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"Ted." If you are not amused by funny things, then STAY FAR FROM THIS MOVIE.

If, however, your depraved sense of humor should be packaged and sold off to others who need a sense of humor, depraved, twisted, or otherwise, then you, my kindred soul, cannot risk missing this flick.

We laughed from the 3rd minute into it and did not stop until it was almost over. Even the heartbreaking scenes were hysterical!

Mark wahlburg plays a guy who got a stuffed bear for his 8th birthday and wished him to life. They grew up together, started smoking pot and partying together, getting in trouble together. Then mark gets a girlfriend and the bear gets kidnapped. And the ending is excitingly wonderful while still being raunchily humorous. They take a dig at every ethnic group in the world. And tbey're dead on. Plus the have ryan reynolds in a cameo. How awesome is that. 10/10 easy

I totally agree with you Shawna...it was hysterical! And this is just for you. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just saw "The Hunger Games". It was very well done, and although it strayed from the book somewhat, it was done in a way that helped people who hadn't read the book get the story. 8/10.

Also took the kid to see "Paranorman". It's about a boy who can talk to the dead. He doesn't hide it, so all the kids in town and even his father think he's a freak. Suddenly, a witch's curse is coming, and Norman is the only one who can stop it. I think the end was a little dark for the kids (although my daughter seemed OK), but the lesson in the story was good. 7/10.

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I just didn't take to Hunger Games the way the rest of the nation has. It was too disturbing. I believe I understood the underbelly of the story - rich suppressing poor, enslaving them, starving them to make them complacent and then exploiting them - but it was such a disturbing context, that these kids actually enjoyed the conquest and thought it was an honor to be chosen. Lost me on that. Lost me the rest of the way when they jumped off their pedestals and started eviscerating one another without and aforethought of, "Hey, this is a F@$%^^% TV show, here, how about we all band together and give them a different kind of show? What could they do?

I'd have liked to see them explore different options before they gutted one another.

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That is what happened at the end, Shawna, why there were two winners. If you read the book, it explains a little more about the ones who were trained to kill. The rest were just kids who had to rely on wits, luck or strength. You couldn't refuse to play, it was a death sentence either way.

If you want to read the books, it explains all that a little better and gets into the aftermath of the games portrayed in the movie.

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Lawless - About a group of brothers during the prohibition period, where they fight against corrupt law. It was a compelling story, I give it an 8/10.

Expendables 2 - It was better than the first film, with more action, but some parts were kinda cheesy, especially with Awnie. 7/10

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I saw "Argo" today and I give it a solid 10/10. I was so engrossed that during the final climactic scene my heart was pounding so hard I thought I'd just run a marathon. (Almost) better than... chocolate. :grin:

It was the most intense flick I've seen since "The Hurt Locker," and that was intense. I was a senior in high school when the Iranian Hostage Crisis began and I remember it peripherally, I was generally aware of what was taking place, but no details. I was waaay to into partying to pay attention to the news. And if even a ounce of the truth of it made it into this movie, I'm pretty glad I wasn't aware of it. There's evil lurking out there that even now I wish I didn't know about. :crazy:

And oh yeah, stellar acting by a great cast. Yes, Ben Affleck pulled it off - directing as well as starring. Oscar worthy. Who knew?

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Wreck-It Ralph" - 8/10. Entertaining movie about a video game baddie who's tired of being the lonely bad guy and goes game jumping in the hopes of redeeming himself. Lots of fun.

My husband went to see Skyfall, the new James Bond flick and highly recommends it, BTW.

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Skyfall 9.5/10 IMO, the best Bond film since For Your Eyes Only. Great stunts, a plausible story (for the most part) and a few twists. Next to Connery, Daniel Craig is the Bond who most closely resembles the character in Ian Fleming's books. The theme song by Adele was outstanding. Somewhat reminiscent of Shirley Bassey.

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part II. 8/10

Diehard fans undoubtedly loved this film. I thought it was quite good and nicely wrapped up the story. The acting was quite good, although Michael Sheen seemed a bit over the top. He was like Andy Warhol on steroids. Even Kristin Stewart (IMO one of the worst actresses of all time) was acceptable.

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Lincoln 10/10

If I could give this movie 100/10, I would. I just got back from the theater about 30 minutes ago. I'd pay the $7.25 matinee price to see Daniel Day-Lewis read from the phone book for 2 1/2 hours, that's how much I like him and the work he does. His transformation into Abraham Lincoln was nothing short of masterful, and the first of many Oscars this movie better get should go to Makeup and Costume. Historical descriptions of Lincoln's accent, tone of speech, and phrasing are often ignored for the more thunderous way of speaking we see from actors portraying the President, but every account that exists of what he sounded like matched what DDL delivered in this film.

The film centered on the fight to pass the 13th Amendment in the House of Representatives, and the behind-the-scenes politicking that was required to get it done. If you know anything about American history, you know it passes, but how it got passed is the story. It was based upon the book by Doris Kearns Goodwin, Team of Rivals, which is a great read if you're looking for Christmas suggestions.

I cannot rave enough about this film, and implore everyone, American or otherwise, to see this film.

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cooool. This is the ONLY move EVER that my BH has actually said to me - before it came out - that he wants to see. I said, "There won't be car chases or aliens or starships, and I've heard the blood and gore is minimal." It has not deterred him. He doesn't have a clue who Daniel Day-Lewis is, but he wants to see this movie because he loves Civil War-era stuff.

So it's good to know it will be worthwhile. :)

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I'm surprised he doesn't know who DDL is; he's a pretty prolific actor with two Oscars under his belt. He was Bill the Butcher in Gangs of New York, and he was in There Will Be Blood, where he delivered the famous, "I drink your milkshake, I drink it up" line.

In any event, it's beyond worthwhile to see this film. When Lewis becomes a character, he becomes the character. He looks so much like Abraham Lincoln, it's frightening.

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the BH doesn't get much into actors. He knows characters, but not actors at all. I don't think he's seen "Gangs of New York." I know he hasn't seen "Blood."

I thought the milkshake line was in "No Country" and was said by Javier Bardem...?

Anyway, I've like Daniel Day-Lewis since "Last of the Mohicans." Sort of a dumb flick, but he made it enjoyable.

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