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Neil Young Blames Bill Clinton For Current State Of America


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Neil Young Blames Bill Clinton For Current State Of America

Rocker Neil Young blames former U.S. president Bill Clinton for the political situation in America, claiming his lies helped George Bush into power. Liberal-thinking Young traces the decline back to when Clinton denied having an affair with intern Monica Lewinsky in the mid-1990s.

He says, "In this country we had a bad group of events starting with Bill Clinton and leading up to Bush. Clinton was a catalyst for a lot of this stuff because he played out on a moral stage a very bad scenario. He lied directly to the American people about something that has to do with core family values.

"He's not a bad person; he made a mistake. but in lying he made a worse mistake. And although it was very human and people forgive him for doing that, he gave the other side, the conservative side, the aggressive side, a huge opening. If it hadn't been for what he did, Al Gore would have been president. We would have had a president who understands the environment. We would have had a smart man in there."

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I blame George Washington : all that fuss over a bit of tax , and look what it led to ?! Switching from tea to coffee was a BAD thing , in the long run ... now Starbuck's is calling the shots ! :P Global games are being played over coffee beans , people - not oil !

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I'm beginning to get very sick of hearing Neil Young's incessant pissin' and moanin' about the state of American politics. His ENTIRE last album (every single f***ing song) was about American politics and/or impreaching President Bush.

First of all: I hate to say it, Neil, but your songs have really gone downhill in the last decade or so.

Second of all: Yes, George Bush sucks and I couldn't give two sh*ts if he were impeached and/or thrown in jail. But ONE damn song about it would have been enough! Did you really need to make a whole album?

And third of all: Well, Neil, I don't know if anybody has told you this in a few years, or if you are so smacked out that you just plumb forgot it........ You......are......CANADIAN!! Go back home and b*tch about Stephen Harper, or.....whatever the hell his name is! I'm sure there's at least one or two things that you could find that would call for his impeachment. Oy!

Thank you all for listening. Election Day is only a few weeks away. Vote for Sammy!

:afro: :afro: :afro: :jester:

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Sammy... you got his name right. Stephen Harper. Problem is he hasn't really done anything.

That's why we Canadians have had to resort to Bush for all of our complaints. Harper hasn't done anything bad enough, yet!

Don't worry though, he is a politician so he's bound to make us really mad soon enuf!

:rockon: Vote Sammy! :rockon:

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Are you out of your frickin' mind ?! This is a Philly -style street fight ! You can't compromise !

From what I've seen of Sammy and the hired goons he already has , Fantasy sports results are always suspect . Do you really want to give that man the intel from the CIA , NSA , Secret Service , etc . to boot ?! ...Wait a minute ... not such a bad idea ...

My biggest fear is , if if he got in , when I call for a draft - he'll use that in a way that anyone he doesn't like at the moment is going to be on mine-clearing duty in Iraq ( without the assistance of mechanical devices ) 7 days a week !

Think about it !

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My biggest fear is , if if he got in , when I call for a draft - he'll use that in a way that anyone he doesn't like at the moment is going to be on mine-clearing duty in Iraq ( without the assistance of mechanical devices ) 7 days a week !

Nah, If I got in, the first thing I would do is bring the troops HOME from Iraq......and send them straight off to Japan. Me? I've got bigger business efforts in mind! Screw oil!...The future is in alternative fuels, anyway. I want the COMPUTER industry!

Oh, have I introduced you all to my new running mate? I'd like you to meet Mr. Bill Gates.

:afro: :afro: :afro: :jester:

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