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Has any of yous kids ever written and then sent an email that you probsbly shouldn't have and had it totally annihilate your relationship/friendship/whatevership with that person? Or did you find a way to claw out of it and somehow make amends? And if so, please share. I need examples.

Nope. Everything has been a clean break in my life and I've never looked back. However, I can't say I ever did so by e-mail. I'd rather dish it out in person to get a real feel for it - I'm old-fashioned like that :beatnik:

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I'm no expert, but isn't there a not too small difference between micro- and wildlife biologists?

I'd consider myself an "expert" as well. They both should have the same core science and math classes, and should meet the criteria to become a registered microbiologist - after getting hired first as an assistant and going through a year or two of training and studying for the state exam(s) :beatnik:

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Yeah... not really. I have a degree in environmental science. Also, microbiology is boring.

Well, specifically is anyone hiring ecologists/wildlife biologists. But I can't really be picky at this point, I'm actually considering getting into the campaign for a few months until I find a career that fits my goals a little more.

Well, now it reads as if you have it all figured out. Cool :beatnik:

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  • 4 months later...

during a discussion yesterday at lunch, I was told by someone my age who employs several people in their 20s and 30s that he doesn't want his employees to have to think; they rely strictly on what their computers/GPS's/whatever other machinery they have to tell them what the correct answer is, or how much money to hand someone in change, or whatever the case may be. He says less mistakes are made that way, and he doesn't want to be paying these people for the time it takes to think about it.

Here's my question to our Songfactors who are in that age group: Do you rely solely on modern technology to think for you when it comes to finding a place, doing your math (making change or counting the change you've been handed), etc.? Do you see any value in knowing how to do those things manually for any reason? And can you do it manually if technology should fail due to power failure, machine meld, whatever?

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Being late-30's I can say that I understand where this person is coming from (I've seen people make stupid mistakes when not aided by technology) however I used to work at a job where it was my job to think outside the box, because computer data is not always right.

I prefer not looking things up on Google or whatever if I know the answer. I prefer to keep my mind active and think constantly rather than ask Google when to go pee.

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Here's my question to our Songfactors who are in that age group: Do you rely solely on modern technology to think for you when it comes to finding a place, doing your math (making change or counting the change you've been handed), etc.? Do you see any value in knowing how to do those things manually for any reason? And can you do it manually if technology should fail due to power failure, machine meld, whatever?

Pretty much, yeah. I mean, basic math isn't a problem, I'm not that helpless. But I'd probably get lost going just about anywhere without a GPS. That's more to do with my awful sense of direction than my generation's reliance on technology, maybe.

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during a discussion yesterday at lunch, I was told by someone my age who employs several people in their 20s and 30s that he doesn't want his employees to have to think; they rely strictly on what their computers/GPS's/whatever other machinery they have to tell them what the correct answer is, or how much money to hand someone in change, or whatever the case may be. He says less mistakes are made that way, and he doesn't want to be paying these people for the time it takes to think about it.

Here's my question to our Songfactors who are in that age group: Do you rely solely on modern technology to think for you when it comes to finding a place, doing your math (making change or counting the change you've been handed), etc.? Do you see any value in knowing how to do those things manually for any reason? And can you do it manually if technology should fail due to power failure, machine meld, whatever?

Um, I wouldn't want to work a job that didn't require me to use some of my brain, nor would I like to work with anyone who doesn't use theirs. It'd be a f*****g nightmare. I can do simple math in my head and if I'm given simple directions or look at a map, then I know where I'm going :beatnik:

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Not at all - It's easier for me to split a bill in my head than take the time to get a calculator to do it. Is more fun too (ever played the game where you figure out all the prime factors of a license plate number on long car trips?).

I don't really like relying on technology - it undermines my perfectly capable brain.

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during a discussion yesterday at lunch, I was told by someone my age who employs several people in their 20s and 30s that he doesn't want his employees to have to think; they rely strictly on what their computers/GPS's/whatever other machinery they have to tell them what the correct answer is, or how much money to hand someone in change, or whatever the case may be. He says less mistakes are made that way, and he doesn't want to be paying these people for the time it takes to think about it.

Here's my question to our Songfactors who are in that age group: Do you rely solely on modern technology to think for you when it comes to finding a place, doing your math (making change or counting the change you've been handed), etc.? Do you see any value in knowing how to do those things manually for any reason? And can you do it manually if technology should fail due to power failure, machine meld, whatever?

Anybody I hire must be able to communicate with people at all levels. you must be able to think on your feet and solve problems. If you aren't great at math...use a calculator. That's fine. In my world agents need to be able to run illustrations/quotes that are found on the internet (our own website). However, WIFI is still not in 100% of the world and there are many times an agent can't get on the internet. I've seen problems with the connectivity of every kind. If you are in front of a customer and your technology fails...you are screwed.

Maybe an even more important reason to actually use your head is that it slows down the onset of many mental issues of the elderly. I don't have all the stats and I know it isn't a cure but staying mentally active has been proven to help with early dementia, etc.

since this is a rock and roll site....let's read the lyrics to this song and imagine if it can ever happen:

In the year 2525If man is still alive If woman can survive They may find

In the year 3535 Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies Everything you think, do, and say Is in the pill you took today

In the year 4545 Ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes You won't find a thing chew Nobody's gonna look at you

In the year 5555 Your arms are hanging limp at your sides Your legs got not nothing to do Some machine is doing that for you

In the year 6565 Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too From the bottom of a long glass tube

In the year 7510 If God's a-comin' he ought to make it by then Maybe he'll look around himself and say Guess it's time for the Judgement day

In the year 8510 God is gonna shake his mighty head He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been Or tear it down and start again

In the year 9595 I'm kinda wondering if man is gonna be alive He's taken everything this old earth can give And he ain't put back nothing

Now it's been 10,000 years Man has cried a billion tears For what he never knew Now man's reign is through But through the eternal night The twinkling of starlight So very far away Maybe it's only yesterday

In the year 2525 If man is still alive If woman can survive They may find

In the year 3535 Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies Everything you think, do or say Is in the pill you took today ....(fading...)

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RonJon, you don't need stats to prove your theory about using your brain staving off mental capabilities in the elderly. I'll be your proof. My family has a history of alzheimers disease and with the several dozen concussions I've suffered during epileptic seizures my doctors have warned me that I will likely experience the onset of alzheimers sooner than normal. My best defense and greatest hope as prescribed by all doctors is to keep my mind busy. Especially memory related things. I realise I'm a slightly special case, but everyone will forget the things they make no effort to recall.

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Anybody I hire must be able to communicate with people at all levels. you must be able to think on your feet and solve problems. If you aren't great at math...use a calculator. That's fine. In my world agents need to be able to run illustrations/quotes that are found on the internet (our own website). However, WIFI is still not in 100% of the world and there are many times an agent can't get on the internet. I've seen problems with the connectivity of every kind. If you are in front of a customer and your technology fails...you are screwed.

Using great PR and convincing the customer face to face is slowly becoming a lost art with each generation.

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  • 2 months later...

I think the standard instructions are worth reviewing, Joe.

> Be sure package is not opened or damaged to assure sterility.

> During application, avoid touching the central wound pad.

> Apply the dressing to clean, dry skin, replace when necessary.

> Cover eye with pad.

> Hold in place with adhesive tape.

Hope you have a speedy recovery, Joe.

Here's lookin' at you, kid. :haveabeer:

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