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Baby Pictures


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Thanks to everyone for your kind words about my sweet little family. I suppose Mr. Peaches does look very American. More specifically, he looks southern to me with his ruddy cheeks and Georgia Bulldogs baseball hat. C-girl told me that he looks like a golfer. I told her that he does look like a beer swilling, cart driving, pseudo athlete. :grin:

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Peaches - niiiice. Mr. Peaches is a hottie! and that little girl of yours is soooo cute :) :)

It made me have to show off my great-baby. This is my nephew's first, and he's two months old. He is the happiest baby on earth. Literally, 7 days in Cabo, with him every day, and the child cried twice. He's always laughing and making those little cooing sounds. :) :)


And here is the mama of the happiest baby on earth, and my teenage kid (who's at his first day of high school as I write this) parasailing.


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OMG, such adorableness! I just saw my one year old nephew forthe first time in person yesterday and now I get a cute baby picture and an adorable big girl picture to boot.

Mine starts pre-school in a few weeks. I can't believe what a big girl she is.

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I don't understand why you and the others can't see it because I do.

I hosted my pic on Photobucket, copied and pasted it here.

Did I do something wrong? :confused:

Did you copy and paste the photo? You can't do that. You must copy and paste the link to the photo that appears under the photo in your album at Photobucket.

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