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Songfactors Football 2015


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Not seeing any serious problems with my first proposed draft time so far, so I guess we'll go with it: Sun. Sept.6/12 pm PST.

As well, this season we will return to having 2 defensive players. I liked this when we did it last time as they can offer players an option to work with when matched against a stronger team ( have much better backs, QB , etc ), are banged up, caught in a tough buy week, or near the end of the season when the player choices are slim to none. It was also fun switching them around often just to see how many extra points one could get from them per week. They get points for tackles, assists, sacks, interceptions, and the occasional TD. I have denied yards returned from punts or kickoffs, however, as that could give way too many points sometimes. They shouldn't bring in much more than an average kicker, more often than not, if you recall, and just a couple points if they weren't involved much. Occasionally, they could bring in 10-15 if they have a big day. I don't believe they will be on your draft lists, so the first couple will be dished out amongst the top projections at first, so you needn't choose amongst them. After that, switch them around as you wish. Check on this to confirm, but unless you really want a specific D player, just let autodraft give them to you as the top ones will be dealt first anyway. Personally, having defense in the game a little, is a better all round football managing experience, imo. We will give it a few weeks probation, however, and if people really hate it or I have unknowingly made them throw the balance way off, then I can remove it.

I also made the extra offensive slot a WR/RB/TE option, so you can put any of these positions in it.

You may wish to go to your team page and check how the scoring will go this year, as well as roster positions available,etc. in case that may affect your drafting choices. I, myself, won't let my choices be affected by it at all, however. For the most part, the game is as it always was.

Still a little time until draft, so open to comments, complaints, compliments, questions, etc. :grin:

Edited by Kevin
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Oh, one more feature is available this year -a game within the game. It's called 'League Pick'em' (see your team page menus ). Remember how we had the option of choosing who we thought would win each week's match ups before? Well, they have made a game of it now and will calculate your picks over the season to see who is the best prognosticator in our league, and you could win that feature now as well as going for the championship or whatever. The winner gets $1,000,000 !


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FYI: Defensive players do appear in our draft lists, but, as mentioned, they start being ranked around 250th or so and then numerous more at or around that, so you needn't worry about them too much. We will all likely get some at or about the same in projected rankings. Good luck on your draft, all! About 24 hours to go.


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I'm a little jealous of your wide recievers Kevin lol

I'm happy overall with my team despite the high number of uncertain rookies and they gave me 2 kickers for some reason yet only one back up WR, but nothing that waivers can't fix. Yahoo seems to think I'll have the most projected points in the league, we'll see. Good luck everyone, Let's get ready to roll!

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Possibly, though I don't think he'll be all that productive this year due to age and the Cardinals having younger options at WR.

What do you want for him? I could offer you possibly Todd Gurley or Anquan Bolden for him, both were drafted before him.

Edited by Wyld Card
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Don't forget to try the League Pick'em game before Thursday's games if you are interested to see how well you and others can pick the matchup winners each week and over the season. Just click on the 'League' function on your team page and then League Pick'em should appear as a sub menu.

Not at all mandatory or any effect on the regular game, though.

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I'm reasonably satisfied with my team, as well.  I like my wide receivers and I think I got the third best TE in Greg Olsen.  My big weakness is the defense.  I only got one unit and it's the Jets.  I have a few players who are out due to injury or suspension, but I think I have enough depth to compensate.

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Very good first week, and it appears we got a pretty decent draft with almost all teams scoring within ~10 of each other, and no one clearly dominant. If Manning had a better day (and he will), Ian would've been up with the rest as well. Better stay on your toes this season checking for injuries, byes, etc., folks, as a few points here of there will make all the difference!

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Just an update; I'd made this change prior to the season opening, but apparently either I hadn't clarified it with a 'submit' or something else may have happened. Either way, each week we are now limited to 5 transactions meaning waiver pickups. This should be enough for all to maintain active rosters, but not enough to react to every whimsy, rumor, or news and put a lot of players on waivers easily. It should also give busy players a little more chance to have some players to choose from if they haven't as much time to check out their team. Anyway, thought I'd better mention this before the next week gets going. You can see your status with respect to this at the top of your team page.

 It's in place now for the coming week before we get too far down the road into the season. I thought this would add a little more challenge to the weeks -especially during byes starting week 4. Choose carefully and well! :)


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Blues is taking names and kicking ass this week with everyone on his roster performing. Nice score, Carole, but not much one can do when that happens. Shame to have to put out what would likely be a winning total on any other normal week, but total points will likely make the difference near playoff time.

Wow! Kenne's Arizona D put up more points than most QBs this week -and deservedly so, having practically won the game themselves. Tricky cheering tomorrow for me. Don't want Rodgers to score too much all around, but at the same time need him to throw to one of my receivers as often as possible, especially for tds. We are projected only 4 points apart currently for the finish.

Down 15 points, can Carl, with 4 players left, slip past Phil with 2? Is Sammy going to be very open to trades next week and rebuilding?

Next week byes start so be sure to check what roster positions you need to fill sooner rather than later in the week.

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Wow! Kenne's Arizona D put up more points than most QBs this week -and deservedly so, having practically won the game themselves. Tricky cheering tomorrow for me. Don't want Rodgers to score too much all around, but at the same time need him to throw to one of my receivers as often as possible, especially for tds. We are projected only 4 points apart currently for the finish.

It was a good match Kevin, had me on the edge of my seat during the actual game.

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