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Whats goin on this season?!


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Box office is losing money...they are not doing so well with movies this season, whats goin on in Hollywoods mind? I find myself renting movies that ive seen years ago. I dont look for a new release cause im not in the mood for dissappointment. I saw Kingdom of Heaven in theatres the other day. WONDERFUL MOVIE! Ok, the battle scene(the big one)resembled Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers a little bit too much. It made it worse by having Orlando Bloom right on top of the wall...shooting arrows. Great movie all in all good casting, and not only are you being entertained, you are also learning about The 12th Century Crusades. Its cool.

Then i saw Amityville Horror the next day...i was dissappointed that only one scene made me go "yikes". But, of course its a remake, and hollywood ruins scary movies by having music build up to the BOO part.

Anywayz...sorry for the rant...had to do it.

How do you guys feel about it all?

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You saw the crusades movie eh? Just curious, do they talk about the bad stuff that came through the crusades? Do they have the Christians the protaganists, the antaganists, or somewhere in the middle? I don't really know if I'll see it either way, but I'm curious.

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PC....today's movies do not stay in the theatres long enough to make any kind of financial impact. Many movies are on the screens a couple of weeks and a couple of months later they are sitting on Blockbuster's shelves.

Prior to the advent of home video the only source to Hollywood was the movie theatre. Many movies would run for months in the first run houses. Just thinking back to my days working at Loew's in the seventies I can tell you movies such as Jaws, The Exorcist, The Godfather and Star Wars (1977) had runs of 3 or 4 months. Most of these movies, if allowed for inflation would rival some of the big box office numbers we have seen in previous years.

Another thing about today's movies are they are not as memorable as films from days gone by. Granted there are still classics being produced but not in the numbers we saw in the past.

I myself will almost never go to a movie these days. I am willing to wait the couple of months to see a movie. My 3 rental monthly Blockbuster card saves me hundreds in ticket costs. It is a great deal. I can have up to three movies out at a time. In a month I usually get 20 - 25 rentals.

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True Jimmy, no point in going to the movie theater these days I think. You can get them cheaper and watch them at home anyways. And I don't find the kind of movies I watch to be improved by a gigantic screen. I only go to see a movie if I really really want to see a movie, and can't wait to see it for very long. I also go if I've got nothing to do. I try to go to the second run theaters though. You can't go wrong at 3 bucks a movie. Unless of course, the movie sucks

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AND THE PRICES OF POPCORN CANDY AND SODA!? BLARGH WHY? Why does it cost so much to sit and a chair and watch a movie? 7.50 to 11 dollars for tickets, and most ppl dont go alone...they go on a date...so your talkin about 15 bucks for tickets on average...and then 20 bucks for food...grr monkey.

And i got a question...Finding Neverland...still in theatres, and new on shelves! WHY?!

So many questions!! sorry! lol

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i will disagree and say that i love going to the movies. ok so i do rent dvds from amazon too, but going to the movies is different, much more fun! i get a discount in most cinemas, being a "student" and all, so it's not that bad pricewise, but usually carry a bottle of water with me and don't buy anything there.

but i must say, i remember the time when you had to wait for a year for the vhs version of a movie to come out, so i do find it very strange that less than 6 months later, the dvd is released.

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i looooove going to the cinema!! even if there isn't that great a movie on, i just love the experience. and i always buy popcorn - yum, there's nothing like cinema popcorn! but i agree it is extortionately expensive! here in munich it is even worse than at home, especially if you're paying to see the movie in english. i love it though! when i'm at home, my boy and i can never get time alone together. in either of our houses, there's always someone who wants to hang out with us, watch our dvd, etc. so the only time we can get to ourselves is by going to the cinema!!

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it's true alright. the germans are crazy for dubbing. they dub everything!!!! there are even dubbing artists whose job it is to be some actor'svoice. like one day my cousin was in the supermarket and he recognised that the guy in front of him was tom cruise's voice!! it drives me insane!! i don't mind the tv shows being dubbed cos that helpsmy german, but the movies are so badly done. the worst example i have seen is monsoon wedding. anyone who has seen this movie will know that one of the important features is that there are two languages used in the film. some speak in an unusual form of english while others speak hindi. it is an indicator of what class you are from etc. so it is a very important aspect to the film. what do the germans do?! they dub the whole lot into german!!! so anyone who hasn't seen the original version doesn't even realise there are two langages spoken the characters. give me subtitles anyday!!

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but usually carry a bottle of water with me

funny story about that, one time I brought a water bottle to the movie theater. It was one that I'd never been to before, and some movie theaters don't let you bring water in (they aren't big on survival). So I put it in my pocket and made it into the theater. I was buying some popcorn (but not water, because I had some) and the water you could buy wasn't behind a counter, it was in a little refridgerator. I had crystal geyser, and so did they. So when I went up to the register to pay, they noticed the water in my pocket, and made me buy it, because they thought I was trying to steal it. So I had to pay for the same bottle of water 2 times, once at the store, and once for the obcene cinema prices. :thumbsdown:

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Wouldn't it be nice if Hollywood could come up with something original instead of relying on remakes? It seems that the only films worth watching these days are animated (Shrek, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles) or those made by small, independent studios.

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A few recent movies have left an impression on this DVD and (occasional) movie goer:

"Sideways"on DVD: It didn't make me want to drink Merlot, but the characters did grow on me after a while, and the deleted footage was best left out.

"House of Flying Daggers" on DVD: A three day Love Story triangle that pits a government agent against a mysterious cult...then gets much more complicated.

"The Merchant of Venice" at a theater near U.H.: A character in a movie said that Shakespeare was to be performed, not read, and Robert DeNiro explodes in his part! (The paraphrased quote was from "Man Without a Face," Mel Gibson's character study of a disgraced drama teacher.)

"Tae Guk Gi" on DVD: The movie left town after a short run, and puts you on the front lines of the Korean War as seen by Koreans. The action has been compared to "Saving Private Ryan," but has more of a World War I/Battle of the Somme or Siege of Verdun feel to it.

Is Hollywood losing it's touch? More like chasing The Next Blockbuster Money maker, as usual. I wonder if some underage mogul envisions a Rap version of "A Star is Born," with a Tupac Shakur-like figure in the "Norman Maine" role? Excuse me, it's time to consider dinner and a movie. :beatnik:

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Creativity only goes so far. They just have nothing else. So, what do they do...spinoffs...they make Sequels to Disney movies that were made 20-30 yrs ago. They probably have writers sitting in a room with headaches saying I JUST DONT KNOW! SO...what do they do? Sandlot 2?! a REMAKE of REVENGE OF THE NERDS! They are bringing back Police Academy! LINDSAY LOHAN IS AN ACTRESS!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!


yeah, we get good ones sometimes. But only if Scorcese, Speilburg, or Ron Howard is on the list.

Now...i've heard that back in the day. Geniuses(didnt spell that right, im sure somebody will correct me, i dont care, im on a rant) did drugs.

Kubrick...had to be on something.

Hitchcock...i think he was just messed up in the head, but he made great movies.

Where are the classics? Where are the goodtimes? Where are the famous quotes? The famous Speeches? CRYING!

I know i B**ch alot about this, but im gonna be an Actor one day, in movies, and i tell ya, things will change. I just, am gettin sick and tired of paying so much, and recieving so little. Maybe they need a year break in Hollywood, just a year to THINK! Im guessing the actors/actresses have PLENTY of money to do that. Some might have to go do B movies. OH NO!

Do you guys have any ideas?

Sorry to keep ranting on about all this. Lol, you guys still love me right? ::

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I wonder if some underage mogul envisions a Rap version of "A Star is Born," with a Tupac Shakur-like figure in the "Norman Maine" role? Excuse me, it's time to consider dinner and a movie. :beatnik:

Cant Buy Me Love, the old wonderful(ok, not that great, but its a classic) They remade it to the hip-hop thing. It was called Love Dont Cost a Thing. Instead of this guy likin the stars he loved the car. Its, different. :stars:

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PC....the answer is simple. The theatres candy stand prices are outrageous but that is where they make their money. It is not at the box office.

When I was a teen I worked in movie theatres for 3 years and during that time did spend alot of time at the candy stand. I worked in two different theatres. One of those theatres I was the guy making popcorn on those busy weekend afternoons.

Theatres receive only 10-12% (if it is still that high) of the ticket sales where as the candy concession is basically a 300 - 400% plus markup on candy and only God knows what kind of percentage they are making on popcorn and soda. About ten cents worth of popcorn seed will make a $3.50 tub of fresh popcorn. You do the math! Basically, the theatre will make about a buck off of you when you come through the front door but if you hit the candy stand they can make 5 or 6 bucks off of you for a popcorn and a soda.

Now you know why the candy stand is so very expensive!

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psychocatholic, i think you are exagerating slightly, there are plenty of good movies around, and very few of them are sequels! you can choose to watch the good films that are released, and ignore all the stupid teen comedies etc etc. personally, i can think of a fair amount of good movies that i watched in th epast couple of years!

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I just read an article in Entertainment Weekly about the poor box office returns this year, and trying to pinpoint the causes..ticket prices, bad movies, DVD releases too soon, etc. Of course, now that "Revenge of The Sith" opened, I'm sure that will change, but really, most of the year has not been exciting, IMO.

I don't get to go out to watch movies that much and on the rare occasion that I do, I can't see anything in the theater that would make me pay $9 and sit in an over-airconditioned theater full of rude people who talk on their cells. I am excited about "Revenge of the Sith" and "Cinderella Man", though.

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