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Songfactors Football 2015


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Ok, we've got Carole, Blues, Kenne, Phil, an invite sent to CanAm, and myself in and registered. Just Carl and Sammy left to register. Those that wished to can delete their posts with email info now.

Rayzor or Ronjon not around anymore? BTW, how is the current Baseball league going so far? Close? Someone running away with it all? Must be playoffs in a week or 2 now.

Edited by Kevin
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With that in mind, Ian, it is the main reason I dropped the 'can't cut' option. It used to really suck if you had someone who was playing poorly or got injured, but there was nothing you could do but give them a bench spot because Yahoo! had designated them a star.


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You need to pm or post an email address and then I have to send you an invite. You can delete it after. That's what others did. For some reason they don't want people to directly register-go figure!

*I sent the same message to your pm as well*

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Cool! So, that's everyone. Now we just need to get drafted before the first game next week. Again, because comms can be spotty here with fewer people chiming in as before, I'm just going to throw out a date (or two) and we'll have to go with it; ready or not. Right now, I'm thinking Sunday (Sept. 6th) at midnight (PST) which would give everyone the rest of this week and the entire weekend to prepare. If that's not good, speak up soon, but do realize there won't be much of extensions short of popular demand.

The absolute latest I would care to drag this out would be only until the following day. Fantasy Football has really taken off in popularity, and there could be a bit of a delay in getting our draft-plus it may be cool to have a day or two to drop/add/trade/ bone up on the rules/ learn to use the team functions, etc.

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