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Strange, Weird and Wacky!

Sweet Jane 61

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The belief part is because they fear public schools in Germany could teach an "anti-christian worldview".

The homeschooling part being illegal probably developed historically to protect children, so that their parents couldn't claim to homeschool them when they were actually forced to work. (Also we never had the problems of children living 12 hours on horseback from the next school ;) )

That court decision now is probably because of a mixture of the above two reasons :P

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I home schooled my daughter for almost two years. Good thing I did to other wise she would be illiterate.

I didn't isolate her tho and she had a lot of friends. She had elective classes at the School and played sports.

When I put her back in public school, when she was in 7th grade they tested her and her test scores were 2 levels or more above her grade.

She flunked out of High School and dropped out the minute she turned 18. we took her car away because of she did that.

She promised us she would get her GED by the time she was 20 and she did. She didn't even have to take classes to get it. She just went in and took the tests. She told us, our home-schooling is the reason she did so well. She is quite bright.

Some people home school for different reasons. I did it because our school system sucks that bad. I can't believe it would be outlawed in any country :o

And if your wondering how she did so well when it's pretty obvious my spelling and grammar is nothing to brag about, I had her in a program called Abekka. It's most likely the best home schooling program out there.

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At the Alice in Chains concert I was at last night, which was in an indoor arena, somebody had the gusto to hit a bong. Everyone could smell it and even the lead singer made a comment about it in a joking matter. I don't know if they were ever caught by security, but I guess people just don't have proper senses anymore. (not that they have ever since Woodstock anyways)

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