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What grinds your gears then?

Henry David

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I had a wicked good sleep, so I got no deep thoughts for you. Just a suggestion: have you tried tweezers? If those fail you can get out your Swiss army knife (you know you have one or a similar type) and cut it out. It sounds bad but the impending infection is worse. You could also go see a doctor and have them cut it out if you don't mind seeing doctors. I don't like to go so I stitch myself up.

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Ray, the shard is in the bottom of my foot, and I am as limber as a coffee table. I did have my wife try with tweezers. The piece of glass went deep. I also soaked for about a 1/2 hour to see if I could get it out that way. No dice. I am off to the dr after work. Unless you have another suggestion, Captain Obvious!

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SF boards are taking an eternity to load and it only loads partially. :mad:

This just started a few days ago and I'm pissed! Why start now?

Before you ask I don't use any conventional web-browsers as I use my gaming system and it has it's own little "browser". I've tried clearing cookies, etc. (which usually works for that type of problem) but it does nothing. This sucks. :thumbsdown:

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Okay, so I kinda fixed SF load times by logging off and "cleaning" my system (I have to do it manually, no de-frag programs here) which is a pain but seems to have helped... except that FB is completely off-limits now! :doh:

This internet is a pain in the a$$... :mad:

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When you click on a page and it starts to load, all of the avatars on that page have to be downloaded from the site they come from.

Some are downloaded right from Songfacts (if they were uploaded here) and others have to be downloaded from the person's image hosting site (i.e. photobucket, etc.).

This can slow up load times.

Here's something you can try to speed up Songfacts loading time:

> My Fusion

> Control Panel

> Display Settings

In Display Settings, check the box that says, "Hide Avatars" and then click "Proceed" at the bottom of the page.

You won't see user avatars anymore, but you will see user names.

This way, the page won't have to load them and load times should be faster.

See if that helps any.

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Thanks Brad, but SF loads slowly when I open the main forum page, so no avatars are visible anyway. Also, when I was sharing dial-up connection with my neighbor I still had a fairly quick response time. I now have a wired DSL connection that I don't share with anyone and just recently SF started slowing down.

Just a thought: perhaps with Carl fixing his malware thingy the slow loads are just mild side-effect?

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Early this morning the boards were fine - just as I was about to post the Top Ten today beginning at approx 11:30am until 1:00pm they would not load at all ... I gave up. I also felt this was related to the recent issues. :P

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Freakin' Christians!!

Not just Christians, the born-again types who think that if you're not a born-again Christian too, you shouldn't have been born the first time.

I'm an atheist. I have never kept that from people who've asked me. If you know someone doesn't hold your religious views, why would you continually spam them with sh!t they have no interest in? It irritated the living hell out of me.

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I just ignore it... ever try that? I have some family that are very religious and like to thank God for everything. I just ignore it, sometimes I ask them if it may have been the ghost of Jim Morrison. :grin:

Still, hassle or not, I need it. :tongue:

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Oh, I never respond to statements like, "Thank God....etc." or "We need your prayers" or even, "Praise the Lord".

But, when they try to preach or force their opinions on me...I get pissed so I reply.

Same here. The only time I'd say anything was when they'd get super-preachy. What's funny, is being an atheist, if I had "preached" what I thought re: religion, they'd accuse me of not respecting their beliefs. Well, what do you think YOU'RE doing?

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