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Fantasy Football : Season II


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You guys obviously don't watch Discovery Channel. Meercats. It's all about the Meercats.

Meats and Cheeses is back to defend. Once again, I'll offer a clean and comfortable Songfacts T-shirt to the winner. If you already have a clean and comfortable Songfacts T-shirt, we'll check the prize closet and see what we have. Of course, someone will have to beat me to earn it.


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:laughing: Well, big surprise ! RJ is the Giants - again . ;)

I got a pretty sweet draft , for a change ! I usually want or need to dump a bunch right away , but I may let these guys ride a week or two ... :cool:

Looks like Malakin is high man for projected points in week 1 - we'll see if it holds up .

First game is Sept .7 ( a Thursday ) Pittsburg and Miami ...correct ?

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The defense as a whole gets points based on how many points they allow the other team to score. Also, you get points for your defense from sacks, interceptions, and any touchdowns that result from those interceptions. Or, also for forced fumbles, and blocked kicks or punts. The defense, to me, is the most underrated part of most poeple's fantasy teams. If you have a decent defense, you can count on a good 15 points a week, but most people care more about getting a decent Running Back which will score you... less than 15 points a week. ;)

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Well as long as Seattle and Baltimore do good, I do good. And even if I wasn't playing fantasy football, I would want those two teams to do good, so that works out well.

I have to choose between Hasselbeck and Vick for QB though... Well I'll stick with my Hawks for now, Vick always gets hurt anyway.

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