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May he rest in peace.

He'll never be out of your heart, especially whenever you see a fireworks display.

I hope your Dad is able to cope with his irreplaceable loss.

Thanks. This past 4th of July I was outside with my son and saw some fireworks going off in a nearby yard...I took the time to tell my son about the fireworks display that Uncle Joe used to do in his yard.

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77 years is just incredible.

Other than Joann my two closest "best friends" have already passed away...far too young. My closest friend now is someone I've been friends with for 50 years.

I don't really expect to be alive for 77 years or even close to that. So a 77 year friendship...incredible!

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My father turned 84 in June. I recall when I was a little kid, I asked him how old he would be in the year 2000. He told me, "I'm gonna be dust in a graveyard by then." Now at 84 he's looking to buy a new car (yeah I know about 84 year olds driving) and he now says, "I don't need a new car. How long have I got? Another 5 years?"

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I'm sorry to hear about your dads friend Ron. That has to be very hard for him.

They were best friends longer then most people stay married :D

Tell your dad my grandmother is looking to turn 102 or 3 next April. So another 15 or 20 years may not be out of the question for him. Her mind is still good and her health not to terrible :content:

Driving on the other hand... :couch:

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Wow, 62 years!!! :):)

Ron, tell them a woman who lives in Spain and they never heard about or met says "Congrats!!!" And so sad to hear about your Uncle Joe... but maybe you should celebrate such a beautiful lifelong friendship... he had a good life and was blessed with a good friend, just like your Dad was blessed with his friendship.

That' s what we are here for... to love and make people happy.

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Apologies if this sounds trite, that is certainly not my intention... I'm sorry to hear about your dad's friend, Ron... and I'm sending out positive vibes to you. It was such a long time you all enjoyed together that I think the joyous memories will outweigh the sadness you're feeling right now... there is your light. :)

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Thanks again for all the thoughts...

I stopped by my parents house last night to bring them to the funeral home. As we were leaving the house, I noticed that my Dad wasn't wearing a tie. He told me that nobody in Joe's family probably owned a tie and that I didn't need to wear mine. (You don't have to tell me twice to remove my tie).

At the funeral home, I approached the casket and was truly pleased to see Uncle Joe dressed in his best trout fishing gear. He wore a fully loaded fisherman's vest over a green sweatshirt. On his head was a snappy, new fishing cap. In his hand was a beautiful, Fenwick, ultra-light fishing pole...in mid-cast!!

Joe was more than an avid fisherman...he loved it. My Dad too. On the ride home last night, my Dad pointed out places that he and Joe went fishing as kids. Joe also volunteered for many years to help the state Fish and Game Dept. stock trout in the rivers.

There were pictures of Joes life all around the room. You could divide his life into very specific segments that these photos pointed out. There was his long marriage, his military life, his fishing and his friends...oh yeah, there was one more thing...

Joe loved his little Beagle named "Troubles". I couldn't tell you exactly when Troubles died, but it has been a long time. Joe could never replace Troubles and to borrow a phrase, "after 20 years he still grieved- Mr. BoJangles). In the casket was Troubles personalized collar. I picked it up to read the tag and placed it back so everyone could see the name on it.

My Dad has always had a practical view of death, yet I can tell he is taken aback by this latest sudden death. His fishing pals are all gone...Percy, Boots, and now Joe. There is now a void that can't be filled.

Again, thanks for caring about a pretty good guy that you never met...but would have liked.

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Got into a fight with a guy high out of his mind and crazy last night in some thigh high bushes at a trail head. He was scaring the hell out of people that had gone into the park to hike because he was screaming at the top of his lungs. My partner and I, neither one of us tiny guys, had to struggle with this guy for about 2 minutes before we could cuff him. My partner ended up with a broken arm. This guy was 6 feet tall, but only 155 pounds. I am guessing he was on PCP.

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Wow. Guess I'll tone down the whining about my job . Glad to hear you weren't hurt and hope your partner recovers soon .

Say , Mark ,when a guy that high/drunk is arrested , is resisting arrest and assaulting a police officer(s) usually added to whatever other charges that may be pending or is he/she usually considered too out of it or mentally disturbed for them to apply ?

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I wrote a 72 hour hold on him after his antics at the hospital (trying to run away screaming) so he will be there at least 72 hours in the psych unit. That should dry him up. If it turns out he is not too crazy and that he was just high, a warrant will be issued for him and he will be rearrested before he is released from the hospital.

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I joined a writer's group tonight and everyone in this group is so talented! I was expecting a bunch of wanna-be writers who think they are great (which is how it usually is) but these peeps were genuinely talented. Of course, there's always that one person in the bunch who you take an instant dislike to, and vice versa. I suppose I can put up with her if she stays to that end of the table. :beady:

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