first World War I tank. (Leveraged from The Imperial War Museum for a "tanked stock" buy out.)

Name the title of the next "Indiana Jones" movie.

Posted (edited)

Indiana Jones and the Cases of Ancient Metamucil and Viagra.

Name a movie that you would like to see a sequel / followup to

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

Here are a few:

"Galaxy Quest 2: The Further Adventures" (Until the current "Star Trek," "Galaxy Quest" was the closest thing to a cinema version of "The Original Series" action.)

"The Last Starfighter 2: Xur's Revenge" (The villainous son escaped and The Star League was down to one Gunstar crew.)

"TRON" (It's coming soon.)

"Futurama: Bender Makes History" (The Comedy Channel hasn't a clue on how to handle/market this property. Let Pixar loose in Y3K earth!)

Name a movie flop (old or new) that could benefit from the "reimagination" process. (Hands off "It Happens Every Spring" or "The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings"!)

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

How this thread has lasted so long....oh, and Pearl Jam lyrics.

EDIT (Damn you, Joe!): I grasped math fairly easily. You know, 2 plus 2 is 4. And I'll be starting my multiplication tables next week!

Name something that is large and red.

:afro: :afro: :afro: :jester:

Edited by Guest

S'mores! Nothing beats melted chocolate and marshmallow surrounded by graham crackers when you're sitting around a campfire and being devoured by mosquitoes!

name your favorite drink (non-alcoholic)

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