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What sweetens your coffee today II

Henry David

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Diana and I do that sometimes at night listening to the "Standards" part of the music channel on cable. Even born in Brazil she knows so many of the old American standards and usually kills me. But 2 nights ago she thought Sinatra was doing a song and I correctly pegged Bobby Darin. Then followed that up with a correct Billie Holliday that she called Ella Fitsgerald. I was on fire! :elvis: :laughing:

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I had never gotten any kind of traffic ticket in my new hometown, so did not know what kind of justice I would get. Never, that is, until a week ago when I went into a store just briefly to buy something and did not have a blank on-the-street parking pass with me to put along the dashboard so it appears through the windshield (Curitiba doesn't employ parking meters.) The passes are necessary because the "Parakeetas" (local name given to the parking police here - derived from when they first used to wear very brightly colored clothing to help avoid being hit by cars - I call them "Ritas," see photo) are everywhere and will give you a fine ticket if the hour-per-parking-pass slip of paper, one fills out at the time of use, is not in place.


Well, when I got back to my car and pulled the ticket from under the wiper blade, I thought, "These people are fast!" and knew I couldn't afford this kind of useless fine. The parking pass is only 1 rias (equivalent to about .50 U.S.) and the fine is 100 rias, paid also to a parakeeta. So, a day or two later, I put money in my pocket and walked the streets looking for justice. I found the pictured "parakeeta" and handed her my ticket. She started to fill out a receipt form as I asked "How much?" "10 rias," she said. I thought that wasn't as bad as anticipated. After giving her the money, along with my receipt she also gave me a book of 10 parking passes! So that meant that basically the Curitiba city law says if one pays their parking ticket within a week, they are showing their good faith and honest inability to secure a parking pass at that time it was needed; and can, in effect, delay the process of securing the pass. If however one waits more than a week to admit their error, it will cost you 100 rias for your slothful attitude.

I walked away with no fine, a book of parking passes for the future and sugar in my coffee thinking, "Now, that was justice!"

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