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Odd Crushes


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By the way, SJ... not saying I don't like tatt's at all, just not when the person's entire body is being held together by ink. Some people go overboard...

Rayzor I agree that some, men and women do have too many, I only have two and they both have sentimental meaning to them, so in years from now namahage I won't regret them in any way.

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That still leaves me stunned and shaking my head ... many N.American dudes now go for that type of look or something similar which 20 years ago would find them , rightfully , beatup and piss*ed on in some alleyway ... go figure . :stars:

"Mama's don't let yer babies grow up to work for Microsoft ... They're never at home , and they're always alone - just one more code to write of ... " :)

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that type of look or something similar which 20 years ago would find them , rightfully , beatup and piss*ed on in some alleyway ... go figure . :stars:

Kevin: I find your reactionary macho posturing quite vexing. Every day, young people get beaten up and "pissed on" (metaphorically, if not literally) for what offences? For "not fitting in", for being idiosyncratic, non-conformist, nerdy, bookish, effete, "emo", or just being the unfortunate kid who has to wear glasses.

Despite being 6ft tall and built like the proverbial brick sh!t-house, I'd side with the Asperger's geeks, weirdoes, arty-farties and homosexuals against you numskull baaseball-jocks any day. And we'd win.

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A lyrical interlude: for geeky outsiders everywhere...

Pulp - "Mis-Shapes"

Mis-shapes, mistakes, misfits.

Raised on a diet of broken biscuits, oh

We don't look at the same as you,

We don't do the things you do, but we live round here too. Oh,really...

Mis-shapes, mistakes,misfits,

We'd like to go to town but we can't risk it, oh 'cause they just want to keep us out.

You could end up with a smash in the mouth, just for standing out. Oh really...

Brothers, sisters, can't you see ?

The future's owned by you and me.

There won't be fighting in the street.

They think they've got us beat, but revenge is going to be so sweet.

We're making a move,

We're making it now,

We're coming out of the side-lines.

Just put your hands up: it's a raid! Yeah!

We want your homes,

We want your lives,

We want the things you won't allow us.

We won't use guns,

We won't use bombs,

We'll use the one thing we've got more of; that's our minds.

Check your lucky numbers: that much money could drag under, oh...

What's the point of being rich, if you can't think what do to with it, 'cause you're so bleeding thick?

All we weren't supposed to be; we learnt too much at school, now we can't help but see that the future that you've got mapped out is nothing much to shout about...

We're making a move, we're making it now, we're coming out of the side-lines.

Just put your hands up - it's a raid! yeah!

We want your homes,

We want your lives,

We want the things you won't allow us.

We won't use guns,

We won't use bombs,

We'll use the one thing we've got more of: that's our minds!

Brothers, sisters, can't you see ? The future's owned by you and me. There won't be fighting in the street. They think they've got us beat, but revenge is going to be so sweet.

We're making a move,

We're making it now,

We're coming out of the side-lines.

Just put your hands up: it's a raid! Yeah!

We want your homes,

We want your lives,

We want the things you won't allow us.

We won't use guns,

We won't use bombs,

We'll use the one thing we've got more of: that's our minds.

And that's our minds. Yeah.

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I dunno, kids... how do you all figure nerds were the ones beaten up in school? I used to get beat up by ANY other kid for 2 reasons: I didn't speak english very well and I refused to fight.

Nerds beat me up too. That's how they tried "fitting in" with the popular kids. I used to see every kid in the same light: idiots who couldn't understand that everyone is different.

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