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FIFA World Cup 2006


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'54, '74, '90, 2006

Ja so stimmen wir alle ein,

mit dem Herz in der Hand

und der Leidenschaft im Bein,

werden wir WELTMEISTER sein

Beim ersten mal wars ein Wunder,

beim zweiten mal wars Glück,

beim dritten mal der verdiente Lohn

und diesmal wirds ne Sensation...

okay enough singing... :)

as you can tell, I'm rather happy right now :grin:

Germany won 5:3 after Penalty Shooting :rockon:

with Jens Lehmann, our goalie, who held two (2) Penalties!!!

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Sometimes luck is all you need (espacially in penaltys), but we also played very good, imo :)

I don't know what you said about Maradona, but did you notice, that this was the first time he wasn't in the stadium when Argentina played??? I wonder why :confused:

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It´s true... I didn´t see nor hear him at all... Anyways, Maradona is just good for soccer... :laughing:

I posted some lines of a song called "Maradona" that I like a lot, by Andres Calamaro, a very good Argentinian rocker. I cannot translate it now but it says that Maradona is not a normal person, it´s man stuck to a leather ball, he´s a warrior, etc...

Congrats again, my German friend :bow: :bow: und gutte nacht!!! (or happy celebration... :) )

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But you have to keep in mindthe morale, which is very important in close matches.

Germany just won a very hard match. Now we have the feeling, that they can and will beat anyone.

Italy had a relativly easy opponent with the Ukraine, you can believe me, that they won't play the same against Germany.

Then there is the gigantic scandal in Italy (have you heard of it?) it is a certain possibility that more than half of the players could loose their jobs.

The match is in Dortmund, which is the stadium where the german fanbase was invented (remember the game against Poland). And Germany never lost in that stadium before.

Is it going to get tough? Of course it is! It's the Semi finals in the World Cup. There aren't any easy games anymore. But I'm convinced that our team have the ability to beat Italy and will do asnything necessary to acchieve their goal.


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Congratulations, Farin... that was a good match. Argentina let its guard down after its first goal. I'm going to be a wet blanket and say right out that I miss the Argentinians!! :( :( And I did notice Maradona wasn't in the stands.

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Congratulations to France, who just beat a totally uninspired Brazilian squad that jogged around in "warm-up" mode until the final 3 minutes of the game, when they seemed to realize they were playing an actual game that counted.

It will be fun to watch how this all works out since Italy is no longer in the mix. Hope your team wins. Neither of mine did, but at least I was emotionally involved in THIS World Cup and feel I have a new sport to add to my collection of those I follow.

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Congrats to France and Portugal!

Look like the Cup will stay in Mainland Europe... ;)

It will be fun to watch how this all works out since Italy is no longer in the mix

I'll suggest you look at the past results once again. Italy will play against Germany in hte semi-finals on tuesday... :shades:

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