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Grossest Experience


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Just last month in PE class, we were running around a huge lap (not on a track, it was on a path) and I noticed a puddle at the bottom of a hill. I jumped right in it, and stomped my feet down. I thought it would be funny, splashing water around and getting some of the girls wet, who are afraid of water. I expected them to be mildly surprised, but everyone who got splashed seemed particularly grossed out. I was confused, and then looked up the hill, to find out that the water wasn't coming from rain at all, but from a big stream coming from an outhouse that was being drained.

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I just got a new one, I was out in my yard when my older brother (20) shoved a large bucket full of dog waste over my head. He had apparently been filling it since April and let it get even more rancid in the sun and rains... It was caked to my hair which is a naturally light brown color and made it look deep brown and yellowish :P, and my face, I had take a like a four hour shower to get rid of it and swear I can still smell it. ack!

He took a ton of pictures of me after too, I would never dream of posting those nightmarish things... :P

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